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Everything posted by guinevere

  1. Dumbass... OF COURSE!! Go to a club with amazing music and just DANCE. I've had to go sober several times due to 6 am shifts at work on Saturdays and SUndays. Some of the times I've had like these were the best because I could dance and dance and not have to sit and roll. I like to go sober. Course, I also love to go UNsober, he he. It's possible, you just have to let it happen. Some of the worst times I've had out involved an endless and unsuccessful search for drugs. Those nights depress me. It's better to just be sober and let yourself have fun than need to find something else.
  2. Gluttony and sloth. Ha ha, it's amazing I'm not morbidly obese. I have a diet to recommend. It's called the Ben and Jerry's diet. You eat nothing but really wonderful ice cream and sleep all the time. I lost ten pounds! Sadly, I'm dead serious. Or maybe it was just that that's all I did all day...and then danced all night and took a certain "appetite suppressant" all summer. Mmmmm. I'm over my Lust phase. Found a guy I really really like, no more stupid mistakes!! Just good sex. No envy. I say Fuck You to all the people who flaunt their money ( and the clubs that harbor them. Ahem, Chaos and Float...) Pride? Perhaps. No ambition + no greed. And Wrath can suck my dick-if I had one. Love, baby, love, not hate! I'm happy today.
  3. I think the anthrax shit is probably being spread by fat, bored white guys with big beer guts who are sick of shooting their rifles at empty cans. Seriously. Now, I might very well be wrong, and probably am, but I think it's an oportunistic thing meant simply to scare more people. It's not international terrorism. Just more bull shit.
  4. I never even notice. Seriously, I've been with both and couldn't care less. As long as it's big enough. That's my only issue with dicks.
  5. Younger than I look, older than I feel.... Eighteen years old till January. Sucks sometimes, like when Deep Dish spins at Centro and I can't friggin go! Hate that. But then, I do have forever and forever and forever to get fucked up and hear amazing music and meet neat people. So I can be young for a while.... I'm a sophomore trying to decide WTF to major in. Who ever decides? And I only have until the end of this year to make up my mind. I'm scared.
  6. I had the best time last Saturday when I heard Junior spin for the first time. I loved the club, I LOVED the music, and I loved the people, all of them. Reading this post makes me feel really:( . Isn 't our clubbing thing supposed to be all ecstacy-induced love and acceptance? There's so much bitterness given out at the slightest prompt. Too bad I'm a girl, I guess. Now I can't even be accepted doing my favorite thing, clubbing, because I'm not the right type of GUY. If Junior ever tries to kick my shakin ass off the dancefloor, I'll...I'll...raise Hell? Be rolling my ass off and not be able to comprehend why someone would be so pissy as to hate girls for being girls and not gay guys.
  7. One guy once went soft halfway through. Oops. I wondered if it was me, but I've decided it wasn't. Mad embarrassing, though, for both of us. **I hope these boards are as anonymous as I seem to think they are**
  8. It's on 54th between 8th and nineth, right by Studio 54. I stumbled in on it one night. It's a cool bar, I loved the waterfall, but the downstairs club part sucked. Mainstream music and mainstream people. But there's no cover!!!!!!!!
  9. I might just take you gentlemen up on that offer, see if you're just words or you really know what's what. Now then. I hope to god I've never fucked a total idiot. My guys all tend to be pretty much like you, twenty something clubbers with lengthy pasts. I've never fucked a virgin. Maybe they do know all about sex but just choose not to display their knowledge. Who knows. I kinda think Mr. Dick might be in to something, though. Perhaps I've just been fucking machines?? Who knows. At least I have porn and my dreams to keep me happy.....
  10. For ragga... Before I begin, my disclaimer: The information given below is from my own experience and current knowledge. If anyone knows or feels differently, please post. OK then. BOYS, pay attention. It's all in a magic little place called the CLIT. Say it out lout: CLIT. I don't care what you do, how hard you fuck or suck, if you're ignoring the clit, you're not going to make her orgasm. So pet it and make it feel special, very very special. And be gentle, very gentle. If you're too ruff, it only hurts. With me, when it comes to my clit, the softer the better. It's exremely sensitive, so too much pressure is distracting, if not painful. I recommend delicate little strokes with your tongue or fingers, repetitive and fairly quick. Now, once you've got that down, we migrate further south. Next is the g-spot. This is located about and inch or two in her vagina on the front wall. You have to use more pressure to hit this right. I rocommend two fingers, one is never enough, and curl them up in what someone else once called a "come hither" position and move them back and forth. Make sense? Try it out, though I know you already are. When properly stimulated, the g-spot makes a girl feel like she's gonna pee. She won't. I love it when a guy knows about the g-spot, though I've only met about two who ever did. If you fuck her from behind you will also stimulate her g-spot with your dick. This is why I love doggie. Those are the two main spots, guys. See, we're not so complicated. Hmmmm, what else? Be gentle with her boobs. I hate bruises but seem to be walking around with them after every sex session. Actually, now that I think about it, I love bruises.... When you go down on her, ideally you will be sucking her clit whith two fingers inside her and doing whatever else you can with your other hand. I personally have developed quite a taste for anal stuff, but this varies greatly (of course) with the individual. Ladies, help me out here. What else? what else? :D :D
  11. In all my sex life I've only had one guy make me orgasm. He was literally twice my age, and we never even had *sex.* It was all oral, and very very good. Since then, there have been numerous other opportunities to orgasm, but no one has been able to replicate what that man did to me. *Sob, sob, sob.........* And it's not like the guys I do are so ignorant. They're all just about average. It's amazing how few guys know how to find a clit, or even have heard of the g-spot. So yes, I do fake and will probably continue to fake. Although most of the time I don't even bother. I'm going to do a post on female anatomy, although lots of people do like every week. Someone needs to hammer it into guys' heads!!!!!!!!!
  12. guinevere

