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Everything posted by tribal

  1. me and my gf are thinking of spring breaking in Rio. does anyone know good spots to go to, and when is the best time to go? also i speak moderate Spanish, would they understand conversational spanish or is it portugese only? thanx
  2. coming in where? how has it changed? its still the same old mundane uncreative shit it used to be with bitches moneyz and gangsta ass toughness. nothing changed. todays rap is missing the creativity of yesterdays rappers like Biggie, 2pac and Marky Mark (kidding!) you look at any rap video or any song played on the radio, its the same shit lyrically, booooring
  3. im in RU Newark, not much happening over here. you should probably do it in NB
  4. yo cintron thanx buddy, that was reassuring. i think im over stressed over this whole thing. ill see u at DT temple of good vibes! mr. EAK, aka Dr. Evil, throw me a freakin bone here!
  5. ah i dont know what is so wrong or unethical about posting pics of your body. hey if u got it good, be proud baby. now as soon as i lose 15 pounds and get these fucking love handles off myself, you'll see my sexy ass in no time! why is it cool to post pics of semi naked/naked girls while its a taboo to post dudes. im not gay, but i think that this sort of mentality is a bit flawed. ps-keep posting the ladies! i have no problem with that whatsoever
  6. i swear, i crave news 24/7. something is wrong with me, im always reading the latest BBC news, analysis and commentaries, arggh! ignorance is such bliss
  7. i like Dunhills. the best cigs out there! something about them, something so eclectic.
  8. yo kettleone, the song was TILT- Angy Skies feat. Maria Naylor, great song, also check out Lighthouse Family - Free One (brother brown vocal mix), DT dropped it last fri, it went like this 'i wish i knew how it would feel to be free, i wish i could bring all the chains over me" sick track!!! DT is a great human being. I love the vibe that he gives, that whole no-bs, be yourself, chill and let chill atmosphere. fuck drugs, people, get high on yourselves and on the music. please dont fuck up something as special as this, love and respect to DT.
  9. LIKES: 1. interesting opinions/viewpoints 2. the music, the passion 3. the Sex board dislikes 1. people who post topics simply out of boredom, that wastes your time writing it, and my time reading it. 2. CP's servers sink faster than titanic, need to upgrade providers Dave! 3. the childish and vividless drama
  10. this is what i came up with Dear Boss: I can't take it any more! Your ape-like management style and frightening lack of sex appeal have forced me to take action. Despite my record-setting abilities and trend setting time spent in the bathroom you have never promoted me. As of today, I gratefully resign from this waste of space, to pursue a more titillating and personally fulfilling career as a butterfly collector. This company has been a living hell for me and I will miss very few of my fellow slaves and friends. I want to laugh in your face. I'll never forget what an awful place this is. This has been the most ridiculous job of my career. Sincerely, Mike
  11. cant run a mile in under 7 min. bad runner. boo boo! also cant speak spanish properly, no habla bien porque cuando estudio en la clase de espanol, hay una chica de Sweden, que esta muy bonita y yo no escucho la maestra, yo siempre hablando y mirando a la chica. ay caramba. chicas
  12. maybe if i stuff my face with cigarettes...hmmm nahh, i like what i got
  13. Droopy was da MAN! that little bastard could kick any cat's ass. I gotta give the Top Cat prize to Sylvester. Always wanted to eat chicks! (tweety), and remember that baby kangaroo? sylvester thought it was a giant mouse! classic! by the way, is tweety a boy or a girl?
  14. eli you freakin idiot! this is a very sensitive subject! oooh im shaking in my little space boots! this is how we drink our coffee, its called the Belgian dip, hehe yo dg, thanx for the link, ill check it out
  15. im asking this because i saw a bottle of Zoloft(anti dep. medication) prescribed to my gf, in her bathroom. when i asked her about it, she said she is totally fine, and she doesnt even take those because she is not depressed. she doesnt seem to be depressed, but im really worried about her. i told her that she could talk to me anytime, and she seemed ok with everything. i dont know what to think. what are some signs of depression?
  16. tribal

    wtf is this?

    well now, looks like the invisible man aint so invisible after all!
  17. clubkat, thanx for the cake babe! i think i swallowed some testicle oh and thanx for the chocolate condom, ill make sure to put it to good use...hhehehe
  18. hehe i remember it like it was yesterday. 4th grade, this girl on the school bus i took, dared me to spray the bus driver with some water. so the next day i brought in a heavy duty super soaker with a sniper scope and let the fucker have it. so this pissed off wet driver almost beat the shit out of me. he almost did, but my dad, he totally beat the shit out of me when PTA called. ahh memories
  19. at least i got my Diggers Sydney set to chill to. i hope u kids are having more fun than me
  20. yo DG and mag, i totally agree with you guys. if you want to spend exorbitant amount of money on a pair of pants that you feel you enjoy wearing, hey go do it. whatever tickles your pickle man! i dont know how to dress properly, so i usually wear shit from the Gap, or DKNY and Jones NY when i need something classy. my gf pretty much buys all my crap cause i have no clue how to dress. sometimes i wish i was gay for like 1/2 hour just to go shopping and pick out great clothing. its true what they say, people judge you by the way you present yourself.
  21. DANNY is the fuckin man. end of argument. the crowd was really mixed, from hardcore glowgirls to SF muscleboys to gothy vampires and to those two guys on like 20" platforms with skimpy underwear on, and fur boots. its like im at Manumission. man my ears are ringing like doorbells. every1 i met last nite was ultra cool, had lotsa fun. btw, what was the track DT dropped around 4am, it had funky male vocal, went something like 'I want to fly...blah blah " or maybe it was me singing? oh well
  22. haha, yo breakbeats, sasha is a girlie's dj cause the fucker gets all the chicks. did u hear, one night at twilo, he got head under the decks from this hot chick, all while spinning some great tunes. hes not even that good looking, wtf??? greg, im going back to jerzee at like 9-9.30ish cause i gotta be at a bday party at 10pm. so if u need a ride back im goin at around then. arity ciao ps - Renaissance Revelation, Howells is a fuckin god!
  23. hahah loiuie de vito!!!! hahahahahahahahahahhaha how about Tranzworld #875,648, oooh thats good! whoosh that was a good laugh, thanx djjs ok 1. Steve Lawler Dark Drums 2 2. Way Out West Intensify 3. Deep Dish Moscow GU021 4. Diggers GU LA 5. Nude Music - Nude Dimensions III
  24. nope, disagree CCox is the Peoples Dj, John Digweed is the Dj's Dj. Sasha is the Girlies's Dj, DT is the New York's Dj, Draper is the The Deaf Society for the Blind and Mentally Defficient's Dj. Oakenfold is the Green Dead President's Dj. yo greg u coming 2nite? lemme know if u need a ride -mike
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