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Everything posted by tribal

  1. greg whats your email?? i gota send u something
  2. just listening to this at work now, damn this shit brings me back, 2 joints, date rape, rivers of babylon. too bad the lead singer died, those guys had some talent. brings me back to those chill summers with sunsets, coronas and some nice mellow blunts
  3. i absolutely agree with gmccookny, reading is essential in constructing an intelligent conversation. since i came to this country, it has become obvious, that the american culture in some ways shuns the intellectual, the one who prefers a book over a football. in order for a personal to be stimulating intellectually, they need a source, a foundation from which to build their points and arguments, a bonafide materiel sort of. in this country unfortunately the emphasis is on who is going to win the next Survivor show, rather than whats new and interesting to read and assess. dont lose it though, i understand where youre coming from.
  4. this bambataa guy may be a musical genious, but i find his analytical thinking a bit faulted. With no major enemies left the United States needed new demons to justify its vast war machine. New enemies were invented in Iran, Iraq, Libya and Muslim fundamentalist groups. Being in control of the world's media it was quite easy to demonise and antagonise them. Swift "reprisals", often against unrelated groups, created new enemies. Thus, the bombing of civilians in Libya was termed a "reprisal" while the sabotage of an American airliner was called "terrorism." ----------- The Americans have access to high tech gizmos like Cruise Missiles. Their armed forces are deployed all over the planet. Their navy, marines and air force are powerful, disciplined and strongly motivated. Many of its members are fanatics. ----------- 1. The Americans aim is global domination. The fundamentalists only want to prevent this. A denial strategy is far cheaper in blood and treasure. -------- The US ruling circles believe it is their birthright to rule the planet. They undertook a long and bitter campaign ­ the "Cold War" -- against the former Soviet Union and its allies. They finally broke the Soviet Union by intensifying the arms race. The Soviet economy collapsed under the strain riiiight.......
  5. whoever has caused the moscow attacks is not certain, but i cant sympathise with the chechen insurgents. they were connected to bin laden and were a cancer to the region long before the first russian assault. one of their aims was to establish a muslim state within russia, a taliban-like regime to counter the christian russian state. moscow was going to give maskadov, the warlord, independence, because it did not want to spend more money on the war. but as soon as any central moscow control left out of sight, the entire region collapsed into anarchy, thereby destabilizing neighbor regions, and bringing on the islamic threat. there is a great tendency in the western media to report russian military violations, while at the same time to keeping quiet at the unacceptable level of chaos the warlords let the region slip into.
  6. ah actually it wasnt that simple. The 'evil' russian empire didnt just come in and ruin perfect cities all in the name of crushing a rebellion. dont forget, chechnya was and officially is a russian republic, which means that the locals are russian citizens. when the russian troops withdrew, local muslim warlords brought chechnya into a state of anarchy, where kidnappings, murders and bombing were a daily event. i dont disapprove of russians wanting to put control over the criminal elements who are linked to bin laden. what i do disapprove of is the tactics used by the army, an army that is made up of many ex convicts and criminals, due to low conscription rates. with no money to maintain a professional and effective army, russian army cuts too many corners and discipline is very low.
