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Everything posted by tribal

  1. true true, i love how he mixes in Quiver - Everything is Not You, god how that track brings me back. classic shit, when is his new cd coming out?
  2. clubkat LUSTRAL - Everytime YES YES YES!!!! god i love that track! how about Dumonde - Tomorrow??? heard it at Gatecrasher, blew me away. good trance is good trance, never out of style. sonicfusion, totally right bro, Oakey GU NY, a classic. jamie myerson - rescue me, briliant. also LSG - Netherworld (banco de gaia remix), one of the best as well
  3. so much trance hate here lately, its sad. cheesy shit like ATB and Ian van Dumb are fucking up a great genre. heres my top 3 1. Ascension - someone like you 2. Albion - Air 3. Greece2000 - 3 Drives on Vinyl
  4. You cannot really compare it to any other country...no one does shit like the US. i agree. we do shit better than anyone else in terms of govt structure, efficiency, military technology and business opportunity (except maybe Switzerland). the closest system to ours is probably Japan and Israel, with the Japanese Diet and Israeli Knesset being somewhat like Congress.
  5. not an IB but work with these guys at bank of america and used to work for GSachs. basically its a hell job that pays like a hooker to an angry pimp. loooong hours, many of these guys sleep at work and have virtually no sex life. the pay is great though, but many are burnt out by the time they hit the big leagues like a managing director or senior analysts, or associates. read a really good book written by 2 ex IBs, very funny look at the business, its by John Rolfe and Peter Troob, called "Monkey Business". oh yea and ivy league school helps.
  6. funkadelic, thanx for the pics bro! netherlands seem so nice! keep posting more man. the new queen looks hot, mmm royal ass!
  7. ok smartass, so u think you know some shit huh. how bout this one. whats the first and last name of DJ sander kleinenberg??? hah! take your time hotshot. Oh and one more thing, who remixed the famous LSG-Netherworld track?
  8. easy as pie. since hes either Swedish or German or Dutch, its Vans DeFerans Testies
  9. im thinkin of going to Costa Rica for s.break with my gf, anyone know good sites, with good deals on packages? thanx
  10. hey GO411 let me ask you something what did you have for lunch and dinner today?
  11. what the fuck are you talking about????? you are blaming on all thats happened on the bush admin? 9/11, the recession? you are kidding right? he is doing a good job, we defeated the taliban without major losses in a few months. our security is beefed up to the max right now. what could you be dissatisfied with?? the enron scandal? frankly enron did nothing for me except disgusted me with what CEOs could do. but what does bush have to do with it?
  12. ok luna, ill help you analyze this lil adventure. ok the girl in your dream represents your unfulfilled craving, a subconsious idea, a temptation that you withhold, without even knowing it. youve been with guys before, and youve realized, that many quiet frankly are inept at giving you the necessary pleasure. you turn to women then, because lets face it, women just know more. your dream is a prelude and a hint. women are better! believe me mmmm bi ! go for it girl!
  13. what a stupid day. its like it cheapens the experience with your loved one. i say that everyday should be a V day. fuck feb 16. i dont need a special day to show my love n shit. i bet this holiday was invented by Hallmark and Hersheys or something. if you truly love someone, everyday is a holiday. i mean that.
  14. yea ok h2bayplayer, whatever you say stupid people piss me off sometimes.
  15. breaks i see where youre coming from and i gotta tell you, you side step on so many important issues the case with the current antifada isnt merely an uprising against the occupation, its a calculated move by the PA and arafat. by now, arafat has established strong ties with a number of syrian and iranian backed terror groups, which explains why he was able to finance the Karine A cargo. if you are so adamant on the issue of palst wanting to live with israelis, why did it until 93 say in the palst national charter, that the goal of PA was to eliminate the state of Israel? it was removed only because of the camp david and oslo, and it wasnt done willfully by the palst. i think you are pretty naive to think that the palst want to live next to the israelis, and vice versa. the settler issue is one i would agree with you on. i think its an abomination and a clear violation of international law. this is one great israeli flaw. my point is however, if the palst would stop terror attacks, their point and their struggle would be deemed acceptable and valid, through lack of israeli blood, and it would make israelis look twice at their actions, just like the british looked twice at their treatment of indians and gandi. obviously thats a bit of wishful thinking, but at the current stage, i cant agree on your view of the palst agenda. oh btw, comparing the PA and Israeli media is not equitable. they are simply not similar. the amount of stereotyping, hate speech and violent visual imagery shown on israeli media is nothing compared to PA programs. there was a NY times article about a year ago, reporting what kind of propagnda the palst were feeding their children. i dont blame them for picking up stones and firebombs. the children are plain brainwashed by the PA media. what school did u go to?
