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Everything posted by tribal

  1. ho ho hooooaaah!
  2. oh dude, yea i remember miss kitty, coupla years ago she had a show on public access in manhattan, kitty g or something? damn that girl is fine. i remember i was like 16 watching her and she used to give me instant stiffies! damn! small world
  3. how are they? are they reliable? i bought a nice ass Philips stereo today for $300 and i also got a 4 year warranty to go along with it, just wondering if philips makes good products. my last stereo was horrendous. i bought a Sony system for $400 3years ago, and it broke maybe 5-6 times, and when my warranty ran out, the piece of shit broke again, so i decided to get a new stereo. fuck sony, never buying their products again
  4. i am not very familiar with the aspects of the trial and the certainty of his guilt, but it seems evident that if a case like this can stir such commotion among the non-white community, it should be reexamined for complete certainty. what was the charge? didnt he allegedly shoot a police officer?
  5. my vote goes to Rapture mi amore dont u know, my love i want u so....
  6. http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news1001/answers.html god and allah both suck
  7. i will save you all the conspiracy theories and the fall of the American empire blah blah blah, there are people with enough time on their hands to speculate and ejaculate about that. i do however want to point out on the issue of whether bin laden video is fake or not. i just read in NY Times, a senior Saudi official confirmed that the man talking to bin laden in the video is a Saudi named Khaled al-Harbi, a legless 38 year old veteran of Afghan, Chechnya and Bosnia wars. Harbi is not officially wanted by the government but is nevertheless a respected figure among Muslim fundamentalist circles. the tape is confirmed to be real by Saudi intelligence. whoosh! thank god for that, i thought the 'all media controlling' Jews were up to their hollywood tricks again! silly me
  8. there is this 'muslim looking guy' as if you can randomly spot people who are muslim. fucking jerkoff yo DAVE who is this imbecile?
  9. i think the left, the right and the middle all agree. the fucker has to be taken out. no mercy for such animal.
  10. not really mike, its not that simple. this is what real politique is all about. bush knows russia cant challenge him on an arms race, in fact, russia is sucking up to america, in order to justify its war in chechnya. besides that, russia is trying to improve its economy by westernizing its infastructure and banking system, which in turn will attract american venture capital. bush knows this, this is why he canceleld the treaty, knowing full well that russia cant and wont do anything in return. 30 years ago, such move would be disastrous, but today, it was actually inevitable. the biggest worry for US is not russia or china launching nukes at us, its a smuggled nuclear weapon by terror cells, shit like that is hardest to track and control, and there are a few known warheads that are missing from the russian nuclear arsenal. thats the shit id be worried about.
  11. yea bro he made 'Everything is not you', only the best track of the decade, 'And She Does' only the second best track of the decade. what happened? and now Breeder split, so there goes that talent. shits falling apart everywhere. fucking britney spears is doing well though. must be the al qaeda's fault. by the way, i met quivver last year, i was standing in line at twilo for S+D one nite, and he was standing right behind me with his gfriend. i didnt know what he looked like, only i knew the name, john graham, so the bouncer was like, lemme see you id, and quivver said, dude i dj here tomorow, im quivver. so the bouncer let him through, even thought the bouncer had no clue who quivver was, i talked to him for a few minutes, he is a real cool guy.
  12. what the fuck happened to the tranceport series? oh im sorry, Transport, with an S, like its bad to even say the word trance anymore. what the fuck? Oakey built the house, Dave moved in, Sandra was never there, Max shook it down, and now John fucked it up completely. bring back Oakey, and rebuild the label. !!! #5 sucks ass
  13. yo msprano thanx for the link, good site indeed!
  14. let me know, theres a jukebox at the bottom for music samples http://www.angelfire.com/dc/tribal/music.html
  15. yo msoprano, sorry bro thats not a reputable source. an ultra lefty site is does not have the significant credentials. im talking about a major correspondent and news agency like bbc, cnn, sky, something that has weight behind it. oh and by the way.. i never heard of oil being afghanistan's export product. i did however hear of opium and terrorism being a very lucrative export product.
