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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. Listen up all you young shitheads out there! Last month I dug deep in my crates for house music from the late 80's and early 90's in an attempt to educate the masses. Today, by popular demand, is the best of the mid 90s! So if you want to hear what club hits were like while your mom was still wiping your butt, stop by Metro Mix Radio and check my show out, from 6pm-8pm ET. IM me your comments/requests to "bklynmikec". That's http://metromixradio.com ... showcasing the best known & up and coming DJs in the NYC area. Represent!
  2. you obviously haven't been to the east village or the LES and chinatown at night...not exactly clean. Please provide proof that anything is becoming defunct I thank God for that every day.
  3. I am for real. As stated before, this mayor's primary agenda is to re-establish financial stability to a hurting city. The previous mayor's primary agenda was to reduce the high crime rate and cut down on quality-of-life crimes, hence the closing down of your beloved clubs. Mayor Mike has no interest in shutting down clubs. He knows they bring people -- and money -- into the city. Last time I checked, tourism was a business. If he sees things getting out of hand he'll shut them down...it's that simple. And no one is going to build more banks and brokerage houses. We can't even keep the existing ones IN the city, as everyone either closes down or flocks across the river (or country) where it's cheaper and safer. Apparently you're not just out of touch with smoking issues, but everything you talk about. Your parents must be proud of you.
  4. Dog shelters and recycling are the least of our short term worries. Recycling was a great idea, but the hordes of people who don't give a shit (landlords, etc) never followed through with it properly. This city is bleeding cash by the billions of dollars, between 9/11 and W's slumping economy. Bloomberg is a billionaire business person and his job is to get the city back on its feet while at the same time avoiding the situation we had back in the 70s. And unlike his predecessor, he's popular among most all racial groups in the city. Unfortunately that erases most of your credibilty
  5. No one wants smokers out, just the smoke;) Like I've said earlier, personally, while I think a smoking ban would make for a more pleasant environment for everyone, it's not really an issue for me (yeah I guess that means I am debating for the sake of debate). If I don't want to be subjected to it, I don't go. Might be unfortunate for the bar owner, but I'm more than willing to spend my money elsewhere. Fine, but if every non-smoker was like me, then bars would be making much less money. True people have been partying hard for this long and tolerating it, but there was no one around to listen to the complaints of non-smokers. Now you've got three factors involved which favor their plight: 1. We have a popular mayor who is more than willing to implement this law in a city where the voting population is 80% non-smoking. And he knows no one is going to stop drinking, just like no one stopped dining out after the restaurant ban in '95 (which also resulted in higher revenues for restaurants). 2. Other states are doing it. Snowball effect. I imagine it will all happen the way it did when drinking ages started going up to 21 in the early 80s. Also, NYC, especially in these times, is looked upon as one of the "leaders" or "big brothers" of US cities. Our local news is news all over the world. 3. In this increasingly-PC world, smoking is increasingly un-PC. Many people personally couldn't care less about this statement, but it's just the truth.
  6. No, it's not over at all. Smoke fills the entire room and stays in the air for hours. Do you honestly believe that there's a place you can go to in a bar where you can get some fresher air? I know you like to antagonize people on here but I know you can't be that naive. Surely you can come up with something better than "just move away" or "stay home"... and the twilight zone episode continues...
  7. I don't think that cell phones should be banned on mass transit but there is a huge difference between that and a smoking ban. Cell phone talkers are merely an annoyance. Their rude chatting isn't going to cause you any physical harm. The same can't be said for second hand smoke (not even talking about "unproven" long term effects...i'm talking about the irritated eyes and lungs right there on the spot). Once he/she stops talking on the phone, the annoyance is over.
