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Everything posted by guinevere

  1. guinevere


    It's such a false cliche that girls care about money. Seriously, if being broke is what's kept you from seeing people for five years.... It doesn't cost anything to have fun with someone. I mean, clubs cost money and going out to dinner and stuff, but none of that should be necessary to getting a girl. Like, I'd soooo much rather chill with my guy in front of the TV and just talk to him and spend the night with him than have him take me out to a phat dinner in some stupid restaurant and play games. And if she is so concerned about your financial status that she won't date you, that's BS. Money shouldn't matter.
  2. guinevere

    Tell the truth

    I'd tell my guy, but I'd be really really worried about what he thought of me afterwards. He was #X, and since I met him there's also been some new numbers. And he most certainly wasn't #1. I just don't want him to think I'm too dirty. NEXT QUESTION: How many is too many for a girl you're dating???
  3. guinevere


    I had a very interesting experience with a few co-workers like two weeks ago. We were all blowing snow and playing blackjack and then playing strip blackjack and then.... It does make the work day so much more dramatic afterwards.
  4. It's about 50% for me. Awful, I know. I'm working on it, though!! Getting much better. In all honesty, though, I can't believe how unconcerned most of the guys I meet are. Um, hello, do I really look SOOOO young n' innocent to you? And are you really so apathetic as to let ME bear your children? I wonder if I can even have kids, considering the number of times I've been unprotected. Not that I ever planned on em, but still. Or maybe I'm just really really lucky? Tomorrow's agenda: get appointment for the shot!!!!!! Grrrrr, I always give out TOO MUCH information to people!!!!!!! My apologies.
  5. I think he's just Superman. :D
  6. Just wanted to share my happiness: So my guy and I are having fun last night, etc. etc. and he finishes and whips off the condom. I'm a little disappointed, I had expected more from him. OK. So the condom gets thrown off, he's on his knees, and he says, "Hold that thought..." Gets out a new condom and proceeds to do it all again. There was maybe a two second lapse between fuks there... I've never met a guy before who could do that! I'm all today. Awesome, right? Just had to share.....
  7. ...and he pulls you up to fuck you instead, is it cause he doesn't like what you're doing? Because I know that when a guy goes down on me and nothing's gonna happen from it, I always pull him up and say Fuck me. Does the same pertain to the guy? Or do some guys just prefer sex? Oh dear, I hope I'm not doing anything wrong!!
  8. Just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't get cum in her eyes. That shit STINGS!!! Seriously, it was so bad I couldn't even wear my contacts the next day. Plus it made my mascara run, which sux for the guy, because how pretty am I with black eyes?? Mmmm, I want my guy to talk dirty to me. He's always "Do you like that? Huh?" Yessssssss, but I want MORE. All over me.
  9. I like to give head. Suck cock. WHatever. It's fun for me, he he h e he. I just hate it when guys taste gross, and I hate being ungraceful when I do it. Seriously, I can't imagine a head bobbing up and down at eighty miles an hour is very pretty, nor hands jerking as fast as they can. I wish guys could get off from slow and sensuous movements. I think I sound stupid. But I have taken a vow if honesty. Whatever. I like blow jobs.
  10. I was told by my friends that it was an Omega. They all took 'em too and rolled hard. Hmmmm. I was with three guys I don't know especially well. Could it have been something else? I think it was E because it gave me the anxiousness I've always felt, kept me awake, and I had no appetite for two days...classic E. I never rolled, tho. STRANGE....... We'll try again this weekend, though, and get GOOD results, I'm sure!!!!!
  11. I dropped with some friends last week. OK. I hadn't done anything for about a week and a half, been ppretty well-behaved this summer. SO we're out, I have a couple mojitos and a margarita, then later, maybe two hours, we drop. Nothing at all. An hour goes by, I'm feelin very clean, then I start to sweat a little. My stomach hurts a little. I need to lay down bad, so I get up and collapse. I'm outside, so I'm on the sidewalk flat on my back for like two minutes. I get dragged up and sat on a stoop, then five minutes later, I'm good, no effect anymore. WTF? It was like it all hit me at once. Can anyone relate? This is has the first time anything like this has ever happened. Any help??
  12. I'm from a shittly little town in a shitty little state in the West, but it was die or come to the city. I'd never heard an y sort of music cept country and hard rock till last year, so my girls took me out. Twilo. Digweed. January. I went to Heaven that night, and haven't come back since.
  13. Right?!?! TELL ME! I'd hate to miss my first opportunity to see Oakie (sob sob). If anyone does know anything, it would be, of course, just simple common courtesy to share with the ignorant....
  14. I love to put things up my nose. It's so fun! My threshold is a needle. I hope my curiosity never lets me overcome my lil bit of moral strength. It just sucks when you can rationalize ANYTHING!!! Until that day, sniffing stuff is such good entertainment. Mmmm...cocaine.... I sound so bad! I'm like an A student at college with actual dreams and ambitions, and listen to me!!!! WHAT'S HAPPENED?
  15. LOL Great responses. But crackwhore? I said I want more, not need more. DIFFERENCE! And I can control myself. I'll wait till Saturday. Heh he heh. I just like it. Hmmm. Not like I'm the ONLY one.......
  16. I can't help but feel that in the case of Mugwump, YES, cloning him was a bad idea. Sorry.
  18. He he he... After a wonderful Sunday night I was with my current *toy* driving back to the city and had been advised by his friend to give him some road head. But after the festivities of the night, and my jaw is STILL killing me, I decided not to. THANK GOD!!!!!!!!
  19. Last February everyone had just discovered that you could plug pills and eveyone was like EWWWWWW! Now everyone's doing it. (not me, yet.) Strange......
  20. Coke relaxes you? Damn. My jaw is killing me and my throat is so sore from jabbering. Plus I'm quite sleep deprived.... Has anyone ever mixed the two? I love both but have never tried them together, and then someone brought it up, and now I'm all CURIOUS. Hmmmmmmmm.
  21. E. It makes you happy and contented but keeps you conscious of the world. K really fucks you up. Although...K is quick and doesn't wipe you out afterward, and E makes you so tired the next week. I don't know. I have no favorites cause I love EVERYTHING!!!!
  22. fucking Tuesday. I'm so wiped out, and it's not even two yet. Somebody kill me quick. I can't work till five. I feel like shit for most of every week after an amazing weekend, but it's so worth it. And it's not as though work is in any way related to my happiness, right? Not like that weekend fun is. I just wish I could sleep.......
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