  7. Israeli Woman Stabbed to Death in a Wave of Violence By JAMES BENNET JERUSALEM, Feb. 9 — Capping a violent week in which militants jailed by the Palestinian Authority at Israeli request were released, a group of Arab youths in the Forest of Peace here repeatedly stabbed a 24- year-old Israeli woman, the police said. The woman, who died at a hospital soon afterward, was taking a walk in the park, which is set between Jewish and Arab areas of the city. Masked Palestinians were spotted running away and the police said they caught four of them. One collapsed and died at the scene, though the police said that he had not been shot or wounded and that an autopsy would be performed. In the Jabaliya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, thousands of supporters of the Islamic group Hamas gathered for a rally in which performers acted out a rocket attack on a Jewish settlement. "We are ready to explode!" the crowd chanted. Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantisi, a pediatrician who is a top political leader of Hamas, addressed the crowd, in his first public appearance since he agreed with the Palestinian Authority to submit to house arrest in December. That deal, together with a limited cease-fire declared by Hamas, appears to have collapsed in the recent exchange of attack and counterattack. In a reference to suicide attacks, Dr. Rantisi declared to the crowd, "I say it clearly, that Hamas will continue the martyrdom operations." "Let's not care if they say that we are terrorist organizations," he said. "Your choice is your gun." As the violence has flared recently, Yasir Arafat has repeatedly called for a cease-fire, and the Palestinian leadership did so again today. But Dr. Rantisi told the crowd, "Whoever wants to stop the intifada wants to tear us apart." "I swear that one day all Israelis will run away from your land," he told a throng of Palestinians. The Hamas supporters also watched a skit in which Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was portrayed as driven to distraction by Hamas. In the end, the Sharon character went crazy, but there was no room for him in the mental hospital. Israeli officials do not believe Mr. Arafat truly wants to end the conflict. They have been studying his appearances before crowds this week in his official compound in the West Bank city of Ramallah, where he is confined by Israeli forces. He repeatedly called for "resistance," and in one appearance led a chant calling for "millions of martyrs" to march to Jerusalem. A senior Israeli military official said that the Palestinian Authority had released almost all the men on a list of 33 whom Israel had asked it to apprehend. "At the peak they arrested 10 out of 33," said a senior Israeli military official, "and now that they let everyone run away, they don't have more than one or two." Palestinian officials say that they cannot safely imprison militants with Israeli forces bombing the security compounds where prisoners are held. During airstrikes in the West Bank city of Nablus on Wednesday night, officials freed 25 accused militants from prison. It has become a familiar cycle. Prisoners were also released in Nablus last May, when Israeli warplanes attacked the same compound in retaliation for a suicide bombing. In the West Bank city of Jenin on Wednesday night, gunmen marched on a makeshift prison, the more secure jail having been destroyed in previous raids. Saying that they feared an Israeli attack, they demanded and secured the release of 10 to 15 men, Palestinian officials said. But the Israeli military official described Mr. Arafat's behavior as a deliberate relinquishing of control. "He's not losing control — he doesn't want to have control," the official said. Palestinian officials assert that Mr. Arafat is not powerful enough to act against militants while negotiations have stopped and Israeli forces blockade Palestinian cities and operate freely in Palestinian-controlled territory. In northern Israel today, at least two Palestinians died when their car exploded. The Israeli police said that the men apparently blew themselves up accidentally while on their way to an attack. Also today, Israeli forces swept into the West Bank town of Tamoun in armored vehicles. The army said that the troops were seeking militants connected to an attack Wednesday night on the nearby settlement of Hamra, in the Jordan Valley. A reservist and two settlers — a woman and her 11-year- old daughter — died in that attack, at the hands of a Hamas gunman dressed as an Israeli soldier. ------------------ these people dont deserve their own country.
  8. yo, did i call you a racist? wtf are u talking about? the truth? what you said was not truth, it was your opinion based on your observations, which are faulted. no i havent scoured every km of russia, but i think i would know whats the major religion of my country is. you get your information out of your ass, because you have obviously never been in the region and have no objectional or substantial argument to make. im telling you again, S L O W L Y, russians dont hate america, they dont like muslim extremists, thats why theres a bloody war in chechnya right now. maybe youve heard, but russia has aligned itself with US to fight global terrorism??? or maybe thats also not the truth? stop watching movies and start paying attention.
  9. sonic fusion, you know they thought that Sharif was powerful too. dont over estimate any one in that region, they are all replaceable in minutes. the extremest islamic element is very powerful in pakistan. crackorn, before you yap about something you have no understanding of, read a few books on history and culture of the countries you mentioned. i lived in russia half of my life, and never, not once have i encountered anyone who has hated america. maybe the mid east countries do, but not russians. just because you saw too many american-made rambo movies, doestn mean russians are american hating, vodka drinking, MiG flying enemies. and yes i know how large russia is, ive been in many parts. the vast majority of russians are eastern orthodox christians and would never align themselves with muslim states. got that? same goes for EU, who need american money to retain their own power. i dont know what you base your opinions on.
