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Everything posted by tribal

  1. hmmmm, only one name comes to mind. David Hasslehoff. hes big in germany you know.
  2. who gives a shit? draper is a lightweight. draper should stay in that shithole exit, keep the meatheads out of the real clubs. draper !! :laugh:
  3. made it in Flash, lemme know what u think
  4. tribals here never fear spread those legs and intake my spear gona get wet n spicy all nite long,and when u moan its better than my favorite song making love in bathroom stalls only one result: blue balls ha! eat shit robert frost, who sez we cant write poems! silly rabbit!
  5. yea, great, go K !! Raver love is sharing drugs
  6. sad to say, after saleens reply, i feel no interest in this thread, it lost its debatable significance. i feel sorry for you saleen, i hope you go to school, travel, engage, and learn about areas outside of jersey, and then judge an entire race of people. in one crude comment, you have insulted two great cultures. proviniciality spawns xenophobia and misplaced contempt. good luck to all of you.
  7. damn fabio, u a white boy pimp like myself. git ta hand it to the young man, da ladies are a smmooookiiinggg. pshhhh, i be calling FDNY, oh my! brotha, best of luck with the feline devils baby, keep the spirit rolling gee. true true, word up. ps(exit is a shithole, bring em for DT, u know what im sayin! gee. just leave that guy with no shirt on at exit. kapeesh)
  8. i would go here. virgin islands. been there this summer, never wanted to leave.
  9. snow falling outside, only you i wanna ride sunshine beaming past my eyes, licking you makes me feel nice leaves are circling in vivid fall, youre the tastiest one of all april showers come and go, youre so tight, im gona blow. - a famous duet about seasons and sex by me. thank u thank u. :book:
  10. tribal

    Enigma+Sex= :)

