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Everything posted by guinevere

  1. It's this Saturday, right? Anyone else going?
  2. You find someone who is totally into the same *stuff* as you and you don't have to talk about it, you just discover it in each other, and then it's so much fucking FUN! And when you spend a whole fucking weekend (weekend fucking, he he he) with him and he happens to be very lucky in one specific way. :D :D :D :D HAPPY!
  3. I'm so totally into YES right now. YES, YES, oh god YES! So I vote yes. Funny word. Yes. Mmmm, I think I did too much last night. I just kept saying yes.....
  4. Ephedrine with LOTS of caffeine when you have to sit still behind a desk for eight hours. AHHHHHH! And then my Napster's playing Oakie and I just can't get my work done....
  5. I wanted to go really bad this year. I thought about all the ways I could make it happen, but I think (sob sob) it'll have to wait. I love that area, though. I'm from really close to there and kinda sick of the city now, so it' be a nice change, but oh well. You'll meet amazing people. Have fun! And post afterwards so we know how it went.
  6. I didn't know Danny wasn't spinning until I got there, but my friends wanted to stay, so.... Was it wierd, or was it just me? It seemed like the usual happy vibe that I love was GONE and all the people were misplaced bar people rolling for the first time. I think the scene has changed so much in the last two months. But maybe it's just me?
  7. I had champagne.... It was my roommate's birthday, so we went out. I think maybe I spent too much, though, considering lunch could have bought groceries for two weeks. Ah well, it was fun. And now I have a nice little buzz here at work....
  8. I have a Domenican friend named JP. Hmm, not what you're looking for, right? My bad. Just that every time I hear his name I get all excited for SF.
  9. Keystone Light, baby! Ha ha, just kidding. Although it does get you pretty drunk, if you drink enough. I guess all beer does.
  10. The same goes for House as for anything else I like: THE HARDER THE BETTER.
  11. my roommate promotes for the skyline cruises she has passes she can sell you for real cheap...you get a three hour cruise, two free drinks....free food.....there's a dance floor on the top level with a live DJ....lots of fun!
  12. So freakin sad. A tragedy, really. Somebody should throw a memorial service, Twilo-style. *sobs*
  13. I'm a perfect 1!!! I suck. Happily, too. Sometimes I can groove, it just depends on the music, the space on the floor, and other various *enhancements.* But I love it anyways, even if I do embarrass myself nightly.
  14. ...that kissing doesn't qualify as foreplay. Seriously!
  15. Girls love it too. Problem is finding someone who wants to bruise his pretty little toy. But I like to bite, too.
  16. 16 to pink floyd in my parents' bed with a guy who never even graduated high school. Oh, but he was so cute....
  17. He he, mine did. But I never forgot Ken.... Oh, to have that childish innocense again...
  18. Sound Factory Saturdays. My favorite party, too! It's fun.
  19. Hillbilly White..... very British. But I've been told I look Puerto Rican and Russian. Um...?????
  20. Tuesday night, in the middle of a park. I hope no one saw....
  21. Not Factory.... Don't take my Factory away. Vinyl just isn't enough for my weekends, I need Factory!
  22. It's fucking seven am and I'm all awake and happy. I hate this. I should still be sleeping, but I woke up at six and can't turn off my DJ Taucher CD. Grrrr...and I was out way late last night, too. Hmmm, no one else suffers a similar problem, right? I'm weird. Maybe.
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