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Everything posted by guinevere

  1. I can try, though y'all might disagree. I was at a club, no names, chillin' in the VIP lounge and these two girls, obviously twin sisters, they looked exactly identical, came over and sat next to me on the ottoman. OK, whatever. Then this really cute guy came and sat kinda behind them. He grabs them around their waists and they, the two sisters, start kissing, like, really kissing. Then the guy pulls 'em over and joins in. I was embarrassed, but it was fun to watch. I kinda hope they weren't really sisters....
  2. Mustang please. I like to ride wild animals...but nothing in the world is hotter than a bright red fast convertible, no matter what kind. Cars are so fun! Someday....
  3. I've been experimenting a bit and haven't had any bad rolls on both. In fact, they were the best rolls ever.... But do be careful.
  4. guinevere


    I once slept with a guy I didn't know simply because he bit me on my neck. I love it! But it seems like most guys are too scared of hurting me to do it, even though I go positively crazy. I find this VERY disappointing....
  5. Are you charging? I desperately want to be a rock star, but I have to play something first, right? I'm kidding...half way.
  6. Anyone else understand?
  7. I once knew a guy who bit. Ah, how that was Heaven. It took my neck a week to heal, but God! If only I could find a guy who was a little less gentle with me....
  8. guinevere

    Bad habit

    Has anyone met someone in a club and slept with him (or her, I guess) later that day? Even if he's REALLY REALLY cute? Just trying to rationalize some weekend behavior...
  9. He has to be hungry. Not in his sotmach, but in his head, like he'll never be happy not knowing.... He has to love to travel and try stuff,e ven if it's "dangerous." I like curiosity more than anything else. Otherwise, he seems too boring.
  10. I love to dance all night. My friends hate it and have to go home at five or six, which sucks, of course. But I think if I had the opportunity, I'd dance for days and days. Too bad I can't go to Florida this year. Hmm, is there any place on Earth where people love to dance more than anything else? Not even New York has enough for me.
  11. The only thing I get sick of is my lazy-ass friends who never want to go out. They like "lounges," the weenies. Thanks, but I prefer dancing for nine hours straight. Sniff sniff. I'd go out every night if I could. Too much energy.
  12. I love clubbing with or without chemical enhancement. However, it's so FUN to add to the night with some candy.... E is my favorite, always........ And I highly recommend trying it if you never have. It's not bad; I truly believe drugs aren't BAD, it's just the abuse of them that is. Your body is resilient and you're young and you'll find something new and exciting and way fun (our language needs more adjectives). I've never had anything bad happen because of E, unlike alcohol. And my memory and spinal fluids are still intact, too. Yum yum yum... Friday........
  13. I really shouldn't have shared that. At least no one knows me.... Sorry, folks.
  14. I had the worst experience recently with a similar situation, but, how embarrassing, it was me who drank too much. Yuch, I hate alcohol. When my "date" took me to the bathroom to clean me up, he took off my pants instead of my dirty shirt and tried to, ummm... But I finally (!) realized what was happening and made him let me go. I can't believe I'm writing this. It was so awful! I'm never drinking again, I swear. What a creepy guy, though! My cheeks are bright red right now.
  15. I got high a couple days ago and I swear I saw the future. The music was a BIG part of it, like it's going to go mainstream (sniff sniff) and everyone's going to love it and find it very spiritual, like we (I?) do. Was my grass laced with crack or does anyone else agree with me?
  16. My favorite for a Friday nigh tis Twilo because people are there to DANCE. I mean, there's the whole hook-up and drug scene and all, but the music is probably the best in the city and the vibe is so happy! Twilo was the first club I ever went to and it's still my favorite. Take your friend on a good weekend, like when Sven Vath or Nick Warren comes (depending on his birthdate, of course). Check their website for dates.
  17. Are they all gay? Seriously, it kinda sucks for a girl who happens to find spinning very sexy....
  18. No, not supporting a drug habit, but clubbing in general. It's expensive, right, so therefore an adequate job is necessary. I'd like to work in a club, but how do I go about getting a job there? Just schmooze a lot with other employees or go during the day and ask for the manager?
  19. Hello! Twilo is the best on Fridays. Hands DOWN. Yeah, Saturdays it turns to Fairieland, but Fridays are thoroughly unbeatable.
  20. Neo, enjoy it. You can only be young and irresponsible for a few years of your life, so exploit it while you can. Drugs aren't bad. It's the abuse of drugs that's bad, and that only depends on your moral stance. I say, do what's good now, because who knows? Pay later. And God, I wish I had some E for tonight! In the snow...how fun! [This message has been edited by guinevere (edited 03-04-2001).]
  21. I totally understand all this. But first, and in all seriousness, avoid Idaho. I'm from Oregon, and there's no one there, trust me, that's why I'm here. Besides, all anyone there listens to is country and hard rock, no PvD or Nick Warren. Hell, they haven't even heard of Trance! And about hooking up in clubs, I'm so totally frustrated,too. Though I try to hook up with guys, as I myself am a girl.... but lately I guess I've kinda given up a bit and started to go out for the music and the dancing, not the people, and it seems to be more fun. Cher said, "Men are luxuries, not necessities," and I think it must apply to a guy's perspective, too. Also, you're a special dude, you know. All the guys I've met in a club only want sex, not a relationship, so I'm suprised to read your message. I'd be very happy to meet a guy who wanted to know me, not just what my thong looks like. Or whatever.
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