    is it me, or is Enigma the best music for lovemaking? its like a soundtrack to a surreal world. brings out the passion somehow. just got the greatest hits album, mmmm!
  11. the man Bush is trying to bring in into the 'coalition', arafat, is certainly the right fit for the assignment. this is hypocrisy at its worst. this is what arafat said at a PA conference today. Certain phrases, for which he raised his voice, drew loud cheers: “The Palestinian struggle is Al Qaeda (literally “The Base”)” or “Palestine is the true Al Qaeda. Those who don’t agree can drink the sea water of Gaza.” And: “The day will come for us to liberate all the mosques and churches of Jerusalem and unfurl the Palestinian flag over our capital city, Jerusalem.” Arafat by reiterating the name of Osama bin Laden’s terror network, Al Qaeda, was throwing down a symbolic gauntlet. ---------- they are all connected. bringing this one into this 'coalition' is like giving the robber the keys to your house. arafat never wanted peace or co-existence, his terror groups will not rest until all of israel is under arab control. this is who bush wants to bring into the coalition. heres the complete article -have a good weekend ----------------- Arafat’s Never-Ending Hunger for War 28 October: The speech Yasser Arafat delivered Saturday, October 27, restored to their true perspective a whole range of happenings in the week just ending - in particular, the well-meaning attempts to persuade Israel that its army’s anti-terrorist cleanups in seven Palestinian towns, in the wake of the assassination of its tourism minister, Rehavem Zeevi, was a punishment the Palestinian leader could not be expected to bear - as well as hampering the American campaign against terror. Then came the rise and fall of a deal brokered by the US to enable Israeli troops to pull out of Bethlehem and Beit Jalah. Struck on Friday night, October 26, the deal broke down Saturday morning, October 27. Instead of holding their fire for just 24 h ours, the Palestinians stepped up their attacks from the Al Aida refugee camp in the Bethlehem sector (as well as in most other parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip). Prime Minister Ariel Sharon thereupon suspended the pullout indefinitely. Amid the noise and fury, Arafat made it clear that however much the world may have changed since September 11, every one of his spots remains firmly in place. For one of his most bellicose speeches in months, Arafat gathered in his office in Gaza the political activists of all the Palestinian groups – Fatah-Tanzim, the Popular Front, the Democratic Front, Hamas and Jihad Islami. Under the caption, ”Facing the Challenges”, he placed the Palestinian struggle at the center of the Muslim scene and in the context of the war in Afghanistan. Certain phrases, for which he raised his voice, drew loud cheers: “The Palestinian struggle is Al Qaeda (literally “The Base”)” or “Palestine is the true Al Qaeda. Those who don’t agree can drink the sea water of Gaza.” And: “The day will come for us to liberate all the mosques and churches of Jerusalem and unfurl the Palestinian flag over our capital city, Jerusalem.” Arafat by reiterating the name of Osama bin Laden’s terror network, Al Qaeda, was throwing down a symbolic gauntlet. DEBKAfile’s Palestinian experts interpret him as saying in effect that the Palestinian cause was the true basis for the Islamic struggle – not bin Laden, but the Palestinian people and their leader were the authentic fighters on behalf of Islam. He was not trying to discredit bin Laden’s terror campaign against the United States, which has been lauded in Palestinian demonstrations which Arafat’s police suppressed violently. He drew cheers from his audience by declaring that the campaign was just, but at the same time the Saudi-born terrorist had done the Palestinians and their leader a grave injustice by usurping their rightful place as the original instigators of the struggle. This was Arafat’s way of answering Osama bin Laden’s televised address shortly after the US launched its war in Afghanistan. Bin Laden then embraced the Palestinian cause and sneered at depraved Arab leaders, among them Arafat, for betraying that cause by being corrupt. It should therefore have come as no surprise to anyone that, while sending his top officers, among them General Intelligence West Bank Chief Tawfiq Tirawi, to meet Israeli and American officers to discuss the Israeli army’s withdrawal from Palestinian territory, he also ordered the sameTirawi to defeat the exercise by keeping up the shooting at full blast in the Bethlehem-Gilo sector. Arafat has no interest in ending his war against Israel; what he cares about is his place in Islamic history. When he launched his Al Aqsa intifada last September, he fought his holy war alone in the Arab and Muslim arena. Now he has powerful competition from the millionaire terrorist who despises him and has declared a global intifada. Arafat is not one to back down when faced with competition. Quite the opposite, he is stepping up the combat. The suspension of the Israeli withdrawal from Bethlehem and Beit Jala – until Sunday in the first instance - is likely therefore to drag out much longer, as long as Israel insists on not pulling its troops back under fire. Meanwhile, American and European diplomats have gone into action to get Arafat to halt the shooting by Monday. In the meantime, the wars go on – in Kabul, in Bethlehem and in Gilo alike. All the distinctions drawn by US diplomats and media, like Tom Friedman, the New York Times columnist, between the two arenas are therefore artificial because it is Yasser Arafat who will never accept them. He sees himself as bin Laden’s forerunner and more than an equal in the great Islamic campaign against the infidel.
  12. yo sexxybaby d, u are 1 sexy bitch baby!
  13. just put in a new background, what do u think? thanx. http://www.angelfire.com/dc/tribal
  14. i gotta agree, a great article. T Friedman is a brillian writer. you should read his book, The Lexus and the Olive Tree. an excellent work on globalization and capitalism. this article was one of his most direct and head on approaches yet, and i gotta say, i cant disagree on a single issue he has brought up. here the article for non NYT people ------------------------------------- We Are All Alone By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN So let me see if I've got this all straight now: Pakistan will allow us to use its bases Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays — provided we bomb only Taliban whose names begin with Omar and who don't have cousins in the Pakistani secret service. India is with us on Tuesdays and Fridays, provided it can shell Pakistani forces around Kashmir all other days. Egypt is with us on Sundays, provided we don't tell anyone and provided we never mention that we give the Egyptians $2 billion a year in aid. Yasir Arafat is with us only after 10 p.m. on weekdays, when Palestinians who have been dancing in the streets over the World Trade Center attack have gone to bed. The Northern Alliance is with us, provided we buy all its troops new sandals and give U.S. passports to the first 1,000 to reach Kabul. Israel is with us provided we never question the lunacy of 7,000 Israeli colonial settlers living in the middle of a million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Kuwait would like to be with us, it really would, since we saved Kuwait from Iraq, but two Islamists in the Kuwaiti Parliament spoke out against the war, so the emir just doesn't want to take any chances. You understand. The Saudis, of course, want to be with us, but Saudis are not into war-fighting. That's for the household help. Don't worry. Prince Alwaleed has promised to rent us some Bangladeshi soldiers through a Saudi temp agency — at only a small markup. The Saudi ruling family would love to cooperate by handing over its police files on the 15 Saudis involved in the hijackings, but