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Everything posted by tribal

  1. i know this is an airhead topic, but i gota say, i loove my adidas. id never buy any other brand. these babies have been with me for 3 years thru some of the best places and memories in my life. they are like a faithful dog, always there when i need em, to get me outta trouble.
  2. im in, so now what? do we post our letters in this thread? cmon kids, lets flex that political muscle! im too sexy for my letter, tooo sexxxyyy!!!
  3. are u two guys butt buddies or something? que pasa
  4. cant wait, 1 more week till Tremblant and French Canadian girls!!! mmm Molson....
  5. Stoopid Peeple Suck! yo risingstar, do me a favor buddy, put down the weights, yea you can do it! put em down for 2 minutes. I'll save you the trouble of opening a book, open up a browser (the thingie you use to view this site) and go to www.webster.com, and type in JELEOUS. see what it says. there are only 2 things infinte in this world, the universe and human stupidity - A.Einstein
  6. yo nycmuzik, you are right man, the critics are shit, this isnt about beautiful characters or 'acceptable' level of violence. ive read Mark Bowden's book, an intense account of the nightmare in Mogadishu. All i have to say is that those Rangers are absolute heroes. those guys have balls of steel for what they went through. the reality is gruesome and violent, and if some prick ass critic dislikes it, well fuck him. im definitely going to see this film. god bless the Rangers.
  7. hmm best DJ: Danny Tenaglia worst DJ: Tony "Car Alarm" Draper
  8. this article was written by Joseph Farah, has many interesting points ----------------------------- Myths of the Middle East -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com I've been quiet since Israel erupted in fighting spurred by disputes over the Temple Mount. Until now, I haven't even bothered to say, "See, I told you so." But I can't resist any longer. I feel compelled to remind you of the column I wrote just a couple weeks before the latest uprising. Yeah, folks, I predicted it. That's OK. Hold your applause. After all, I wish I had been wrong. More than 80 people have been killed since the current fighting in and around Jerusalem began. And for what? If you believe what you read in most news sources, Palestinians want a homeland and Muslims want control over sites they consider holy. Simple, right? Well, as an Arab-American journalist who has spent some time in the Middle East dodging more than my share of rocks and mortar shells, I've got to tell you that these are just phony excuses for the rioting, trouble-making and land-grabbing. Isn't it interesting that prior to the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, there was no serious movement for a Palestinian homeland? "Well, Farah," you might say, "that was before the Israelis seized the West Bank and Old Jerusalem." That's true. In the Six-Day War, Israel captured Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem. But they didn't capture these territories from Yasser Arafat. They captured them from Jordan's King Hussein. I can't help but wonder why all these Palestinians suddenly discovered their national identity after Israel won the war. The truth is that Palestine is no more real than Never-Never Land. The first time the name was used was in 70 A.D. when the Romans committed genocide against the Jews, smashed the Temple and declared the land of Israel would be no more. From then on, the Romans promised, it would be known as Palestine. The name was derived from the Philistines, a Goliathian people conquered by the Jews centuries earlier. It was a way for the Romans to add insult to injury. They also tried to change the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina, but that had even less staying power. Palestine has never existed -- before or since -- as an autonomous entity. It was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their homeland. There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass. But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today. Greed. Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough. What about Islam's holy sites? There are none in Jerusalem. Shocked? You should be. I don't expect you will ever hear this brutal truth from anyone else in the international media. It's just not politically correct. I know what you're going to say: "Farah, the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem represent Islam's third most holy sites." Not true. In fact, the Koran says nothing about Jerusalem. It mentions Mecca hundreds of times. It mentions Medina countless times. It never mentions Jerusalem. With good reason. There is no historical evidence to suggest Mohammed ever visited Jerusalem. So how did Jerusalem become the third holiest site of Islam? Muslims today cite a vague passage in the Koran, the seventeenth Sura, entitled "The Night Journey." It relates that in a dream or a vision Mohammed was carried by night "from the sacred temple to the temple that is most remote, whose precinct we have blessed, that we might show him our signs. ..." In the seventh century, some Muslims identified the two temples mentioned in this verse as being in Mecca and Jerusalem. And that's as close as Islam's connection with Jerusalem gets -- myth, fantasy, wishful thinking. Meanwhile, Jews can trace their roots in Jerusalem back to the days of Abraham. The latest round of violence in Israel erupted when Likud Party leader Ariel Sharon tried to visit the Temple Mount, the foundation of the Temple built by Solomon. It is the holiest site for Jews. Sharon and his entourage were met with stones and threats. I know what it's like. I've been there. Can you imagine what it is like for Jews to be threatened, stoned and physically kept out of the holiest site in Judaism? So what's the solution to the Middle East mayhem? Well, frankly, I don't think there is a man-made solution to the violence. But, if there is one, it needs to begin with truth. Pretending will only lead to more chaos. Treating a 5,000-year-old birthright backed by overwhelming historical and archaeological evidence equally with illegitimate claims, wishes and wants gives diplomacy and peacekeeping a bad name. ------------------------------------------ i want to add here, that while much of Mr. Farah's points are on target, the Israelis could alleviate the situation by withdrawing from the designated Palestinian areas in Judea and Samaria
