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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. True...does anyone really want to see this in a stroller coming down the street???
  2. Uhhh...I think this would be just a *bit* easier to catch people in the act. All you need is a working nose. Also, it won't be just the authorities' job to enforce. Bar/restaurant owners will need to do their job, or face stiff fines. I also see this more likely to pass now than even a month ago. Some thoughts... - Polls show the majority of NYers favor the ban. Something like 55-45 in favor. With the mayor's popularity dipping lately he'll need to do something (albeit this is kind of small) to appease the majority of tax payers. With only 1 in 5 people being smokers, the odds of the tables turning in poll numbers are slim. - With the struggling city economy Mayor Mike is betting on business increasing and not decreasing because of the ban. Not to mention the large fines that the city can collect from certain establishments. - NYC would certainly be looked down upon if this did not pass. With several states and many cities already passing it (including Florida and Nassau County most recently), NY will likely follow suit, and that would likely be the catalyst for the ban spreading rapidly accross the country. This info is based on what I've encountered in the news, and doesn't reflect my own opinion on the matter. According to NY1.com, the vote should happen some time in January. They are expecting all to be said and done by July 2003, when the new fiscal year starts.
  3. And I have yet to land a sixth grade reunion:( Seriously though, I tried sending out "free" demos from my own site for $3 (just to pay for materials/shipping) and people still complained. Luckily now it's cheap enough that it won't cost you a lot. Now imagine what it must be like for artists trying to sell their CDs for $17.00! Like these other peeps said, the best way to get exposure is to mail your CDs to people and show up to places and hand them out.
  4. no hard feelings...check your PMs
  5. You can't be serious, can you? I've spun Freestyle before it was even called Freestyle, probably when you were in grade 2. FYI the Iron Shiek, while seemingly odd, DOES in fact hang out at freestyle events. I saw pictures of him with a bunch of artists and fans and some club in Queens. And how was that rude anyway? Now please, go listen to the same five freestyle songs on KTU and come back when you know what you're talking about.
  6. seriously though...i think I might have to go with the CDJ 800s...
  7. We can all thank New Jersey for this...
  8. I heard The Iron Sheik hangs out at all the freestyle venues in the area. Any truth to this rumour?
  9. i think this photo pretty much represents what the clubs will be like tonight: I have to be travelling by train tomorrow...no way I could do that in the morning straight from being out clubbing. OK I think that officially makes me an old man:worry2:
  10. and *I* am the lucky one holding his CDJ-1000 until he's all moved in! BWAHAHAHHA!!!! :eek:
  11. true dat... the problem i have is with people who try to leech software or tons of techno all at their 0.1 kbps d/l speed. Or even worse, they have nothing to share in return! the best thing is to add each other to your buddy list so you get queue priority. also, donate to soulseek and watch how fast you get to the top of the queues
  12. The thing to note is that just because someone is queueing a lot from your collection that doesn't mean they are hogging your bandwidth. You can only d/l one song at a time from someone. Other users will still get to d/l stuff from you, provided you have made slots available. If it's during prime hours and I want to curb someone's queues I'll just warn them, or delete all their extra queues. IMO, if you have high bandwidth you should keep about 4 slots available. Anything less than that is just cheesy.
  13. Many people list their rules in their "personal info" area. You should check them out before you start leeching.
  14. I usually warn people first if they queue over 5 songs and if they don't listen I ban them.
  15. With rat poison and all the other shit that's in cigarettes, do you think the average smoker cares about a few bugs?
  16. You also ate more pita than I did last night! :eek:
  17. you need to add a third category...people who post nothing but a smilie face or some other stupid shit. Like we care if you're fucking smiling! No offense to post-whores out there...
  18. you were really good too. thanks for coming!
  19. Oh yeah? Where exactly have you been looking? There may be something on my block opening up. I'll keep my ears open:D
  20. Geez you're one step ahead of me joe g. I was going to post about this in the morning but ummmm yeah so... I'll be spinning tonight at Dank Funk's Hump Day night, at Drinkland in the E Village (E 10th across from Tompkins Square Park). It's free, and it's a pretty cool place. Starts at 10pm with Chris Parkhurst opening. I'll be going on a little bit later and closing out at who knows what time. It's a long set for me so I'll be bringing all sorts of goodies. I'm known to spin something different every time:D I'll be there boozing from like 9:00 so if you want to come chill please do!
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