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Everything posted by tribal

  1. hehe, just like any other married couple! damn i love their drama
  2. she likes to do it, but unfortunately she needs a few tips, and i want to give her the tips, so she is better in the future, with future bfriends as well, but how do i tell her without upsetting her. i told her clearly that if she wants to tell me on things to improve when i eat her out, she should tell me so i can get better, but im afraid of telling her that she could use a few tips in her technique. what should i do
  3. how about Pizda? or kotik (cat) or shwarma, or the south pole penguin. or my fave: the south sundae
  4. well mugz, you are certainly an alien lifeform with all that raellian stuff. but there was this formula, made by a famous physicist, i forgot the name, anyway, it says that based on the hundreds of billions of galaxies, statistically, theres a 1000% chance of other lifeforms forming on distant planets. i dont disagree, i think its naive to think that we are the only possible lifeform. yea aliens!
  5. i keep reading about it, but what are the issues? it seems ok to me, to allow after school prayer groups. i cant see anything wrong with that. personally i dont believe in god, but if people want to worship after classes, why not?
  6. theres a picture of an afghanistani couple, courting in Kabul. what a sad fucking sight, the woman looks like a character out of Star Wars. makes you think about how lucky we are to be living here, for all the faults that we have, this is a blessed nation.
  7. wow mnogo ruskih tut! mother russia here!
  8. 1) US soldiers stationed in Saudi Arabia is an upsetting issue for many people. There really is no justifying their presence there.The Saudi Arabian government has to pay these soldiers to be stationed there,to "protect" Saudi Arabia from future attacks from Saddam Hussein.Is this likely to happen,especially at this point?I don't think so.Perhaps the oil in Saudi Arabia is the main reason,but that's only speculation from my part. so wait sassa, what you are trying to say that its repulsing for the Saudis to support the US troops, the very same troops that prevented Saddam from over running the country and murdering thousands of people? once again, a case of US aid, thrown back in our face. yes, oil was the primary issue, no one doubts that, but along the oil, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Kuwait were liberated by US and coalition troops, from a sweetheart you call Saddam. and do you really think that Saddam hasnt invaded Saudis because hes just not in the mood? wake up and smell the gunpowder, its the very presence of US troops and US aircraft patrolling the no fly zones that kept saddam from breaking hell again, and from moving to kill more of the Kurdish population. sassa, why do you think he hasnt invaded? why why why???? duh! second point, about israel. israel recieves more aid than many other mid east countries because israel has a responsible fiscal policy, and its annual economic growth is unequal in the region annual GDP: US $32,778 Israel $17,564 Egypt $ 1,307 Syria $ 2,525 Jordan$ 1,576 Lebanon $1,585 source: '>http://srch0.un.org/plweb-cgi/fastweb?state_id=1006037980&view=unsd1&numhitsfound=165&query=israeli%20gdp&query_rule=%28%28$query%29%29&docid=129859&docdb=unsd&dbname=unsd&sorting=BYRELEVANCE&TemplateName=predoc.tmpl&setCookie=1 etc, the reason Israel recieves so much money from US is the fact that its a very profitable country. my father works for an investment firm here in nyc, and the firm recently opened up a trading floor in tel aviv, as have many other companies. why? because israeli tech sector is one of the most advanced in the world. because american companies make billions in israel and relatively little in other mid east countries. why? again, instability, religious dogma, non democratic governments, inefficiency and pure anti western mentality. american companies want the US to invest in Israel because of the large market that is available. now, if arab states were to adapt a similar responsible economic policies, the money would flood the region. remember, financiers dont give a shit if you are a jew, muslim cristian or whatever, if you have a stable and responsible environment, investments will one way or another reach you. this is something that needs to be set into the minds of arab governments. they are poor not because the US doesnt like them or because Israel is a powerful country, they are poor because they didnt take the initative to improve their economies and societies through modernization and stability, but blame their failures on US and Israel. tell me sassa, what does the fact that Israelis and Palestinians are at war, have to do with the meager GDP and poverty seen in countries like Iraq, Iran, Yemen and others? hmm something to think about
  9. sassa, thats bullshit. US is not against Islam, how many times do we have to say that? yes, we are a nation of wealth and materialism, and you sassa, are in no position to critisise us for that. let me guess, you are a middle class, in your 20-30, live in a house/apartment furnished with nice things like comfortable couches, heating and a stereo system. you also drive a car, wear nice looking clothes and try to look nice through things that are made of material aka = materialism. you know, i lived in russia during the Communist regime, when the people had no choice in their clothing, no choice in their food, lodgings, transportation and many other things. i would never, ever want to go back for that system, this is also the way many of your so called opressed arab states live in. i dont give a shit what your religion/beliefs/ideology is, this is a basic rule = people want to live comfortably and securely. it isnt religion thats causing poorness, in fact, Islam welcomes and infact encourages wealth, wealth is considered positive because if you are wealthy, you can give more charity and spend more time devoting to allah. so cut the bullshit, this isnt about religion. this is about ideology, propaganda and pure inefficiency and incompetence on the part of many arab regimes. look at turkey, a muslim country, a relatively prosperous country as well. is it religion? no. its pure and simple economics and responsible policies. before you say your hackneyed and clicheed phrases of "US is the oppresor", "US is against Islam" or "Its the fault of US policies", do some research and see what the current mid east regimes' policies are. then compare.