  16. also, ive read E.Said's work. i wouldnt exactly call him a moderate. what you dont understand is that in this type of conflict, there is no true moderate. the closest thing to moderates in that region are Peres and Ashrawi. and they have proven to be completly non effective. as ive said, i dont support this type of palst struggle. is they would wage any other form of protest, if they truly feel oppressed, which im sure they are, they should use non violent protest. i can not sympathisize with supporters of terror. there are hundreds of ethnic groups who feel oppressed across the globe, from Sikhs to Kurds to Tibetans. i think the palst are getting more attention than they deserve.
  17. breaks take a look at what youve just said and then try to think why things are the way they are 1. israel gets more financial and military aid than any other country in the region. why? the AIPAC? yes to an extent. a bigger reason is that israel is the only true allie and a reliable military power, proven in battle. israel is the only country that US can truly rely upon to project its power. its all about strategic interests, and if you think that the jewish groups are the sole cause of US aid to israel, you have a lot of historical reading to do. 2. Clinton was regarded both by israelis and palst as an honest and fair broker. he brought barak and arafat together and said, "lay out your do's and donts and we wil go from there" barak gave arafat more than any other previous israeli administration, a chance for a palst state, part of jerusalem and dozens of other vital arrangements, and most importantly, trust in the PA for providing security, something most israeli were very suspicious about, and understandably so. if you are telling me the reason that arafat didnt accept it was because fear of his life, well than, i dont see how the israelis faulted in this one. the other reasons that youve mentioned are minor intricacies that could have been settled only if arafat accepted the resolution. the problem here isnt with israel anymore. yes, the occupation brought on the antifada, but the palst had many chances to put down the gun and establish a state, and they quiet frankly fucked up. arafat did not accept the offer solely because he know from the beginning of camp david that he would never be able to make peace with israel. why? because palst have never accepted the right of israelis to live where they live. if you are so cosmopolitan, please read a fragment of palst media, schoolbooks and articles in their newspapers. you will see why they will never want peace. im very open minded about most things, except the better nature of people in that region. call it Hobbesian complex, but so far i dont see any way out of this mess. like ive said earlier in this post, the main problem is the PA lack of laws and social organization, the palst society exists only on paper, rule of the AK-47 is stronger than law. btw, the issue of Jerusalem as a palst capital is a fairly new one. as you probably know, jerusalem was never regarded as important to arabs as it was to jews, to arabs its i believe 4th or 5th holiest city, while the jews regard it as their point of origin. i swear i hate religion so much.
  18. yo breaks you are absolutely right that this conflict is very split in opinion, and our media is absolutely horrible, i fucking HATE CNN. the problem is, i dont feel much sympathy for the palst, and ill tell you why. if you understand the cause and effect theory, you understand then, why the palst are living like they are living. their tactics are not very bright. no one gains sympathy by blowing people up. in fact, the sympathies are reversed. if the palst had any moral and social arguments against israelis, they become void, once that bomb goes off and kills israelis. it is israeli's every right then, to defend themselves, and i do think you are wrong in underestimating the security threat posed by the palst. many palst and other terror groups are connected in a network, like hezbolla and hamas. the security threat is not taken lightly in israel, just look at their airline security measures for EL AL. by the way, i am quiet sure that unless arafat does something extraordinary brilliant within next few weeks, bush will cut diplomatic ties. not much of a strategy, but his threat is real. go to www.debka.com an israeli intelligence site, great articles, shit you will never read on cnn tom friedman is an excellent writer. read his book From Beirut to Jerusalem. excellent piece of work.
