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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. I say NFL 2K3 All the Sega Sports games rock. And yeah, definately pick up GTA:VC. sick! :blown:
  2. The lines were out the doors of all the game stores on Broadway today. I never reserved one so I thought I was screwed. Walked into Toys R Us at Union Square and they had tons in stock. :blown: :blown:
  3. Ahh thanks for clearing that up. So yeah...definitely feeling KIKO! Hated having to leave so early...just got too tired...
  4. Who was spinning when I left (about 1:15)? I don't think I was feeling him too much. I enjoyed Hacker's set...
  5. Hmmm does anyone know where you can buy one of those model cars w/ accessories?
  6. I agree 100% joe g. P.S. sorry i didn't return your call last night..i fell asleep early and that was the end for me...
  7. Four one-hour broadcasts from NYC's first hip hop radio station: http://anarchy.k2.tku.ac.jp/newyork/index.html hotness:D
  8. Further proof CP is going down the shitter:rolleyes: Actually Mike needs to be credited for being a Shameless Shitterâ„¢. Too many people are pussies about it. Mike, enjoy the splashes from down below, and enjoy a clean ass the rest of the day.
  9. More like a mission in Grand Theft Auto 3, with six stars on his ass. Crazy!:worry2:
  10. I would certainly come down, but as you can see I'm trying to get some representation for my own gig Sunday
  11. What more do you need? On 10/29 GTA: Vice City comes out. That will be hot. For sports, check out NHL 2003, NFL 2K3 (fuck Madden), and NBA 2K3, shit even Sega Tennis 2K3 is awesome. For first-person shooters, Timesplitters 2 is supposed to be crazy. Red Faction 2 also. SOCOM is supposed to be good, and you can play online also, if you buy the broadband adapter. Need For Speed is probably the best new racer out now, if you're into the arcadey aspect of it. Also, knowing you, you would probably enjoy the new Dance Dance Revolution
  12. Friday: broke Saturday: ghetto Sunday: spinning at W8TH -- see my sig for info
  13. Ain't nothin wrong with lovin funky breaks, yo! That was actually Icey's remix track I threw down.
  14. No can do kid...I haven't been recording my sets. You'll just have to come see my live madness next Sunday
  15. I think Joe G should be banned from all bars and clubs in NYC. There's no reason we should be involuntarily exposed to him, and he's detrimental to the health of the employees. If you want to hang out with Joe G, you should have to do so outdoors where it's better ventilated. There are laws protecting the public from everything else, why not him?
  16. I might come check the place out. I'll be spinning there next Sunday.
  17. You should read the previous 19 pages of this thread. It's a lot more than just being told when you can smoke. Pete and Eddie: just want to thank you guys for bringing some intelligence into this thread. Hopefully some CP members will learn something, regardless of which side they are one. Some people only know how to cry about it as if mom and dad won't lend them the car for the night.
  18. Nah, I have about 75% of the missions done, only about 32/100 packages, and only like 4 rampages. Still a long way to go:D I hear the ghost town in just a rumour.
  19. That's the first smart thing you said all week, no matter how obvious it is. We all know the reason why the US has anything to do with the Middle East is oil. But that's a whole other thread on a whole other message board. a) again, thank you Miss Obvious. Yes, dropping E every week is stupid. no one is involuntarily partaking in YOUR rolls. Why do we need to repeatedly address this whole voluntary/involuntary issue? Just a quick example of how ignorant we can be as a society and how views can change in just decades: has anyone ever seen that old commercial from the 60s featuring Fred and Wilma Flintstone promoting Winston cigarettes?? It's like, what the fuck we we thinking?!?! Let's get beloved cartoon characters and push our product on children! Uh huh, that's a noble industry to be defending. Stating the obvious is your strength, I can see. What? we outlaw things that harm people? What an idea! Pick a side, yo!
  20. Any fans of GTA3? Vice City looks SIIIIIICK. http://www.rockstargames.com/vicecity/ Don't miss the trailers...
  21. I can understand if cell phones possibly harm their owners, but are you trying to tell me that it harms those around you as well? If so, this is the first I'm hearing of that. Valid points, but if I may refute that... You're certainly right about us having the capability to make zero-emissions cars. We don't though, because the technology is still expensive (for electric cars at least) and the bigger issue, the oil industry, and how tightly the US is wrapped around it. Uncle Sam makes money off of every gallon of gas you buy, just like every pack of cigs. In regards to pollution-causing engines, most cars made within the last decade or so have extremely low emissions. Just ask your inspector to explain it to you...newer cars barely even register a significant amount of pollutants in their exhaust. And speaking of inspections, the governent has implemented them as a way to protect the public and the environment. Further, the emissions laws get stricter every few years. I'm not saying there are ZERO emissions, but things certainly have improved. Also, a little info about the ozone layer...NASA recently released a report claiming that the hole in the ozone has split in two and shrunk by nearly 50% in recent years. Of course, take this info with a grain of salt, but I think we've come a long way in the last 40 years. Which leads back to the ETS studies. Whether they are accurate or just biased, even if you disregard the longterm effects and consider the immediate effects (eye and respiratory irritation, etc), the fact that smoking is still allowed in some indoor places is just medievel. You even can't light up in a huge outdoor baseball stadium. Even just 20 years from now we'll look back in disbelief about how ignorant we were.
  22. http://www.nydailynews.com/city_life/story/27828p-26183c.html
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