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Everything posted by trancerxn112

  1. well my real name is Misha is mean bear in Russian but my birth certificate says Michael... lol
  2. Mikael hehe just kidding Mike
  3. i guess, its possible since my exercise involve a lot of aerobic movement i could be buring more calories and fat which is why the muscular definition ive always had is making an appearance through the extra "chub"
  4. take for example a gymnast and a body builder... now a body builder can put up like 300 lbs on a press or curl maybe 80 lbs easy... now a gymnast like someone who does rings probably couldnt press that or curl that weight but they can do some insane shit... why? dense muscles and more muscular endurance over muscular strength thats what im aiming for...
  5. didnt we meet at ARC? for Picotto or something... i distinctly remember meeting you...
  6. i used to do free weights but i have the bulky body type... really strong, very muscular but i have little definition so with this type of exercise im getting more dense and more tightly woven lean muscle instead of gaining bulk from weights im getting more leaner muscle... sort of like a gymnast.
  7. no im originally from Queens but i live in Rockland County now its like 20 mins north of Manhattan. My cousin lives in SI though.
  8. i feel you like a blind man at an orgy...
  9. The first part is untrue... many guys do know how to go to town but every girl is different... i do agree with you about the second part you should always ask them what they like and if you are doing it right to give them the most oooo faces...
  10. I get Ben Afflick or Adam Sandler... go figure...
  11. besides remaining calm has advantages because it can seriously unnerve ur competition
  12. its nice to share a debate with a controlled individual instead of someone using a false dichotomy.
  13. and i agree with you on this matter 100% im just giving my 2 cents on the debate. If ever something like this should arise you know where i stand.
  14. okay, first off if you read what i wrote in my reply it actually said that they are a GREAT TEMPLATE for modern law and that they need to be updated to reflect todays society. You twisted the words to reflect something you wanted them to say when in actuality thats not what it says it all. Secondly, i trust in the fact that you are quite the authority on the bill of rights but theres also something called interpretational law in which the words used in the bill of rights and ultimately the constitution are sculpted to reflect the beliefs of those who are interpreting it. Therefore the wording of the constitution is constantly being changed and molded to rewrite modern day laws... what i suggested was that the language shold be modernized to remove any seeds of doubt and misinterpretation in the meaning of those words and to more greatly express the INTENTION of the constitution and not what the words can be contrued to mean.
  15. the bill of rights shouldnt mean shit... we are trying to run a country on a document that is older then electricity... does anyone else see something wrong with this picture... dont get me wrong the constitution is an amazing document which has been the back bone of our country, culture and the template for modern day law but we need something new... something updated to govern the modern day america. The America that is powered by computers, science, technology, and multinational corporations
  16. welcome to the socialist democracy of the united states you act as if you are surprised that the government operates in such a way...
  17. no plateau yet... ive been doing it for about 2 months in conjunction with either a running,swimming or basketball program
  18. bro im a real critic when it comes to movie and to tell you the truth this summer nothing has really done it for me but this movie was AWESOME... best movie of the summer and probably the whole year so far... Lord of the Rings 3 is coming though so i cant really say best movie of the WHOLE year.
  19. The movie was fucking ILL! a little bit to gruesome but that would be the most negative thing i have to say about this movie... the movie is a 2 hour and 40 minute adrenaline rush... GO WATCH IT!!
  20. from my experience i have lost about 10 lbs of fat and im leaner now then i have been since sophmore year of HS. i feel stronger then i ever have and my energy is through the roof.
  21. Ive been doing strength training with weights since i was 14 years old. But i have never seen gains like i have from doing calistenics workout. By the way, a calistenics workout is a workout that uses your own body weight such as Situps, Pushups, Pullups and Dips. Does anyone else do primarily calistenics workouts and if so what do you do. This is my workout... Warmup: 50 4-Count Jumping Jacks 20 2-Count Half Jumping Jacks Stretches Pullups: 3 Pullups 3 Widegrip Pullups 3 Chinups 3 Widegrip Chinups 3 Pullups Dip: 3 Sets of 15-20 Pushps: 10 Regular Pushups (Slow) 10 Regular Pushups (Fast) 10 Triangle (Tricep) Pushups 10 Regular Pushups (Slow) 10 Triangle (Tricep) Pushups 10 WideGrip Pushups 10 Regular Pushups 10 Triangle (Tricep) Pushups 10 Dive Bomber Pushups Situps: 25 Behind the Head Situps 25 Cross Armed Situps 20 Flutter Kicks 25 Half Situps 25 Crunches 30 Good Morning Darlings (Opening and Closing the legs) Legs: 25 Static Lunges 100 Static Squats 50 Calf Raises 50 Static Squats
  22. Bruises are popped blood vessels, if you bruise easily it is because A. You have weak blood vessels, which is hereditary and unreversable. B. Because your circulation is bad and your blood take a long time to clot, which is also untreatible. So tell people to stop poking you, or is that to much to ask in your profession?
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