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Everything posted by guinevere

  1. I'd be someone's slave. French maid, maybe? Satisfy his every need....
  2. guinevere

    2 Questions

    Saying you have a "good size" means you aren't so big you hurt her. From my own experiences, anyways. It's not a compliment by any means, but it's not an insult. It's just...what it is.
  3. I prefer to just keep getting hotter and hotter.
  4. Mr. Method is evidently quite an experienced man. I'm not surprised, just... impressed.
  5. guinevere

    I like SPeed

    I think like half the E I've taken in the city has been laced with meth. Alright with me, I kinda love the stuff. It is somewhat white trash because it's cheap to make, but it's still fun, of course. Don't do TOO much, though, because a chemical in it makes your teeth fall out.
  6. Gambit, you're Art, right? I forgot the screenname, but I think it's you. Yeah, I still have your bottle of stuff, so I'll try to come, but it means skipping class, which means...oh, fuck it. You do mean 4/24,though, right, not 4/22? Anyways, let me know. -KC
  7. I think you're kind of speaking for most of us. Well said, though.
  8. BLOW baby! Ah, what I would give to smoke a little Johnny Depp...or the candy he was selling.
  9. Walk of Shame, yeah. But there's worse, like when it's seven am and you're in a very expensive hotel and you get in an elevator full of rich, snotty old women who glare at your wack hair and smeary eyeliner and wrinkled skirt and permanent GRIN and sore legs and you know they know what you just did..... Ahhhh, that was fun.......
  10. I'm right by the dude who posted above me. 60th and tenth. It's kinda lonely up here. I wanna go downtown. No offense, SmileNYC. I just like hipsters and rockers more than old Jewish men. Um, no offense, all of you old Jewish men....
  11. My hometown is really close to where Burning Man is held (fucking sticks!). To the guy who's in Vegas at thst time: it's actually like eleven hours of driving from Vegas. I never knew it was full of people "like us," I always thought it was for crazy old dudes and their hippy girls. Whatever, I've always wanted to go!! IS anyone on this board going? I'd be interested in talking with you....
  12. Fuck em. Go find a new job. There's always better out there.
  13. I just bought the PM one at Virgin. It's fuckin amazing! OK, so then I'm all thinking I wanna see him and wondering when he's coming to NYC, and yay! He'll be here on Thursday, but the stupid guy is spinning at Tunnel. So I love his music, but that club SUCKS, and on a Thursday? Especially since PvD is here on Friday and I should be trying to save money, right? Oh, what to DO? But for all your info, his CD is good. Especially track ten, I think, called Free. Very nice. Good for the treadmill.
  14. To Triumph and anyone else interested, it's called Beach Bum Tanning and I'm quite the advocate. First, it's nice enough, clean, whatever. Second, they offer a discount for college students (!!!!!!), two tans for twenty bucks,which is the cheapest I can find on the island. The guy there is kinda wierd, but whatever, just don't talk to him. DO mention the discount to him, however, because he won't tell you about it.
  15. I hate when clubs are empty. The last three weeks everywhere has been to lonely for me, maybe because of Sprign Break and Florida and everyone traveling? Twilo on Nick Warren's night was too empty at like five, so I got sad and came home. And Exit last night at fucking two am was too empty. I like PEOPLE!
  16. My mofo ID didn't work (thanks, Paris!) so I couldn't go. *SOBS, SOBS* Anyways, I wanna know how it went!! Surely it wasn't just another spectacular Saturday at Factory....
  17. guinevere

    As of Today..

    He he. I though the name was NY-Chunk, not NYC-Hunk. Sorry, just chuckling. He he.
  18. I'm so sad. Thirty bucks to watch fat girls try to burn off their asses. Never go there again! Yeah, I know, I'm starting a fire with this post, but FUCK! I'm so sad to be home so early. To those I've offended: fuck off.
  19. Who wants to live forever anyway? Quality over quantity, ALWAYS.
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