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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. LMFAO! saw this the day after bush made that stupid ass speech...still gets me rolling though
  2. welcome to the board. i take it that gender = lonelyBOY what music / places u like to go?
  3. hangover, tired-beyond-a-resonable-doubt, and cracked-out are 3 new education tools. all three of these can be purchased in any bar or liquor store. what's great is that they teach you: 1. how to succeed in an uncomfortable situation 2. how to adapt and overcome (no calculator for example) 3. how to succeed under adversity (like jobs, marriage, etc.) 4. how to tolerate really annoying situations (see #3) good luck with your continuing training.
  4. hey, wassup? your screen name: is that a request? where u been going (so we know what would be new)?
  5. if Jayp is as small as you are, i'll definitely support subsituting him for you Maudy (my comment was related to the fact that u are smaller than...well...most of us and therefore passable) roll calls are cool. i was just bitchy this AM (which reminds me, how's jenny?)
  6. seriously, i'll see u all inside if its too packed to move, we can pass Muady back and forth over our heads with drinks and messages.
  7. before Corsten PVD and S & D are gonna have huge lines and shit to get in...much more fun meeting up and then going someplace where the line will move and stuff so u can get your buzz right in the door
  8. Bakun's gonna suck 2nite. Please delete his thread.
  9. barvybe

    Brazilian Rip

    I've been to brazil...they seem to have a good handle on this stuff! i was sitting in the j sisters waiting room and this woman was getting her first wax...she was terrified. when she came out i asked her how it was. she said, "It hurt, but i'll be back in 4 weeks".
  10. Closure is good! and waiting to bump into her is kinda lame i think...i mean u'r not gonna have a meaningful convo with her in a bar. And what if she walks in with her new boyfriend? i broke up with my fiance 4 or 5 years ago. We were able to start communicating again and stuff when she got into a new serious relationship with someone else. Kinda took the whole her and me thing off the table. Now we're best friends. I think every situation is different of course, but just letting chance decide seems like a bad idea to me.
  11. barvybe

    Brazilian Rip

    I've heard from several girls that the J Sisters on 57th between 5th and 6th is the best place to get them done. They've been written up a ton of times in Cosmo, Time Out, etc. A little pricey but probably worth it. my ex used to go there and they did a great job...she said it hurts, but not that bad and they were really quick about it. hurt less every time btw cause the hair grows in finer. DO IT!!! smooth is great
  12. Doing pretty good Shuga...taking a break from the boards for most part to concentrate on finding a job...this shit is killing me! come to think of it, i'm going winter camping next weekend i think . try and let me know next time u'r heading out, ok? love to catch up.
  13. hey shuga! wassup? Rammelsburg: my experience is that the length a woman can take isn't really related to height. my current gf is tiny (5 foot, 90something pounds). sure, there are positions that are uncomfy for her (uterus issue someone brought up), but not more so than an old gf of mine that was 5ft 9. i think girth has more to do with her being sore than length will btw. i mean, she's not likely to get real sore from your tongue or finger, right? as for soreness, i've found (and these are obvious): 1. if there isn't enough foreplay, girls get sore. even if she's really wet, use some fingers to open her up a bit 2. how fast and furious you go. try hitting your hand against the wall a few hundred times. 3. friction - don't know if u'r using condoms or not, but even if u think she's well lubed if u go at it for a while u should replenish for her. stuff evaporates and gets sticky u know. either pause for some tonguing or use a water based lube...whichever. 4. position: when she's in control she's less likely to get sore. some girls also just get more sore than others. good luck!
  14. damn...so y'all think every guy in the world will just go along with when u think the time is right? never had a guy say - "shit, slow down girl I'M not ready for this yet?"
  15. she def. beautiful. but will someone please give her a sandwich!!! those bones sticking outta her chest ain't too sexy
  16. Damn! YOU'RE A RHINO!! You like you're own way, and will do almost anything to pull someone. You don't mind making a fool out of yourself to get your wicked way with someone. Dominant in a relationship - you don't like to be bossed about. When you see someone you like, you don't give up until you get them. You don't really take time to find out about long term potential, you just charge in for the kill. Rough and ready, you like a bit of kinky sex. _____ The do anything to pull someone is totally not the case, and i'm not dominant - i'm passive aggressive. but the rest of this is definitely a side of me that gets expressed.
  17. weekdays, especially mon - wed, are the best for going on. no weekend rabble. only the truly dedicated....and you know this, man!
  18. damn tilly, u made the little guy cry. he's drowning his sorrows with bud. three empties so far. i had a great time! feeling good too...got up around 8 to do some writing when BarMenace stumbled in and collapsed on the carpet.
  19. Me? Harvard? that's more like a folktale
  20. damn girly!!! u even got me to post again come join us tomorrow night!!! I'll messenger u the details tomorrow i think the little one might even be coming
  21. Hacker is right btw....questions about how to bring up the last command and stuff vary depending on your interface. Are u using the interface Oracle provides for the client? or a package like SQL Navigator? or a terminal emulator like Reflection? SQL is great...pure logic.
  22. went shopping. picked up: a can of "smells like broke ass" air freshener and a new tub of "my account" detergent (cause the old one is empty)
  23. feeling sexy is just like fashion - u only know what looks good cause of what everyone around is doing / looks like. Its TOTAL bs that u just know u are sexy. Sexy compared to what? How would u even know what sexy meant if you weren't interacting with people? That's like saying u'd just know your hair was brown even if u had no idea what brown was someone else already said it: guys are attracted (for the most part) to what we don't have - that's why the boobs are such a thing. its all hardcoded into our brains that's all. personally i feel bad for girls with BIG boobs - like someone here said, that shit can be uncomfortable, saggy, fashion limitting, etc. and for "small" chicks (size A) same deal - u don't look as feminine and its fashion limitting. my perspective as a guy: i just want something in proportion, that'll fill my hand. A nice b cup on a girl who's in shape is great, and likely to stay shapely and firm as she gets older too. dick size comparison: never happens so far as i know. more like guys would want to hear from their girl if they are big compared to other guys she's been with. wouldn't give a fuck what size dick my friends or some random dude in the bar has even if we all wore speedos.
  24. snuggles32 what u said about $$$ still doesn't make sense. of course the dj charge more for a bigger place. small place: 1000 @ 20 bucks = 20k big place: 6500 @ 20 bucks = 130k seems like u can charge less and still have the dough to pay the djs. and if u think u have the nicest club: 1. how bout having someone clean the bathroom from time to time 2. turn on the friggin AC...yes we'll still buy water and drinks 3. the drippy pipes below the bathrooms is truly nasty 4. get bouncers that don't harrass people for no reason. i won't go into it here but i saw lots of INEXCUSABLE stuff, and that's the norm at your club unfortunately (more so than other places) 5. work on your coat check system...was totally ridiculous hey, great for bringing in the talent, we all appreciate that. oh, and its ok to keep people that didn't buy tickets in advance outside or even turn them away if the place is too crowded. no one wants to die or get trampled. if u have people passing out and sitting on the dance floor cause they can't get off it...well, nuff said. a buck ain't worth people's misery.
  25. I heard things... black kat loft DnB $5 but dont know where and who is spinning. anyone? mugz? help PS- this is LM. yeah I'm very lazy today.
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