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Everything posted by chris817

  1. If it sticks to the cartoon it should be awesome. I use to watch all the time back in college. That was when MTV was actually watchable
  2. I want to check it out. Should be interesting See good night and good luck very good movie
  3. and she is a major pot head. cool article about her in this months Rolling stone
  4. VC usually comes on around 5am and plays until 3-330 if like last couple of parties
  5. drink gatorade you will feel better in an hour
  6. B/c he was just wagging the dog. I don't rememeber hearing too many neo cons supporting that decision
  7. Umm that's what closed down Twilo; When bloomberg gets elected again he will end all afterhours at major clubs on the west side.
  8. This will be the norm when bloomberg gets elected again. The final good bye to anything fun in NYC
  9. make fun of him all you want, but that mutha fer is set for life
  10. Civil Suit Goes To Court: A Scorned Lover, Glue And A Naked Man POSTED: 5:43 pm EST November 2, 2005 UPDATED: 6:21 pm EST November 2, 2005 Email This Story | Print This Story WESTMORELAND COUNTY, Pa. -- Gail O'Toole was convicted of simple assault and sentenced to six months probation for acts she committed against her ex-lover. On Wednesday, the civil suit went to court, where O'Toole's ex-boyfriend claimed her "outrageous" and "inhumane" acts are worth thousands in damages. Ken Slaby said he was in love with O'Toole five years ago. He even admitted he was devastated when O'Toole broke it off. So, when O'Toole invited him over to her Murrysville home to rekindle a friendship, he said he agreed. Slaby said O'Toole even went to his house in Pittsburgh to pick him up. But according to Slaby, the night took a turn when O'Toole got angry about Slaby's new love. Slaby said O'Toole waited until he fell asleep and glued his penis to his stomach, glued his testicle to his leg and glued the cheeks of his buttocks together. Then came the nail polish. Slaby claimed O'Toole dumped it all over his head. When he woke up, Slaby said O'Toole threw him out. He didn't have a car, so he was forced to walk one mile down Route 22 to call 911 and Murrysville police, Slaby said. When asked if in his 23 years as a police officer he had seen anything like this, Patrolman Joseph Malone of the Murrysville Police Department said, "No, I can't say I have." At the hospital, oils did little to remove the glue. Nurses actually had to peel it off. Slaby underwent treatment from a dermatologist several times afterward. O'Toole's attorney said this was part of routine sexual activity between the couple -- acts that he agreed to -- incidents that should have stayed in the bedroom. But Slaby said O'Toole told him she planned the acts since the break up. According to Slaby, O'Toole came up with script and followed it to the letter because she was angry that he had moved on. Slaby said his injuries included severe burning on parts of his body, impingement of normal bodily functions and discoloration of his hair. The 10 men and two women on the jury can award Slaby $30,000 or more. Their decision is expected late on Thursday. Copyright 2005 by ThePittsburghChannel. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
  11. Crash you have to see this movie one of the best films i have ever seen
  12. That was a great little place. use to go there for my friend maytals parties with ori
  13. Let me tell you this was the poorest example of how to run a night club i have ever scene. I got there around 2 and waited in a short line, from walking in the door to checking my coat took an hour. There was no direction just masses of people. Got inside place was packed, not a lot of girls even for juniors usual crowd. Music was good, then all or a sudden at 5:15 am, or with the clocks going back 4:15; you hear thriller. I'm thinking this is weird to be playing now, the party is either just getting started or ending. Well it ended. The lights come on and everyone is just standing there f' up. Thank God i did not take anything. After the shock of realizing the party was over, there is a mad rush to coat check. Anyone with brains in there head or sober just hung back at the dance floor. After about 45 mins security starts telling us we need to get out, there is still a mess of f'd up guys pushing and shoving to get there coats. It was just chaos Finnally we get our coats and get out of the club I think this was all Roxy, they never told anyone that the club was closing at 4am, btu they took the 40 bucks. They really should not just turn the lights on and be like ok now leave, especially in the winter with coat check I would still check out junior jsut not at the roxy
  14. His point is that brazil has a very high aids rate.
  15. Don't you have to know how to act in order to win an oscar?
  16. In the beg of snatch when brad pitt knocks out georgous george. The song golden brown comes on and you see a shot of him laying on the ground, and the pikyes screamming at tommy
  17. you have not lived until you have experienced a brazilian girl
  18. I've found my last 2 apts from cl, look in the beg of the months thats when the listings come out
  19. he gave them a raise, but they lost a lot of the main issues they wanted fixed
  20. Yeah i'm sick of the cops writing tickets for every little infraction. I don't like the fact he is making us pay to park on sundays. He has done nothing for teachers or fireman lately. Starting salary for cops is now below 25k He has done nothing about ground zero, all he cared about was that west side stadium. I'm afraid of what he might do when reelected. He wants to close bars around 2am he has basically turned NYC into disney land I just don't like him
  21. The internet is full of whores who make a lot of money from dumb ass guys to look at tits Good for her; she used what she has and got paid can't fault anyone for that
  22. Anyone know of a nice chill lounge to go after a date?? pref by village or murray hill, for some reason i'm braindead today and can't think
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