  19. mother russia here. armyantzi, crazy mofos! you guys drink more than us. tovarish!
  20. is this little zit farm being serious??? dipshit, one thing you are going to learn in your bovine life is that its unwise to talk shit to people you dont know. you are very tough until you meet one of us of the boards, and buddy, believe me, many people on this board are a lot, lot bigger than you. another thing you will learn is that theres more to life than being juiced and sticking your dick in some bleached bitch's hole. also learn to spell properly, you are a disgrace to the english language. yo yo yo, wheres my wiggas in da houze? i can already see this sad case from jersey, 20 years from now, with 4 kids, a minivan, a janitor job, a beer gut and a Jets jersey, screaming JETS JETS JETS! (no offense to jets fans!)
  21. abstrakt, you are right on some parts but you are way off on the facts. when the jewish immigration to Trans Jordan (a british entity) was increasing, and strife among jews and arabs was high, the UN decided to create two states, one for palst and one for jews. the jews accepted the partition, i forgot what the UN number resolution it was (maybe Dr.Evil aka eak, can tell us ?), anyway the fact was that the palst rejected the plan and chose to wage a guerilla war on the pre-israel entity. the jewish underground army called the Haganah waged war on many palst militants, and used questionable tactics, like bombing British army buildings, and were therefore labeled jewish terrorists. the fact was that the plight of the palst resulted in the actions of the neighbor arab states, not of israel itself. Egypt, syria and jordan all declared war, on the day israel declared its independence, hoping to crush the embrionic state. as a result, many palst were asked to temporarily leave their homes so their arab brethren could wipe out the jews, without killing any palst in the cross fire. many other palst were kicked out of their homes by israeli troops, during the 48 war, for supporting or aiding the arab forces. you guys make it so simple, the jews are right the arabs are wrong, or vice versa. the fact is that both sides are shady and both have committed crimes against each other.
  22. i dont know how right you are about sharon not wanting peace. sharon is a general, a man of war, and yes he uses many excessive measures against palst. do i blame him? no, because he is doing whats in his nature, just like arafat is doing whats in arafat's nature, distrust and hate of israelis. sharon will never, ever, trust palst, a key to having a mutual peace. there are 2 ways that two nations can be at peace with each other. 1. is to trust each other re: military and engage in commerce, which builds peace and prosperity. 2. is to be military equals, or close to equals, thereby maintaining peace through deterrence (think US and USSR, cold war) the problem with israel/palst is that those 2 conditions do not exist. many people expect the israelis to deal with palst, as they would deal with sovereign nations like Italy, China or SAfrica. the problem with palst, is that they may be a nationality, but certainly not a nation. why? because they have no legal or social system, their system is one of virtual anarchy. how can you expect israel to deal with them on merit of law, when palst do not know what law is, when known terrorists who bomb restaruants and night clubs full of teenagers, are let out free, and hailed as 'revolutionary heroes' or 'martyrs'??? the situation you have now is one of tribal conflict. i think its rather simple to assume that one side is bad and other good. we cant just apply our everyday assumptions as to what they must do, becuase we are thinking from a different world, a world with laws and consequences for actions. the israelis have laws, the palst dont. you are asking israel to refrain from violating laws while dealing with palst. but at what price? certainly not our lives, israelis are the price. the facts are clear, arafat must be replaced, if you notice the cycle, it begins with a suicide bomb or shooting on israeli civilians, followed by a vicious israeli retaliation, causing innocent deaths on both sides. when laws dont exist, neither does morality.
  23. bro i you want quality fun time, go to montreal, place called Teazers. all the shit around here sucks except for Stilletos, which will be very expensive, and you are gonna have to go past the midget at the door. north nj guy, you are a human case of hemrhoids.
  24. there are certainly afghan civ casualties, but the problem is, many european news agencies include dead taliban fighters or their afghan supporters in the numbers, thereby greatly inflating the true innocent casualty number. US military is probably the only military in the world that places an extraordinary emphasis on avoiding civilian damage, any other military campaign, and you would see tens of thousands of dead (soviet invasion, 60+ thousands dead).
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