  10. sonicfusion, there is absolutely no way that china and russia would support Islamic states in this so called east vs west war. both of these countries are battling islamic fundamentalism within their borders, in the chinese outer provinces and the russian caucus and eastern tajik regions. both of these countries despise islamic insurgents, and have no love for the religion itself. adding to that, russia is christian orthodox, not muslim, and is much more western in its thinking than any islamic states. this whole idea of east vs west war is bullshit. its not going to happen because there simply is no catalyst or reason for it to happen. if bin laden says it will happen, it doesnt mean it will. there are countries like yemen and jordan that are very moderate and are working to modernize their countries for the next century, and they have friendly relations with US. only a complete idiot would utter the phrase 'nuke em all' i agree we should topple and replace cancerous govts like iran, iraq and sudan, but not every state in that region is completely faulted. btw, its amazing your boy musharaff is still alive. i gave him 2 weeks after he aligned with US. strange wildcard factors???
  11. Arafat’s Terror Timetable Is Set for Sharon’s White House Talks 7 February: Egyptian intelligence chief Gen. Omar Suleiman called on Yasser Arafat in Ramallah Tuesday, 6 February, with two warnings – one from the United States and one from Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon. Arafat was cautioned that if he launched a wave of terrorist attacks during Sharon’s absence, the Palestinians would find themselves confronting a whole new set of game rules. Arafat smiled and promised every effort to keep the peace in the interests of the Palestinian people. Exactly 24 hours after Gen. Suleiman left – and one hour before Sharon boarded the plane for Washington – Arafat gave the signal for the first of a deadly series of terror strikes against Israeli civilians. Two Palestinians with bomb-belts strapped under their heavy clothes mounted a Jerusalem-Maale Adumim bus at the French Hill junction. Due to the bus driver’s vigilance, one was caught before he could detonate his bomb; the other escaped in the confusion. At about the same time, 8 Qasem rockets and launchers were detected for the first time on the West Bank. They were concealed in a fruit truck intercepted by a roadblock on its way from Nablus for Jenin, from which Israeli towns are well within the 120mm rocket’s range. then, after dark, two or more Palestinian gunmen burst into the Jordan Rift Valley moshav of Hamra, shooting wildly, breaking into a house and taking hostages. Israeli forces captured the house, killing one of the terrorists, but not before he murdered a mother and her two small children and injured four civilians. One soldier is also reported dead. The dead terrorist was found wearing a bomb belt. Just before midnight, a second suicide bombing was foiled, when a police roadblock near the Israeli Arab town of Tirah stopped two Palestinians in a van. A search turned up a medium-sized explosive charge intended to blow up a target in an Israeli town. Israeli security forces are on top terror alert. More terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians are expected as Sharon’s Thursday appointment with President Bush approaches. The Israeli prime minister’s ultimatum to Arafat, the military arm of whose Fatah has claimed responsibility for Wednesday’s attacks, will then be put to the test. ________________________________________
  12. Toe Rings, Rave Music and India (Just for Israelis) By SOMINI SENGUPTA Santosh Verma for The New York Times Three young visitors who identified themselves as Israelis in Anjuna Beach, a town where restaurants like the Green Palms advertise their wares in Hebrew and English. Israeli tourism in India has boomed in recent years. The New York Times -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NJUNA BEACH, India — Hebrew-language banners flutter improbably in the sea breeze here while a poster of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the Lubavitcher sage from Brooklyn, keeps a watchful eye on the youngsters on their way to the next full-moon trance party on the beach. Goa, a onetime Portuguese colony on this sliver of India's west coast, is now a shrine on the Israeli ravers' pilgrimage through India — the birthplace of the mind-numbing electronic dance music called Goa trance. For Israelis craving an escape from the pressure of home, often after a prolonged stint in the army, India has become the refuge of choice. Judging by the accounts of Israelie, the contrast between home and here could not be more stark. An explosion usually signals fireworks in the sky. The only army you are likely to see is that of enterprising peddlers hawking toe rings and sarongs on the beach, often in passable Hebrew. One recent day, the revelers here on Israeli Beach, as the non-Israelis call it, were busy hoisting a giant glow-in-the-dark mushroom for a trance party scheduled to get under way at midnight. Never mind the troubles that have kept the well-heeled Western tourists from