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Everything posted by tribal

  1. breaks, i wonder how open minded, fair and enlightened you would be dealing with neighbors that blow your family up on daily basis. i think israel is wrong in occupying those areas, but i dont sympathise with palst simply because of their actions. how can you expect israelis to respect palst as people, when they want to destroy whole israel? about wbank and gaza, guess what. the palst dont refer to israel as israel but as all palestine. strangely, there was no palestine before israel, yet now there is! these people had so many chances to stop shooting and sign a treaty, and they never did. who wants peace more? israelis who have more to lose or palst who willingly blow themselves up? that kind of mentality is alien to me.
  2. big macs, fighter jets and big tittied Oklahoma girls.
  3. bro dont you talk to me about politics. i use those names because thats what they are referred to in israel. you use wbank and gaza because thats what theyre referred to here. names are just names, and guess what, i dont support israeli occupation of those areas. my point is that those areas are not the point of conflict. if they would not be occupied, it would still be irrelevant, because the palst do not recognize israel in any form. their national charter says that explicitly. my point is that if we are fighting al qada on basis of terror and chaos dissemination by them, we should not exclude arafat and his motley crew. after 50 years, the palst cant get their shit together and form a representative govt, who do they send to negotiations and 'peace' accords? a known bloodies terrorist who controls and directs daily palst suicide squads. get a fucking clue for once. you cant put israelis and palst on equal level because they are not equal. there are no laws and no judicial system with palst, therefore killing israelis is condoned and encouraged. im sick of this bullshit, somethings got to give
  4. yea sassa i know, this is a sad fucked up situation. the worst part is that on both sides, the normal people, the ones that just want to raise their kids, their olive trees, without owning a gun, the extremist fuckers are the ones that are driving normal people to a point of insanity. breaksny, i gotta ask you sincerely, forget all the shit you heard about both sides, about political thinkers, analysis, etc, if israel would totally, completely withdraw from Samaria and Judea tomorrow, not one israeli in those areas, do you honestly think the palst will put down their rifles and bombs, and walk away saying, gee maybe we are gonna stop our whole Jihad bullshit, fanaticism etc, and live in peace?? do you really think that will happen? they want to see israel destroyed, the fucking israeli indpendence day, a celebration for israelis, is called the Great Tragedy by the palst. get real man. my solution: dig a huge ditch around israeli borders, make it maybe 5m deep and fill it with water. there is an alligator farm in israel called Hamat Gader, i say, take a bunch of gators, and release them into the ditch. so israelis dont walk into palst areas, and vice versa. this shits gotta end. i cant see kids my own age being blown apart for going to clubs and eating pizza. that is fucked up.
  5. sassa, please, i dont claim all palst are terrorists, but how can you deny that there is something wrong with a group of people who support mass killings? do you think israelis want to hurt palst? or retaliate with air strikes?? my uncle and aunt live in jerusalem, and i talk to them many times. you know what they say? their only wish in this world right now, is to get up, go to work in peace, and to not worry about their son, whos in the army, and has a very high chance of being killed by one of arafats employees. 99% of israelis want peace, and normal relations with palst, they do not go out and bomb the shit out of palst, even though they have the military capacity to do so. i guarantee you, GUARANTEE you that if palst had the military weapons that israelis have, you would not see a single israeli man woman or child alive. and by the way, majority of palst do support arafat, why do you think he is still in power after all these years. oh and one more thing, you say that how can palst maintain peace and quiet if israelis bomb security facilities? well guess who is coordinating terror attacks on soldiers, settlers and israeli civilians?? fatah, force 17 and other arafat employed "security" groups, they are all the same. how can you be so naiive?? i used to be more "open minded" but you know what, im done. ive lost hope for those people. i really think there is something truly vile in their nature, and yes not all of them, but in enough of them. if we are serious in our mission at combating terror, we can not overlook the PA, an organization so entrenched in blood, its choking on it. I know you want to be open-minded and look at this from the enlightened side, i can understand, but one thing is clear. The palst never wanted peace with israel, at least the ones in power didnt. they never accepted israel as a country, and that is why arafat backed out on the peace agreement. he is a calculating snake, and was simply buying time to start a new round of bloodshed, hoping to provoke a regional war, and with luck, destroy israel. if my assessment is wrong, that you will no doubt claim, explain to me why israel made peace with jordan and egypt, and yet after 50 years the palst still launch terror attacks. yes both sides did wrong and acted viciously, but you cant overlook the prime catalyst here. you know who it is. when the govt is run by pure and known terrorists, how can you expect peace? peace needs 2 sides to agree, one did, the other did not.