  8. Pertaining to MOM and STEPDAD... How often do you talk to them? usually about twice a week How often do you visit? about once a month How much do you tell them about your life? almost everything How often do you ask their advice and for what? very rarely for relationship advice but other than that I'm the one in the family who is known to "do things my own way" How much financial support do they give you? none, aside from all the leftovers I can get my hands on when I visit. and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? 27, been solo almost 6 years
  9. Iliana should be ignored. This is all nothing more than entertainment for her. She obviously has no opinions of her own, ignores anything she doesn't understand (which is nearly everything), and she feeds on conflict. When confused, rather than admitting she is wrong or trying to learn something, she will lash out at you, maybe making fun of your ethnicity or family. No one will even attempt to side with her. What a waste of bandwidth
  10. I think I'm done with you. You're boring. It was fun for a while though. It's people like you who are making others leave CP for other boards
  11. Honestly? I think debate is healthy. If not, then everyone just mindlessly conforms. There's so much useless noise on this board that I only like to post when something like this is going on. I just wish that there were more intelligent people arguing your side, but then again, those people probably don't want to be associated with your views. The drama board is for people with personal beefs who decide to take it public. This thread is about an issue that will soon effect everyone who reads CP. You need to look up "hypothetical" in the dictionary. Also, smoke doesn't evaporate because it isn't liquid. It's made up of particles which either get inhaled into your lungs or dissipate (spread out)into the air. It all goes somewhere though. Once again...if we all have the right to walk safely on the sidewalk does that give a joyrider the right to drive up onto the sidewalk and endanger people just because he enjoys that? No. There are laws to protect public safety. And to those tired of reading this thread...there's plenty of other threads to read!
  12. It's clear that Iliana is not capable of taking this seriously. Maybe because it's "just a message board" where "club people" are not expected to be serious. Barvybe and I are the ones being accused of flaunting higher intelligence, and I could be wrong but I think we'd be considered the old-timers around here. I don't know how old Iliana is but perhaps she will understand in a few years. Also, I don't think this thread should be moved to drama because this is a public issue and not a private argument. My "imposing your vice" question is hardly a personal problem. Hypothetical situation: You're meeting some friends at a nice quiet bar and someone comes and sits at the next table a puts a loud boombox on the table. The owner of the boombox likes loud music, which is fine with you. But now it's hurting your ears and you can't enjoy your company. So you all move across the room. The music is still too loud and it's really starting to get to you. You waited in line and you payed a cover to get in, just like everyone else. If you leave this person follows you to every bar you go to. How would you handle the situation? Would you want the bar owner to have this person either turn it off or leave? Or should you just go home and accept the fact that you've been stripped of your personal right to enjoy yourself at a bar?
  13. Fair enough. What I ask is this: Will someone please prove to me that imposing your vice on me is acceptable. Forget studies and health issues for a moment and just think about all the things you are allowed to do to yourself but not allowed to do to others. How is this one thing different? "because it just is", "if you don't like it, go somewhere else", "smoking and drinking just go hand in hand" are not acceptable answers. I challenge someone to convince me that what you do to yourself is perfectly OK to do to me also.
  14. She's not going to say anything relevant. We went through this yesterday. The bottom line is that she, like many others, is selfish and has zero regard or respect for those around her. When cornered she lashes out with nothing but foot stomping and name calling. If you ask me, some people don't have any more decency than the DC sniper, and that's sad.
  15. There's an entire day's worth of her ramblings if you read back a bit...
  16. What does eating meat lead to? Aside from the obvious like diseases from eating it raw. Or eating too much red meat. Last time I checked, fish and chicken, when properly prepared, are pretty good for you. ??? So now I can't go hear my favorite DJ because he/she isn't playing at a "non-smoking" establishment? That's not very fair. It's like saying "if you don't like cars driving on sidewalk, go walk on the sidewalks of a different town!"...
  17. ...and that right there says it all! Thanks for the entertainment today. *click*
  18. First, what constitutes "limited" exposure? I believe that staff is at a significant risk but I also believe that for patrons going for a drink once a week for three hours...it might not be such a big deal. BUT, just because something doesn't kill you (gee, why weren't these studies being done 30 years ago??) doesn't mean it isn't harming you. And just because something may not be a hazard doesn't mean that it's not a nuisance. People choking, eyes burning, all those things, they all add up to grievances people will complain about and pols will listen to. Those opposed to this ban should read up on NYC's other "quality-of-life" laws and be thankful that it hasn't been passed sooner.
  19. You must have the attention span of a walnut. I said in an earlier post that I could care less. I'm not out enough to really care. OK that's not me AT ALL. I think anyone here who knows me can vouch for that...funny though. K-Mart? Try Target. Anyway, this winter when it's 20 degrees outside I'll be waving to you from inside the window while you are banished to the outdoors.
  20. Today you learned more than you did all of this year so far. And it's about time I see some compliments coming out of you, being all gracious in defeat.
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