  9. only happened twice to me. this girl whom i didnt like kept coming on to me, so i smacked her good! pulled her pigtails and stuffed her face with cookie crumbs. ahhh 2nd grade memories....
  10. yo crashedfx, u are right man, i do need a blunt. your theory for not settling for what you have is a double edged sword. i asked a friend if he really cared and loved his gfriend. u know what he told me. he said "look at it this way, im going to stick with her until i find a better girl, so in the meantime while i search for my soulmate, ill stick with her" i thought he was an asshole for saying that, and sassa, this may be an answer to your question, but maybe he has the right idea. i dont love my current gfriend, i like her, i like the relationship and the sex involved, but i honestly dont love her. so you see, there is this hope that one day, while im with girls that i dont love, i will meet one that i do love, sincerely, one that i wont want to cheat on, the one that i wont need to 'upgrade'. am i wrong for thinking like this? and why am i thinking this? man i do need a blunt.
  11. hehe this saleen character always cracks me up Don't give me any oil replies then you'll get a lesson in ologopolistic markets.... < yes its spelled right i believe its oligopolistic markets as in an oligopoly control of a market. sorry for being a smartass, but u crack me up saleen.
  12. yo breakbeatz, u lucky bastard, my gfriend went to Roxy 2nite for mr. vicious, and im stuck at work, debating US policy. FUCK ME! work sucks, i think we all agree on this issue.
  13. da darling, so you suppose that if the nazis were to take over, with their nice ideologies, if they would take over and benefit the germans, and you would be a german, it would be ok to say, 'fuck em, my belt is tight'? im not comparing US to nazis dont get me wrong, US is without a doubt the greatest nation on earth, but your logic astounds me. its ok for other people to suffer as long as we are well fed and entertained? have u ever heard of quid pro quo? look into it oh and by the way, doing GOOD for nations like SKorea and Israel, thats not doing GOOD, its doing STRATEGIC INVESTMENT. you see, US has STRATEGIC INTERESTS in regions like SKorea and Israel. Doing GOOD would be us sending food to somalia, and getting our boys killed by the grateful native population. and also, SKorea and Israel, did plenty of diddly to be where they are today, that includes winning wars, investing in technology and acquiring advanced capitalistic monetary systems, much of which was done without US help. we arent a perfect country, but we try. we really really try.
  14. i noticed that i wasnt happy when i was single. its just that it was a bit of a hassle looking for un-guaranteed pussy. now im with this girl for like 6 months, really tight relationship, the whole deal, and boom it hits me yesterday! im hit on by other girls, and i cant do shit about it. just yesterday this really cute asian girl was coming on to me, while my gfriend was sitting next to me at a dinner party. and this asian girl didnt give a fuck either! its sooo tempting, yet my dick is in chains! the fate that life gives us, its amazing, am i bound to be malcontent for the rest of my life? or maybe ill meet a soulmate? i need a drink..
  15. if u guys like that check out www.fuckedcompany.com that shit is funny! they report on all the sinking dotcoms and all the dotcoms that will layoff employees. so much for the promise of the internet.
  16. ughh, here we go again, you know this thread was interesting and informational, until the personal attacks come in. people, please ignore personal insults and concentrate on the issue at hand, pleaseeee! igloo, msoprano is not clueless, he may have a few facts out of proportion and his view of the US govt may not be the same as yours, but he doesnt sit back, and pat our govt on the back for doing such a wonderful job. The fact is, there are many, many things that you dont know about, that our very own govt has done, which are questionable. the govt is made up of people, and people do make mistakes. that is why it is important to critisize and overview our leaders and politicians, in order to keep our govt in check, this is the fundamental gift of democracy. questioning our govt does not mean that we dont support it. we are in fact making it stronger, by pointing out the areas in policies, which need overhaul or repair. msoprano raises many interesting questions, some based on concrete facts, and some not, but he raises questions nevertheless, and we shouldnt blame or ostracize him for it. kapeesh why is US critisized constantly while countries like Lybia, S Africa and Sudan get away with murder, literally ? i believe it is our status on the world scale. We are constantly under the magnifying glass of the world. Because we are a powerful and successful country, many nations do feel animosity and contempt for our achievements. While we do need to keep our actions in check by self-reflection and critisism, i agree that there is a tendency to over-concentrate the irate blame and lay fault squarely on US. that is the price we must pay as a world leader. Since i came to this country i realized 2 things. 1. Americans are genuinly good-hearted people, as well as industrious and efficient 2. Americans are not the most educated people in terms of international relations and knowledge, which is why i think, it may hurt us in the long run. ps- is it just me, or is any one else disgusted by this 9/11 gift merchandise? i just saw this guy today walking along Houston str. and selling a stack of 9/11 WTC calendars for $6 a piece! what kind of shit is that? people make me sick sometimes, its a fucking tragedy, people were murdered, and these assholes are out there to make a buck of it. i wish there would be none of this memorabilia bullshit, its like raping the victims.