  6. no one is always right, never. but i dont see israelis blowing up civilians on daily basis, in calculated terror attacks, designed to kill or maim the maximum number of people, and in many cases, children. a day ago, 2 teens were blown up for eating pizza on a saturday night. fuck the arabs. arafat is directing a campaign of suicide terrorists against israeli civilians, many of them were from his al aksa group. he operates bomb making factories deep in gaza and w.bank and gets heavy weapons from iran and syria. this is no antifada, this is a full scale war.
  7. check these headlines out. its time to take the fucker out. this has gone too far, arafat must be killed. lying terrorist piece of shit http://www.jpost.com/Editions/2002/02/18/News/ im through supporting negotiations with these animals. business as usual is over, if they prefer the bomb over the pen, then i have no mercy for them.
  8. anyone know when these are going to come out already? any chance of Northern Exposure 4?
  9. robocock, are you talking about WASPs? what is anglo? saxon? Celt, Irish, Scott? who knows? no one is 100% pure anything anymore. this is irrelevant. the reason people call you racist and moronic is because of your previous bovine ponderings like "jews arent white because they come from mid-east" and other such shit. lemme give you a tip, find a football game or something, grab some pork skins, some fine Coors malt brew and concentrate on the game. leave the ethic statistical calculations to the Census bureau. kapeesh.
  10. i just have one question. why do you guys actually want Exit to be better??? as it stands now, exit is a low-class Jersey Juicehead penitentry. now think very carefully...if exit becomes better, gets rid of that car alarm trance that draper farts on their speakers, where do you think the juiceheads will go??? to the same parties as you. fuck exit and fuck making it better. if we didnt ship our garbage to SI where do you think our garbage would go?? (no offense to SI residents) let exit be the way it is now, why must you try to make it better? it will never ever have the vibe and atmosphere that twilo or vinyl has. cmon this is silly. let exit be the way it is, its like if you switch the nitelight off, the bugs will start flying around you and not the light. now do you really want that?? ps - im currently working on anti-guido repellant, its like bug repellant, except it has a chemical called Intellectualen, which is like poison to the buzzing guidos. im gonna test it at the rat laboratory Exit soon. wish my entrepreneurial ass good luck!
  11. i really like this one...(i didnt write it) -------------------------- (something you made me think about..missing you already) our beds scented with each others' bodies burn quietly, immolated by our need moist skins and smiling faces sun fades to black, and night-time takes the lead so we are dancing, hand in hand and sighing night keeping time, song slender as a reed movement like a dream, reality unlaces and hungers upon hungers feed time constricts, pales the existence of any other craving but this creed one heated touch, and my heart races unheeded, sounds and forms into each other bleed this is what i always wanted, i play the lock and you the turning key by which i'm freed in a storm of other human graces this place of ours, where loving flows like mead
  12. snuggles thinks exit is the big cheese in terms of capacity and djs. junior, go to Creamfields for a party with real DJs like Sander K, Sasha, Seb Fontaine etc (no disrespect to Tiesto), and the capacity of these clubs exceeds 30,000. and guess what, people go there and actually WANT to come back. its about respect, you respect your trade, your music and your clientele, people will be happy to come back and enjoy themselves. exit much like carbon before it is running on the fact that NYC is without large quality clubs like Twilo and Paradise Garage, clubs that would sink exit in a week. God, i wish we had Pacha in NYC. or Amnesia. mmm
  13. see in my opinion, girls are like Ferraris and guys are like Hummers. the breasts are there for aerodynamic purposes, and visual enhancement. but ill tell you something else, i think that we may have some sort of Freudian complex in terms of breastfeeding. maybe as babies, we were so fascinated by these nutritious mounds of milk, we never got past that fascination, so when a baby sees a breast, he gets excited because he knows that a meal will be served. now as adults, when we see breasts, perhaps we have some sort of subconscious cerebral instinct to be excited. hmmm see guys are like hummers because we are just not as curvy or elegant as the female body is. we are made for work, war and jar opening. our body isnt aerodynamic like the female Ferrari, we are more rugged, made to live in mud and hit things with wooden clubs. uga uga! personally i find sexy legs on a female to be the total aphrodesiac, but breasts are important too.