  10. just got it, excellent, excellent album. nick and jody kick ass! Stealth and Mindcircus are the best tracks
  11. i think the problem lies in the arab mentality that the west wants to destroy islam and take over mid east. you hear it in every arab media outlet. what a load of shit, and we are the ones to blame according to sasa. im not saying we are angels, we did do some nasty CIA and NSA shit you will never find out about, but 90% of the arguments against US are void. arabs are responsible for their own demise, instead of joining in the globalized economy and industrialization, they sit and wail, and expect the west to provide everything. the only hope i see in that region is King Abdullah of Jordan, a man who is taking his country in the right direction of modernization. how can any nation in that region compete, when their production capacity is non existent, the religious clerics control the government and the people are highly uneducated in modern technology? duh! no wonder they are destitute and shaky. the same story was with thailand, taiwan, korea, china, romania, ireland and many other countries that after the Cold War were left without strategic importance and aid. did they blame US for all their ills? no, they invested, consolidated their industrial and commercial infrastructure, focused on foreign investment by creating financial incentives and focusing on education and modernization in order to be able to compete. capitalism although not perfect, is wonderful, look at these countries and look at their annual GDP and growth rate and you will see why it works and muslim fundamentalism doesnt. ps - sassa, dont try to trivialise the WTC deaths please, thats vile and repulsive.
  12. yo sasa, remember a little war called Kosovo? when every one on the left were belching and crying foul over the US bombing of serbian military targets? you remember that? do you also remember the fact that we saved thousands of muslim lives by stopping milosevic. by stopping hussein. not very popular with the left now is it? the fact that cnn is biased is no news. the fact that people are trying to demonize american actions is very unsettling. i dont think any nation in the middle east is in position to give US advice over foreign policy issues. you look at any mid-east nation, any one, and compare their actions to ours, and i want you to honestly say who is more righteous and ethical in actions. re:taliban, i am glad we bombed them, yes there were casualties, that is unavoidable. we asked for 1 thing, to have bin laden tried in court of law for murder of thousands of people. the taliban leadership refused to hand over an international criminal. they are paying the price in blood. as for the afghan victims, a few deaths now, for the price of freedom. you can not achieve peace and liberty without paying a price. i think its an immature and romantic notion that we can 'negotiate this out'. negotiations were over when mullah omar flipped us the finger and went into caves. all i hear is distorted critisism of US and none of the arab world. i am not saying that all arab world is responsible, but there is something fundamentally wrong with their mentality, when a large proportion of the population supports a mass murderer.
  13. hehe princesslolita, thanx for asking this. u know most girls are very inept at oral, (probably most guys too), out of like 8 or 9 girls, i remember only one that stands out as a super bj giver. u know what she did? first off, you dont go straight to sucking like a chore, what got me warmed up was how she teased, by kissing every area except the dick itself, and how she used her hands. she gently glided her hands up and down my legs creating an awesome sensation. then slowly she got to the dick, forget the balls part, thats irrelevant. what u gota go for is the head. thats the most sensitive part, like an equivalent of a clit i guess.she gently licked the head, i swear i almost came just from that. then, she started sucking, and not just like eating your ice cream, she used the toungue, the best feeling was when she sucked it in, like a vacuum, and at the same time licked the shaft with her toungue, the sensation is unbelievable. its a combination of sucking and toungue that works the best. anyway practice helps too hope that helps.
  14. i thought it sucked. it wasnt even funny, except when cartman farted on the plane. i thought they would put one of those clever and twisted spins on the whole situation. it turned out nothing more than looney tunes. i think this is the main problem in america. we get our international knowledge from cartoons.
  15. i hate those bastards, they are like a legalized version of the squeege men. if i needed assistance with my leak process, i would see a doctor. theres no reason for them to be there. 'excuse me sir, can i hold your cock while you take a leak? only $1!" what kind of a shit is this? hey there are lotsa people struggling to make a buck, but this job is the lowest of the low. its lower than the squeegemen and the guy who sells you those deaf cards. so you are deaf, dont feel sorry for yourself, get a fucking job, look at helen keller!
  16. DANNY TENAGLIA FOR PRESIDENT!!! nuff said, the man rules all mere mortals!! ('we are not worthy, we are not worthy')
  17. tribal