    Ass Play

    Ehem... DOUBLE STANDARDS! Every guy's ultimate fantasy is two girls, a littlt lesbian action, etc. etc. and yet I have never met a guy who would try ANYTHING that might be remotely associated with "homosexuality," unless he was an admitted gay. Now, I'm not a lesbian and hardly even bi (I love nothing more than a big fat dick), but I'm so not scared to TRY things. I guess it's better for the girls because we have the freedom to experiment and try things without feeling bad about ourselves, but SHEESH. A GIRL would be doing these things to you, not another GUY...how is that homo? I guess we all have our limits, though. Personally, though, I do find bisexual guys Very Sexy, or at least adventurous guys who aren't put off by stupid social standards. Not attacking you, no drama intended, just curious why guys are so sensitive to the homo thing.
  13. guinevere

    Ass Play

    IMO, you've gotta be able to reciprocate. Now, it ain't like I'm too excited to go sticking my hands up someone's ass, but if he's gonna do it to me, it seems like he should let me do it to him, ya know? Regardless, a lot of times I've tried and he'll push my hand away. I think it's a homophobia thing, like no matter if they like what they're feeling, they can't let anyone think they like to have their ass played with. I want to hear a guy's side of the story.
  14. guinevere

    Nasty behavior

    I don't know if I should say Ewwwww to this or just be acceptant and tolerant. This guy I was doing whatever with pulled his finger out of my ass and sucked it off. Gross, right? How liberal should I be?
  15. Overrated. Plus it's not a lounge, it's a restaurant. There'a a bar and a little place to sit, but it's not really a lounge at all. It's too money, too. I hate that.
  16. Seriously. I would have thought coke, but I don't think it'd be enough. Heroin? Mad mad heroin? I think someone should slip some E in his drink so he can be happy, too, and peaceful and understanding. What's what?
  17. I feel so bad! Last night I was in this wonderful K-hole, mad fucked up so that I couldn't move, and this guy came over and started talking to me. So I tell him I want a pill and he throws one in my mouth and I chill with him for a while, but then my freinds get up and I go too and the guy who gave me the pill and his crew were like following me around. I was too fucked up to be social and I just wanted my friends, anyways, so I was really really rude and just blew him off. I just feel bad because I know that pill cost him money and I should've been more decent. I give girls a bad name. :(
  18. I got to Exit at around 2:30, the line was mad long and not moving, but I went with a darling little faerie and we got pulled out, NICE. They didn't check my ID, I just walked in, paid my $30, and went upstairs. They were searching all the girls and I guess all the straight guys, because my guy got pulled out of that line too and sent through another door and they never searched him. OK. I used to HATE Exit, I never ever went, but I think it may become my new Saturday night home. I liked the crowd, there were good vibes everywhere and everyone was beautiful. The club is, too, except for the fucking stairs. And they're not even lit! Advice: don't try to go up or down them when in a K-hole. Anyways, I LOVED the lights, very very beautiful and colorful, and the music was possibly the best I've ever heard, seriously. It was my first time ever hearing Junior, and I loved the hard house beats with the vocals over it. I think I may even like him more than JP....
  19. Ewwwww..... Not my thing. Is anyone into this?? Sorry, but I'd rather have a guy (or a girl, I suppose) suck my **** than my big toe. Am I the only one??
  20. I kinda prolly spend a little too much time here. It's addictive, ya know? I think most of us do....
  21. Wait wait wait wait WAIT! Who says it's bad? It's only bad if you BELIEVE it's bad. Morality is all relative. At least, that's how I rationalize it all....
  22. Uh oh, edit that last message. It sounded bad there at the end. *Brings back images of my father---in his swimming suit!!!!*
  23. Oooh! Stubble fucking HURTS, no matter where it is. Imagine fucking someone and getting all torn up from it. I hate face stubble, too. Kissing someone with it is all right, for a while. But then he goes down on you and OUCH!!!!! I've fallen victim to that many times. As far as guys and shaving goes, I don't even really notice. I would certainly notice STUBBLE, so if you must shave, keep that in mind. But a furry chest, , or balls, whatever. Just no back hair or ass hair-- brings back images of my father.
  24. I went clubbing in LA in July. It was so wierd because every single guy in the place came up and wanted to grind someone. Now, I'm a New Yorker now and was introduced to the scene at Twilo, so I've never encountered that before. New York is all about individualism, even on the dance floor. It was mad annoying to beat these guys off. Then they'd ask why I wasn't dancing with anyone! I'm like, who does that to techno? It was weird. I like my city.... LA felt like my high school prom.
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