that would be a violation of its sovereignty, and, well, you know how much the Saudis respect sovereignty — like when the Saudi Embassy in Washington rushed all of Osama bin Laden's relatives out of America after Sept. 11 on a private Saudi jet, before they could be properly questioned by the F.B.I. And then there's my personal favorite: All our Arab-Muslim allies would love us to get bin Laden quickly, but the Muslim holy month of Ramadan is coming soon and the Muslim "street" will not tolerate fighting during Ramadan. Say, do you remember the 1973 Middle East war, launched by Egypt and Syria against Israel? Remember what that war was called in the Arab world? "The Ramadan war" — because that's when it was started. Oh, well. I guess the Arab world can launch wars on Ramadan, but not receive them. My fellow Americans, I hate to say this, but except for the good old Brits, we're all alone. And at the end of the day, it's U.S. and British troops who will have to go in, on the ground, and eliminate bin Laden. Ah, you ask, but why did we have so many allies in the gulf war against Iraq? Because the Saudis and Kuwaitis bought that alliance. They bought the Syrian Army with billions of dollars for Damascus. They bought us and the Europeans with promises of huge reconstruction contracts and by covering all our costs. Indeed, with the money Japan paid, we actually made a profit on the gulf war; Coalitions "R" Us. This time we'll have to pay our own way, and for others. Unfortunately, killing 5,000 innocent Americans in New York just doesn't get the rest of the world that exercised. In part we're to blame. The unilateralist message the Bush team sent from its first day in office — get rid of the Kyoto climate treaty, forget the biological treaty, forget arms control, and if the world doesn't like it that's tough — has now come back to haunt us. And who can blame other countries for wanting to shake down U.S. taxpayers when Dick Armey and his greedy band of House Republicans are doing the same thing — pushing a stimulus bill with more tax breaks for the rich, lobbyists and corporations, and virtually nothing for the working Americans who will fight this war? My advice: Try not to focus on any of this. Focus instead on the firemen who rushed into the trade center towers without asking, "How much?" Focus on the thousands of U.S. reservists who have left their jobs and families to go fight in Afghanistan without asking, "What's in it for me?" Unlike the free-riders in our coalition, these young Americans know that Sept. 11 is our holy day — the first day in a just war to preserve our free, multi-religious, democratic society. And I don't really care if that war coincides with Ramadan, Christmas, Hanukkah or the Buddha's birthday — the most respectful and spiritual thing we can do now is fight it until justice is done.
  15. yo saint, that was beautiful man! especially the part with the nuts and licking! haha, seriously, saint is vividly right. usa, what the fuck are you trying to accomplish? yes these things can happen, so what? a million other things can happen as well, will you post about them? take it easy bro, have a glass of merlot, smoke up a cigarette, make love to your woman, tell her you love her. because you know what, you may not have a chance to do that in the future. this is how israelis live, i lived there in '95, and i learned to take life for what it really is, a gift, an opportunity.
  16. hehe, is it just me, or does igloo seem to be pat buchanan in disguise? DUDE! stop with the insults! we all love this country. just because some people critisize the actions of our 'evil-doer fighter' president and government, does not mean they are anti american. i personally support the military action right now, and i support israel, so what? do i have to hate sasa or anyone else for having a different opinion? cmon man, think it out brotha! oh, ps - go411, "Oh shut the fuck up already!!!! what happened on 9/11 happens everyday in other countries" - that was harsh, factless and unnecessary. peace
  17. daaaamn, shouldnt this be in drama somewhere? from the way i see things, igloo is the extreme right of the road, sassa is the extreme left of the road. im taking a detour.
  18. yea, and barslut, you arent really robocok? gee, fooled us there. this thread is completely pointless. im only replying as to what sasa said. sasa thats bullshit hon, sorry. #1, name me 1 real democracy in the middle east besides israel and turkey, where citizens have more than 1 party. technically iraq is a democracy, with the baath party in control, for the past 30 years. so saddam gets statistically impossible 99.7% of the popular vote. yea, next. #2 the fact is many israelis are extreme in their view toward palestinians and yes, the palestinians are treated like shit by the border soldiers. why? heres a clue. almost every month, there is a suicide bomb, and not by a far off wacko like McVeigh and unabomber, but state sponsored groups like Tanzim and PFLP. israel is protecting itself just like america is protecting itself in the current situation. how can you blame people for being defensive and vigilant, when they have been attacked 3 times by 6 arab nations in the last 50 years? sadly to say, 1. there will probably be another war soon, 2. i dont see any clear resolution to this conflict. also one more important point, sasa you said that the war in israel is little kids with stones vs trained soldiers. way to go sasa! you got the sympathy! such a clear black/white situation, kids vs soldiers right? wrong. you forgot to mention Hamas, Hezbolah, Force 17, groups which attack israelis on daily basis, not with stones, but with assault/sniper rifles, mortars, firebombs and grenades. the people who live in Gilo, are shot at daily by the palestinians. imagine getting up for work, having your coffee and having to duck for stray bullets every morning. sad picture, not exactly kids with stones now is it? you also forgot to mention the hideous anti-israeli propaganda played on palestinian state media, urging young kids to attack soldiers. this situation isnt black/white, right/wrong. we must all see the gray areas. ciao
  19. daaamn, interesting. people, you have to realize that these are just opinions, and when ssassa or whoever says something like "i think that bombing afganistan is wrong", it does not mean they are pro bin laden. it means "hey, you know i am thinking here on what we can do to protect the country and stabilize the situation, and it doesnt seem clear to me that bombing afghanistan is the right thing to do". these are the same types of people who questioned vietnam, and were insulted by the majority who percieved them to be anti-american. guys, this isnt 2nd grade, i dont think any one here is anti american, they just have different view points as to what should be done in this situation. igloo, stop the violence bro! anyway, besides that, i also want to say that not bombing the taliban, and not using force to combat these fuckers would be the biggest mistake. bin laden doesnt give two shits about what democracy is all about, he doesnt give two shits about what you, sasa, the left, the right and every one else thinks. you think he gives a shit about the palestinian cause? hardly, he has never been there and has never done any humanitarian work, besides funding for bullets to kill israeli civilians. what he wants is his own psychopathic dream of West vs Islam to come true. sadly, it may be happening. not taking action is to let the cancer of islamic fundamentalism spread over the entire body. as for the bombing of afghanistan, as i said before, if we stop, and let the taliban rule, we would have abandoned the afghanis for the second time, a mistake that can not be made. if we abandon that area, it will unmistakebly become a primary breeding ground for terror groups and a staging ground for islamic fundamentalism to spread across the globe. lifes a bitch, now we gotta become one.
  20. tribal