    Music for Sex

    i made a list of my 10 fav albums, Madona + Enigma seem to be the best for sex, wacha think? maybe barry white? http://www.angelfire.com/dc/tribal/music.html
  18. yea i know you dont agree, but they are my fav. i made a page for it. http://www.angelfire.com/dc/tribal/music.html
  19. whats the 411 on that? heres my pick 1. Paul Oakenfold - New York 2. Nick Warren - Budapest 3. Sasha - Ibiza 4. Danny Tenaglia - Athens 5. JDigweed - LA
  20. who was that one single black guy next to Guiliani? that shit was hilarious, he was the MC, and kept yelling, "YEA BABY, YEA!!" louder than Bloomberg could talk. everyone kept givin him like "whats the black guy doin here" stares!! never seen the republicans so uncomfortable!!! shit that was funny.he was the only minority on the podium!!! its like the reps were saying, hay, were for minorities too! look we got one!!!
  21. first time i got head was when i was about 16. i dont know if its because of the first experience, but i still think it was the best head i ever got, and i got quiet a few since then. its the way she did it, not just 'ok, im doing you a favor' kind of bj, but more into it, like she really cared how good it felt. she expertly used the tongue! most of my ex gfriends couldnt give head for shit. the first time i went down was when i was 16 or 17, and love eating that cat ever since
  22. Mmmm, yes there's nothing quite like tasting yourself on your man. His cock, his hands, his face. Just licking off every last drop of your sweet juices. SOOOO FUCKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!! Baseball! Baseball, Baseball! Cold shower, Baseball!
  23. tribal

    PiX PiX PiX!!!

    damn chad, you look like u just stepped out of Abercrombie commercial. now i feel like an ass showing my mug. im the dude with the hat and the jet ski. ciao
  24. yo karch, look at the casualties from both sides, and look at the overall picture. in the last few days, you have scores of israelis killed by palestinian gunmen. what were the israelis doing? waiting for a bus, coming home from work, and just yesterday, the two kids who were killed, were in a school bus that was attacked by a gunman. now look at the palestinian casualties. almost daily you hear of palestinian kids getting shot, what were they doing? throwing rocks, firebombs and shooting at soldiers. other casualties include well known Hamas and Jihad terrorists, snipers and gunmen. seem a bit strange? we arent brainwashed sassa, just overwhelmed at the hate that spewes from that region. its equally sad when israeli school kids are shot to death, and a palestinian kid is shot for throwing stones. maybe if the israelis built a few less settlements and the palestinians stopped their hate propaganda, maybe we could see some future.
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