  16. ah yes, the oil conspiracy theory. sassa still has not posted a link or a reference to make her post valid. her biased and inaccurate observation makes me seriously question her statement. if the statement has a grain of truth to it, if there were secret negotiations between the energy commission and the taliban, i want to see it in a reputable source, not out of a leftist 'activist's mouth. also, saying that the french would not be biased against americans is a bizarre statement. in france, there is a tremendous dislike for americans and american culture because the french see their culture and historical identity threatened by US commercialism. they fear the American golden arches more than American smart bombs. if any one is interested in learning about this, Thomas Friedman wrote a great book THe Lexus and the Olive Tree, very interesting. and sassa, verify your claim please, because it seems you are trying to capitalize on 9/11 tragedy to progress your own agenda. ps - igloo, shut the fuck up already.
  17. ah, ok saleen. there should be only 3 situations where a guy should physically fight. 1. if his woman is insulted or threatened. 2. if his best buddy is in trouble 3. if his momma is insulted or threatened
  18. seriously, its like 98% on the money. anything i need, its like it knows what im thinkin! the epitome of my college education is google. i just pulled out a moby dick paper, just saved myself 4-5 hours of painful labor! yea google!
  19. i like that nicely shaped Mohawk. too much carpet is unattractive, but a nicely defined landing pad for my jet is appreciated.
  20. haha yea ok Exit! a funny story. this fri, my gfriend went with her friends to exit for some bullshit party that was $50. i warned her, i told her she wouldnt have fun and that the music is abhorrent, but she wouldnt listen. i didnt go offcourse, and keep in mind shes not a hardcore clubber like me, so she went. i asked her how it was and she said it was the worst club shes ever been to, that the music sounded like a broken record and that the guidos were like a pack of castrated wolves. 'whos your daddy?' i told her, im taking her for some healing to Vinyl, where Danny makes it all better.
  21. how about a java run chat room. the logo definitely has got to go, looks like an orange pimple, and please, please stop that annoying KMX flash commercial. leave it as is, just take that horrendous sound out, makes me cringe every time i log on here. shit, ill make you flash commercials for free if you remove that kmx one. cant they make em soothing, something like a nice lake with rainfall and raindrops or something. i dont know, anything is better than that toilet flush music
  22. yo breakbeats, thats not true. Point #1: the palest. left because 6 arab armies decided to wipe out the jews on a day after israel declared independence in 1948. there were 2 things at play. militant jewish groups like Hagana were attacking palest. settlements and towns, and in many cases killing innocent palstinians. many palst. left because of these killings. many more left due to the request by arab generals for them to leave the area, so they would avoid getting caught in the crossfire between israelis and the arab Legion. they promised the palst. that they could come back once the 'zionist entity' is elimiinated. the arab legion got its ass kicked by israel, and the palst. were never allowed back, due to their support for the invading arab armies. Point#2, about sassas statement on media recognition. the reason arabs dont have an equal representation of media here is due to their fundamental insignificance in the representation of constituents. think about it, there is no palst. industry, economy or educational merits like there is in israel. yes it sounds racist, but its true, israel is much more significant for US in terms of economy, education, policy and military. you dont hear much about Mongolia or Tunisia, why? because they are not significant players. also the fundamental fact remains, most palst. do not want to recognize israel's existence and have a Day of Tragedy (Catastrophe) commermorating israel's Independece day. up until 1993, the official palst. charter called for the destruction of israel. israelis on the other hand do recognize the right to a palestinian homeland and have on many times made extraordinary consessions in the name of peace. you saw the palst. response on saturday Point#3, many arab countries explicitly blame israel for the poor conditions of palest. while countires like Jordan and Syria snatched the initial UN-recognized Palst. land during the '48 war. after the arab armies agreed to a cease fire, they took much of the palst. land and have redrawn their own borders to fit in this annexed land. i havent heard one anti-israeli critic mention these incursions yet.
  23. ahhh working nightshift sucks, at least some people like sassa are up early. anyway, about the issue of palestinians not getting attention, they do get attention. i hear everyday how a palestinian kid is killed by israelis. but then i read what the situation was, and its a completely different picture. many of the palestinian kids who go out and get shot were attacking israeli soldiers with rocks, molotov cocktails and assault rifles. they deliberately go out, and try to kill or injure israeli troops. yes, i think the troops should not be there, but the palestinians attack them, and in turn get killed. how can you compare that to the terror victims who were buying ice cream when they were blown up? the PLO is directly responsible for this tragic event. it should immediately stop airing its daily anti israeli propaganda, which brainwashes the palestinian youth into attacking israelis and they should arrest the Hamas and Jihad militants. this is fucked up, there is no end in sight. i really really hate religion sometimes..
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