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Everything posted by tribal

  1. hey capone, where did you get that article? apart from the usual leftist drivel about conspiracy theories and 'zionist propaganda', the article is plain innacurate besides being propaganda in its own way. consider simple contradictory facts that a. israel did not attack west bank and gaza in 67. in 67, Egypt and Syria amassed thousands of troops, armor and fighter bombers on the israeli border, when Mossad and Shin bet (israeli intelligence) recieved recon photos and internal confirmation of pending attack by the arabs, israel launched a pre emptive strike, knocking out the brunt of the combined arab force. During the middle of the war, King hussein, seeking to strengthen his pan-arab image among the arab world, declared war on israel and launched his main armor units into the heart of east jerusalem, which was still under Jordanian control Jordan's armor battalions were chewed to bits by Israeli air force, and within hours, the IDF secured eastern jerusalem and the holiest site to Judaism, the remnants of the Temple (wailing wall) Israel didnt illigaly take those areas, the arabs lost them militarily. second point about palst house demolition. in IDF (israel defense forces), there is a clear doctorine designed to combat terror and suicide bombers. the doctrine says that if the IDF or Shin Bet finds out the name of the suicide bomber, israeli tanks will go to the village where the bomber is from, and demolish his house, and his family's house, in order to hinder future attacks. if the bomber knows his family will be left homeless, he will think twice about killing civilians. this tactic is not very useful because the main palst terror cells use mostly college students for bombings, or people who dont have a large family. this is just another tactic thats deemed 'controversial' by the world, just like assassinating 'palst activists', aka terrorists like Karni, a man whos killed 9 israeli civilians through highjacking, carbombs and suicide bombers. he was killed by israeli special forces about a month ago. another reason why the IDF demolished palst houses is becuase on a number of occasions, the houses are being used as palst sniper nests, who shoot into nearby israeli areas, targeting civilians. 2 sides to every story
  2. i hate these fuckers. this is what it said on the sticker of my Comm. Sys. textbook - Your purchase includes a free Communication Analysis CD and access to the accompanying website. - Tips and studying techniques - An big rigid penis up your anal cavity without any form of lubricant. You will not be able to buy this book used, because all colleges burn used ones and sell new ones to satisfy their greedyness. If you try to sell this book back to the college book store next semester, they will not buy it back due to a) a new edition that will be published within 23 minutes, will make your book obsolete you are missing a stupid CD, that no one ever looks at c) you will get $3.75 back, enough to buy you a bag of doritos. Thank you for your purchase, dumbass. i hate school
  3. aphex twin, mr. richard d james. im at work till 7am. got class at 10am. another class from 6-9pm. life sucks pretty much, except for some great head i got last night. that shit is the only thing that keeps me going lately.
  4. there are 3 types of people who think they are right about this issue type 1: the ones that are pro israeli and see the majority of palst as terrorists type 2: the ones that are more left leaning and critisize israel for its policies, thereby dismissing palst terror acts as a byproduct of israeli actions. type 3: the ones that just dont give a shit, the ones that know least about the situation you are all wrong for type 1, consider the fact that since 1967, israel maintained control of palst areas (the areas officially recongized by the entire world, UN Charter 147), by using military/economic/subversive measures, measures that many times were excessive and constitued crimes (sabra, shatila). adding to that, the Likud govt has routinely let messianic jewish settlers move into clear palst areas in order to build settlements, all in clear violation of international law. for type 2, consider the fact that the Palst, are refugees from the 1948 war, a war started not by israel, but by its neighbors. consider the fact that the palst had in their national charter, explicit declaration to destroy israel, a declaration that was unwillfully revoked in 1993 due to the Oslo agreement. consider the fact that Arafat is a recognized terrorist, directly and indirectly responsible for hundreds of israeli deaths, most recenlty with the Karine A fiasco, a palst boat that was transporting tons of deadly weapons for palst terror groups, all under control of arafat. consider the fact that palst media incites its citizens daily, by calling on young teenage 'martyrs' to drop their books, pick up rocks and attack israelis. by the way, the notion that palst only have rocks and hand guns is false. many are armed with molotv cocktails, ak-47, qassam 2 medium range missiles, mortars and anti tank weapons. adding to that the PA has close to 40 APCs and heavy anti armor weaponry. a great intelligence news site www.debka.com provides more information. oh and the daily suicide attacks dont help either. for type 3: everything effects us, whether its as close as in south jersey, or as far as Be'er Sheba or Talin, ignorance is a pretty dangerous policy.