  14. snuggles, please..., you talk like you brought the fucking Jesus to Exit and expect people to bow down in awe. Congratulations, this is the first time that dump had international talent on the decks. but dont make it seem like it was the leviathan of events. i saw Tiesto at Gatecrasher@Limelight a year ago, and the party was 10 times better. the vibe, the door people, the price, the aura, the sound. everything was better. what exit management should do, is go to UK, go to superclubs like Homelands, Cream, MOS or GCrasher and learn how to do business. you obviously have no understanding of what this business is about. if the customers are complaining, dont try to shut them up, try to fix the problem. bigger is not necessarily better, so dont slant smaller clubs for their size. most of their customers are repeat and satisfied ones, unlike exit, aka Alabama tourist, sweaty horny guido, Jersey blonde bimbo, k-hole asian dump.
  15. damn, how long are you guys gonna bitch over this??? one last time, ok. Vinyl is a club. Twilo was a club. Pacha is a club. Bedrock is a club. Gatecrasher is a club and so is Space. EXIT IS NOT A CLUB. DO NOT GO THERE, or you will dislike it. duh!!! exit is a Guido Containment Area. do not enter, do not enter. what did you expect? seriously?
  16. dude do whatever you have to do. why do u have to let the whole world know about it? mommy not giving you enough attention? perhaps some therapy would alleviate your situation.
  17. was at B yourself yesterday, and once again, the MAN made me feel good about being human. the gay, the sad, the straight, the curved, black, white, yellow, green, blue, everyone had a smile on their face. bless the man's soul. "I wish I knew how it would feel to be free...."
  18. this is not looking good, the palst are escalating the conflict, and it may be pushed into unlimited warfare. -------- 15 February: An Israeli tank was blown up for the first time Thursday night, killing three soldiers. A huge explosion ripped off its turret and split the 65-ton Merkava (Chariot) 3 in two as it charged up the Karni-Netzarim route in the Gaza Strip to reach a civilian bus under Palestinian gunfire. DEBKAfile ’s military sources advance the theory that a hollow, multi-stage - probably magnetic - charge was used, possibly in combination with a powerful magnetic mine or mines. This form of sabotage has never been seen before in the Middle East. The charge may have fixed under the turret along the seams of its joins to the tank body and activated by remote control or radio signal. This would explain how the turret was ripped off. As the tank approached the distressed bus, the smaller charge would have been detonated, releasing a shower of magnetic explosive particles, which adhered to the body of the tank and produced a blast more damaging than an anti-tank missile, especially in combination with a mine exploding underneath the tank. The Israeli Merkava was designed primarily for crew survivability under fire. The charges must have been expertly planted at the best points for penetrating its special “spaced armor” This was the precisely the method employed by Osama bin Laden’s mujaheddin in the 1980s to sabotage Soviet T-72 tanks in Afghanistan, a technique taught them by their American instructors. Over the years, the method was passed on to al Qaeda terrorists in bin Laden’s training camps, for turning against American tanks when the time came. However, in the Afghan War of 2001, the Americans did not send tanks against al Qaeda but warplanes for which bin Laden had no response. The aggravated Palestinian terror offensive in the week starting Sunday, February 10, betrays a distinct pattern. In the view of DEBKAfile’s military analysts, the Palestinians are drawing on the tactical expertise of three new elements which are conjoined by a common purpose: al Qaeda escapees from Afghanistan transferred to Lebanon; Iranian Revolutionary Guards who have joined them and Hizballah sabotage experts. DEBKA-Net-Weekly (Issue No. 48, Feb. 8, 