    Tips for going down

    the clitoris(in case you're wondering, it's that little spot that feels like ball right above the vagina) hehe, dude i think i am familiar with the little guy in the canoe thanx for the replies, i tried all of these, i thought maybe anyone would know anything exotic, like out of the ordinary, maybe kamasutra-like techniques. one thing i found that is very very effective, was while tounging the lips and one of my hands was fingering, i just out of curiosity, reached around with the other hand, and massaged the clit, so basically its a 2 -way assault on the Holy Land, one hand in front fingering the clit , the other hand around the ass stimulating the rest, and my toungue in between. she fucking screamed, she told me later it was the best feeling she ever had! arite if any one has more, share. ciao
  21. yea i did a BTM sort of a mix while back called St.Tropez. heres the track list 1. unfinished symphony 2. d.mode - enjoy the silence 3. duran duran - come undone (tribal remix) 4. st. etienne - the sea 5. chris isak - wicked games (haha! coincidence) 6. mike oldfield - tubular bells 7. madona - lets get unconsious 8. sasha - baja 9. rachels song 10. mystica - bliss 11. auranaut - people want to be needed
  22. tribal

    Tips for going down

    hi guys. well i gotta be honest. i loooove going down on my gf, and every time i go down i like to try new things, i pretty much know what type of strokes and positions she likes, the thing is i want to improve. girls, if you have favorite tongue techniques that you like, please let me know. guys, if u have proven methods, share with a brotha! i want to know more!!!
  23. Sassa, i understand what you are trying to say. You have to ignore igloo and others who attack you personally, because they do so not out of immaturity or hate, but of passion. I have the same passion as them. i want to see taliban fuckers burn. i also do not want the averge afghanis to suffer. what you have said about US forces is also incorrect. we are not bombing the civilian population. Sassa, make no mistake about it, this is a war, and yes, war is hell, but there is a time for diplomacy, and there is a time for war. you can call me a warmonger, racist, ignorant, etc., i know in my heart and in my mind, that we are doing the right thing. US is taking extreme measures to avoid civilian populations. taliban on the other hand, is moving its troops and equipment into the population centers, in order to increase casualties and arab sympathy. i dont understand why, people cant understand that we can not negotiate with terrorists. they are not people of reason and clear thought like you and i. as much as it seems barbaric and backward, the Hama situation was very effective for the stability of Syria. in our case, we are limiting the number of casualties as much as possible, and think about it, would you rather have a few afghan deaths from accidental stray bombs, than a million tortured souls, if taliban is not dismantled? do you still want to negotiate with the taliban, the same people who kill women and forbid all kinds of music? that seems unreasonable. ps - i posted this on a british leftist 'socialist' site, some responses are pretty sickening. -http://www.urban75.net/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=3&t=000833&p= UWS
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