  5. people, people for fucks sake, stop the juvenile drama. mystery has a point. its not the songs that DH dropped its the style, the way he creates the energy. most of you probably had a blast to DHs set, and hes an excellent dj, but you go see a dj because you generally have an idea of what kind of music will be played. you dont go for Danny Tenaglia to hear progressive "Tiestoish" trance, you go because you know DT will play dark, sexy tribal sounds. offcourse the bottom line is people had fun, but mysterys point is that his expectations werent met, thats all. DH is a great dj though, by the way, this same case applies to Oakenfold. that dude playes amazing sets in Ibiza, Gatecrasher, etc, but sucks in NYC. why?
  6. sooner or later, all girls realise that this game is all pure BS. older girls who have more to offer than just pussy, know this and will act accordingly. its not you man, its the way kids are, they are young and stupid, then they grow up. yo greg what are u doin up so early
  7. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=26197 left, left, left thats right, i left. what the fuck is going on????
  8. nah, i kind of hinted, and she knows how i feel about her, but i just cant bring my self to say it. its like i feel that if i say it, the whole relationship is gonna be downhill from there. i mean you say 'i love u', and whats next? downhill!
  9. damn rachel, nice dildo set u got there
  10. fuck reclaim the streets. i dont care for those anarchist assholes. have you ever had a conversation with any of them? not very clear thinking people. many of them deserve to be on that list for violent assault on cops, property damage and extreme vegetarianism.
  11. anyone else have this problem? i just cant say this to my gf, its like i open my mouth and the words just cant come out. i really do love her though, thats the funny part. arghhh!!
  12. smokesum, its not that i got anything against gay people, but i just could never understand why you would need another cock? you already got one, what do u need another one for? oh well, congrats!
  13. ok guys im in the process of getting together all the info about flights, hotels etc, lets set up an email list, so that way if any one gets better rates or deals, we can all benefit. hows that sound? heres my email: cska22@hotmail.com
  14. thanx gambitra cintron youre crazy bro, it cant be that high! 10 chicas por uno chico??? no posible! thats it, im moving to san juan. ay papy!
  15. yo cintron, right on brotha! lawler is the fuckin man! yea its Tantric-Sex on the Beach. i loooved PR, la chicas bonitas con el sol caliente. oooh mas grande! yo quiero una chica boriqua, ay papy! no habla bien porque cuando tener un class de espanol en escuela, que una chica de Sweden, muy muy bonita, y no escucho la maestra porque yo habla con una chica y mirar una chica. mmm chicas de sweden y chicas de PR. muy bien!
  16. i wonder if those quality driving skills are embedded in the Y chromosome? ciao.
  17. i took espanol years ago, and i know isla is an island, but suenos, does it mean dreams? i heard this on Steve Lawler Nu Breed cd, sick track, sexy vixen voice keeps chanting, el mar, el sol, la isla de mi suenos, mmmm
  18. i know baby i know. i got thick skin and sharp teeth
  19. haha smokesum, bitch that face gets me quality pussy, so it may be part of the reason for my strong self confidence fabioc, interesting thought, i think its the realization for college grads that childhood is completely over and the world is up for grabs, its that feeling that you are in control, and youre driving the autoban with no stop signs.
  20. that was 15 seconds of my life i will never get back
  21. yes, but its not raw intelligence per se, its more in the way the girl uses it. its the clever and demure actions and things she may say to me that just push those dick buttons. its one thing to be smart, its another to use that smartness in a sexy way. but all in all, its a definite plus
  22. i think it is. personally i feel much more self confident and assured now more than ever before. i think age strengthens the foundations of your thoughts, beliefs and attitude
  23. hey screw you guys, Dynamo Kiev all the way baby!!! fuck Spartak (russian teams )
  24. dude, hahahah youre crazy kid! u started an uproar on U75 holy shit bro, fuck those uber liberal assholes, some of them are actually cool and have good ideas that arent retarded. JOhnny Canuck is cool, read his shit, brilliant guy. anyway AIM me ill be on till about 1am
  25. yea im going mid-late aug, with my gf and 4 other friends. do you guys want to get a big group together, perhaps we could knock off the travel price even more. dont know where ill be staying yet, i think its somewhere next to Pacha. cant fuckin wait!!!! -mike
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