  17. hey laraver, i dont mean to insult you, but u have a very simplified view of historical events. do you have any idea as to what happened in Hama? if you are interested, read a very interesting book by T.Friedman called 'From Beirut to Jerusalem'. The Hama massacre was not what i would call an ideal solution. Hafez Assad killed off Syria's 4th largest city, completely wiped out every inhabitant within the city limits, including thousands of women and children, who were in no way connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, a faction that was seen as a political threat to the Assad regime. Would you agree that by S.Hussein gas poisoning the Kurdish population, because he called them 'terrorists' would also be the ideal solution? please think this matter over. and in no way do i agree that a quote from the 'phantom menace' would apply here. on the lighter side, one quote does come to mind - "i joined the army, to see exotic places, meet interesting and foreign people, then kill them" - Full Metal Jacket
  18. yo raver, i totally agree with you on the CNN thing. CNN is an abomination. i yearn for BBC or at least SKY, for a better news coverage. i absolutely HATE the CNN coverage, and all their patriotic bullshit. i love this country with all my heart, but i dont need some jackass on the screen yelping out stories about patriotic santas in idaho, while the real news never makes it to the screen. it insults my intelligence. i also agree that the media does put more emphasis on american deaths, and that is an unfortunate by product of international balance of power. anyway thats a big topic in itself. CNN should be banned from transmission though, its a disgrace. ps - yo sassa, when are you gonna post your pic
  19. guys, i dont understand how you can just sit there and read that article without the grain of salt? the Guardian is a well known leftist publication, not to say that leftist opinions are wrong or immoral, its just that they will obviously have biased views on any american actions. do you really think the american govt is the most violent govt of 20th century? lets dissect this, shall we? Govts that just may be worse than US govt? ------ Pol Pot regime (8 million dead) Algerian govt (Berber clashes) Syrian govt (Hama massacre) Iraqi govt (should i even start?) Chinese govt (massive civil rights violations, Tianamen is a tiny event) Argentinian govt (Pinoche anyone?) German govt (WW2 - 30 mil dead) the list goes on furthermore, the article mentions the 'slaughter' of the Mazar prisoners? did any one actually bother to find out the events in that prison camp? for anyone interested, it was a massive armed uprising against NA + US forces, by ALqaeda and taliban soldiers, not civilians, the very same soldiers that have been murdering afghanis for the past 7 years. in any wars, the civilian deaths are always tragic, that is sadly a fact of war. we cannot simply sit here and critisize, ostracize and rant on US actions without considering their implications. Without those US bombs, afghan children would still be starving right now, taliban would still be shooting women in stadiums, and many many more people than that callously infalted figure of 3767 would die within a month under the taliban govt. is it a tragedy that those people died? absolutely, war is not a happy story. did those deaths bring about a change? well, i dont see mulla omar beating women anymore, do you? guys, we all want a perfect world with no wars and no civilian casualties, but im speaking from a realist point of view. those deaths were not intentional, and im sure if any of you ever talked to US military servicemen you would find that most of them are of the highest moral integrity. ive been in the USAF ROTC for 3 years, and ive ment many outstanding people that are probably serving over there right now, and i guarantee you that none of them would ever want to see more death than that country already had. again, whats do u think is better for afghanis, those innocent deaths by stray bombs, and millions living a hopefully better life, or a continuation of taliban, torture and social decay? 2 sides to every story.
  20. its the silver one, it says Model no. PSX100
  21. excellent condition, had it for about 2 months, dont really use it much. paid $150 selling for $50. this baby plays mp3, wav, cdt, all kinds of shit, looks nice too.
  22. rumsfeld called 19 european leaders in a warning of very likely missile attacks on biggest european cities. this comes from Debka.com an israeli intelligence source, theyve been right on almost all news statements since ive started reading it about a year ago. this is some scary shit. rumsfeld said that the nations which harbor and support terror are increasingly overlapping with those that have the capabilities to lauch chemical and biological warheads. - debka.com
  23. tribal

    show us your lips!!

    i believe its either Dick Sucking Lips Digital Suscriber Line Delicious Sweet Lollipop guess which one
  24. tribal

    show us your lips!!

    oh wow, sassa has very elegant and beautiful lips. damn sassa, we may disagree on some mid east issues, but i this calls for a cease fire, youve got a gorgeous set of lips. the lips that can bring peace to the holy land!
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