2002) was the first publication in the world to report that bin Laden’s operations officer, Abu Zubeidah, and a large band of al Qaeda fighters, had been smuggled into Lebanon with Iranian help and provided with a well-protected haven in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein Hilweh. It would be naïve to assume that Abu Zubeidah and his following were visiting Lebanon to bask on its beaches - rather that Yasser Arafat, from his place of confinement in Ramallah, has devised a new cycle of terror with their help. That cycle is a cocktail of terror hits, shooting attacks, rocket warfare and routine assaults directed against the Israeli military. Sunday, Palestinian gunmen killed two Israeli servicewomen outside IDF Southern Command HQ in Beersheba. Monday, a Palestinian rocket crew tried and failed to deliver a Qasem-2 against the IDF’s Samariya Command base on the West Bank. All of Israel’s military installations must now be deemed targets of a Palestinian offensive boosted by new allies that may be only beginning. All Qaeda’s first handprints showed up on Palestinian strikes against the IDF this week. According to DEBKAfile’s military analysts, they caught Israeli military planners unprepared. In time, they will find an answer, but until they do, a rising toll of Israeli casualties cannot be ruled out. The Palestinian leader is forging ahead to exploit every second of the grace period granted him in the runup to the American offensive against Iraq and Iran. During that period, Washington is holding Israel back from a full-scale assault on the Palestinian machine of war and terror. However, Arafat is activating that machine to its full extent in the hope of prematurely provoking a full-scale counter-assault and railroading Israel into incurring the blame for plunging the Middle East into a wholesale conflagration.
  19. liteflyr, thats so funny, because my ecology professor also cancelled his class, in his words "i gotta take care of business tonight, and so should you " funny mofo. what school do u go to?
  20. no more! please no more bearded boy bands..
  21. i had a great Thursday. i fucking HATE vday!! anyway my gf came over, brought me a pair of undies with pink hearts n shit, and sex coupons. basically these are like food coupons, except i could use them for sexual pleasure! she is very original with these things. so that was really nice. i got her a carousel horsy thingy, cause she likes elegant horses , go figure. so we went at it for like 2 hours before hitting Le 2 Gamins, a french joint, good food, relatively inexpensive, great survice surprisingly. it was 4 of us, me, my gf, my buddy and his gf, and we had to wait for 15 minutes for a table, but the french guy was really nice, gave us a free bottle of champagne. so a very nice thursday nite all in all.
  22. dumas has got to be my fav, Les Miz is the best book ive ever read. also JJ Rousseau, not really a writer but talented anyway. Steinbeck is up there as well. for that action reading, Crighton is pretty good. Sphere, JPark, Nova Strain, good books.
  23. too late, someones made it already: amoeba assassin - piledriver
  24. sonicf, nothing is coming from afganistan? where do you think the primary opium production is from? right across the border in peshawar pakistan, there is an opium epidemic, with thousands of addicts. there was a ny times article about a month ago on that. a lot of E does come from israel, manufactured by the israeli mafia, but the vast majority is made in europe, places like belgium and netherlands. its funny how Mr.Shrub is pointing fingers at the drug growers while supporting the n alliance, a major exporter of opium out of afghanistan. remember that movie, Full Metal Jacket? its all about the 'duality' of man.
  25. hahahah it says Exit is classy!!! hahahaha, thats good! brownie points right there the sight is decent, nothing special. you wanna see a sweet site check out www.2advanced.com thats some nice ass flash
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