the Indian subcontinent. The Israelis, used to violence at home, are unfazed. "The more trouble there is, the more we come," said Shira Agasi, a serious, bespectacled woman of 21 who had traversed the Israeli circuit in India, from Manali in the north to Varanasi in the east to here, since finishing a two-year stint in the intelligence division of the Israeli Air Force. "I hope we can bring it to Israel, this atmosphere," her friend Riki Levy, 20, added wistfully, staring at the sea, engulfed in twilight indigo. The end of the cold war opened diplomatic relations between India and Israel barely 10 years ago. Since then the two countries have expanded trade ties and shared intelligence. Today a substantial portion of India's military budget is spent on Israeli arms and military training. A common enemy, Islamic radicalism, helps cement bonds. In 2000 more than 60,000 Israelis visited India, according to the Israeli consul general in Bombay, Dov Steinberg. While no exact figures are available on how many of them come to Goa, word of mouth on the young Israeli travel circuit and the range of services that cater to their needs, from falafel at the restaurants to rooms for as low as $4 a night, makes Goa a frequent stop. for many. So for the last several years they have flocked to these beaches, most of them fresh from the frazzle of military service, lured by the notion that the sea and the mysteries of India and fat chillum pipes stuffed with hashish will offer answers to life's big questions. A handful have been arrested on drug charges and sentenced to the local jail. "There's a fantasy: you think here you'll know what you want to do," is how Lior Naveh, 25, a native of the Tel Aviv area, put it as he watched the sun set before clambering up a hill to a rave at the famous Nine Bar, a sand pit with fake caves serving as the D.J.'s booth. But, he added, "I still don't know what I want to do." So powerfully has India gripped the Israeli imagination that it has figured in television serials, as the subject of at least one recent novel, A. B. Yehoshua's "Return to India," and in a film based on the novel, to be released soon. Published in 1994 in Israel, the novel — titled "Open Heart" in its English translation — tells the story of an Israeli doctor who travels to India to rescue a young compatriot who has fallen ill. The doctor, in turn, falls under the spell of Indian mysticism. Jews have a long history in India. There is a 400-year-old synagogue in Cochin, an overnight train ride from Goa, and as many Indians say with great pride, theirs is one of the few nations where Jews have not been persecuted. But the Israeli fascination with this place has to do with something else. To most Israelis, Mr. Yehoshua argued, India represents a country of many cultures and beliefs, a place where you are not under pressure all the time. The tourists generally do not come here to ride the packed trains of Bombay or reflect on the communal riots that litter this country's past. Young Israelis come armed with lessons on how to get by in Goa, from the price of an auto-rickshaw ride to how much to haggle on the price of a hand-embroidered handbag to the names of clubs. "We knew exactly about this place when we were in Israel," Ms. Agasi said. Escape it might be, but some things do not change. Friday evenings find diners at many restaurants in the area lighting a candle, reciting a Sabbath prayer. Bumper stickers and posters scattered all over Anjuna hawk the virtues of one Jewish sect or another. At the small shops that offer Internet access, the latest news from Israel is always a click away. When word spreads through the grapevine, as it usually does these days, of violence back home, a steady stream of Israelis pours into the long-distance telephone booths to call home.
  13. ive heard these arguments so many times before, that we have to ask ourselves why we were attacked, and what we have to do to change our ways so it wont happen again. do you know what we have to do? we have to have the regional influence of Tanzania, a GDP of Mongolia and military power of Laos, in order to be left alone by fucknuts such as al qada. the fact is, its not what we do, its what we are, that is why we were attacked. i dont care if we upset countries in our support of israel, corporate economy and every thing else that they this is so wrong to do. fuck them. i really mean it. fuck them. we will do what we have to do to. if we were to appease everybody, we would have as much power as Kuwait. cut the shit, they hate us because they have their own agendas, self interests and power hungers. we are just in the way. fuck them. al qada is cancer, and if you let it grow, the whole body will die. we have to eradicate the cancer before it spreads.
  14. fuck you you fucking fuckface fuck. inhale. exhale. serenity now.
  15. last nite i was having sex, and i didnt use a condom, i pulled out just before i came. im worried as hell though, because that kind of shit makes me nervous. i know i know, i gotta use the rubber bastards, but i hate them though, i hate that stuffy feeling. why cant sex be carefree and fun again like in the 60s?
  16. yo sonicinfusion, so the fact that pakistan has been breeding these groups for years like jihad islami, that has nothing to do with it? or the fact that pakistan was the prime supporter of taliban? of the madrassas, that breed these crazy fucks. get the fuck outta here, india can wipe pakistan out in minutes, they are twice as powerful. they should settle this kashmir shit already. and whats with the BO??? i walk into a class at NJIT, 90% hindus and pakistanis, is it the curry in the food? jesus that place smelled like shit, i was dizzy. im serious, ive never smelled a group of people this bad. fuck kashmir, bring in some Old Spice for gods sake.
  17. muhahah evil evil i say! axis shmaxis!
  18. Angered By Snubbing, Libya, China And Syria Form Axis Of Just As Evil. Cuba, Sudan, Serbia Form Axis of Somewhat Evil; Other Nations Start Own Clubs. Bitter after being snubbed for membership in the "Axis of Evil," Libya, China and Syria today announced they had formed the "Axis of Just as Evil," which they said would be way eviler than that stupid Iran-Iraq-North Korea axis President Bush warned of in his State of the Union address. Axis of Evil members, however, immediately dismissed the new axis as having, for starters, a really dumb name. "Right. They are Just as Evil...in their dreams!" declared North Korean leader Kim Jong-il. "Everybody knows we're the best evils... best at being evil... we're the best." Diplomats from Syria denied they were jealous over being excluded, although they conceded they did ask if they could join the Axis of Evil. "They told us it was full," said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. "An Axis can't have more than three countries," explained Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. "This is not my rule, it's tradition. In World War II you had Germany, Italy, and Japan in the evil Axis. So you can only have three. And a secret handshake. Ours is wicked cool." THE AXIS PANDEMIC International reaction to Bush's Axis of Evil Declaration was swift, as within minutes, France surrendered. Elsewhere, peer-conscious nations rushed to gain triumvirate status in what became a game of geopolitical chairs. Cuba, Sudan, and Serbia said they had formed the Axis of Somewhat Evil, forcing Somalia to join with Uganda and Myanmar in the Axis of Occasionally Evil, while Bulgaria, Indonesia and Russia established the Axis of Not So Much Evil Really As Just Generally Disagreeable. With the criteria suddenly expanded and all the desirable clubs filling up, Sierra Leone, El Salvador, and Rwanda applied to be called the Axis of Countries That Aren't the Worst But Certainly Won't Be Asked to Host the Olympics; Canada, Mexico, and Australia formed the Axis of Nations That Are Actually Quite Nice But Secretly Have Nasty Thoughts About America, while Spain, Scotland, and New Zealand established the Axis of Countries That Be Allowed to Ask Sheep to Wear Lipstick. "That's not a threat, really, just something we like to do," said Scottish Executive First Minister Jack McConnell. While wondering if the other nations of the world weren't perhaps making fun of him, a cautious Bush granted approval for most axes, although he rejected the establishment of the Axis of Countries Whose Names End in "Guay," accusing one of its members of filing a false application. Officials from Paraguay, Uruguay, and Indiaguay denied the charges. Israel, meanwhile, insisted it didn't want to join any Axis, but privately, world leaders said that's only because no one asked them
  19. bro you posted a link to a site with all the information about govt programs and operations, i think it was washington university or something like that. can you find that link again? i gota look something up. thanx!1
  20. i only smoke Dunhill and only after 2 events a. good sex b. great meal, otherwise i dont smoke much
  21. damn i miss that place heres some more http://www.angelfire.com/dc/tribal/art/flash/twilo.html
  22. i think there are 2 kinds of GU albums. the ones that are successful commercially because of the popular tracks and the ones that push the boundaries, that are revolutionary. for example Sasha Ibiza is commercial success, as well as a great set, but San Fran was revolutionary, its something else. Take Oakey, NY was amazing, it was original as well as commerically succesful. Emerson Uruguay was a revolutionary set, while not too successful commercially. DDish Moscow was a commercial success while i dont think it was that original. see what im getting at?
  23. yea i got it. not their best work for sure. get it off audiogalaxy, not much to listen to though. its 2 sets, first by JD and second by sasha. get Communicate, their best work by far.
  24. hey dont you talk shit about Jersey nitelife. weve got Club Metro and Joey's aka Guido's! god jersey sucks.
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