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Everything posted by hoke

  1. This isn't the sex board, pal...
  2. Just when I think you can't possibly get any dumber, you go and do something like this... AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!!!
  3. You have WAAAAAY too much time on your hands... ... I'm jealous.
  4. I bet I can get you gambling by the end of the day! I'm gonna get you... I don't know how, but I'm gonna get you!
  5. LMFAO!!! Pretty bird... pretty bird...
  6. We landed on the moon! We landed on the moon!
  7. Nice skis... they yours? Both of 'em?
  8. I got robbed by a little old lady in a wheelchair!
  9. EDIT: Doh! I should refresh more often... t-h... t-hey... The.
  10. Woah, would you look at the butt on that! Yeah... he must work out.
  11. These people got worms in their living room -- I don't think they're gonna get that message.
  12. You'll have to excuse my friend, he's a little slow...
  13. Same here, in general... but it does depend on my mood.
  14. It feels like I'm running at an incredible rate!
  15. I wonder how many people say they'd ditch the s/o, but end up forgiving him/her when the situation actually arises, because they're madly in love. Hearts do fuck us over sometimes.
  16. *pops in DT Back to Basics disc 1*
  17. (paraphrasing) Record sales and things like that, it keeps money on these people's backs that I've got hanging around... but I just hope they understand that it stems from the music...
  18. hoke

    do you get mad when...

    They'll only stop when your girlfriend stops being attractive and/or guys stop being assholes.
  19. Proving my point... things can be wonderful for sure, but not ALL the time...
  20. Who wants to move to California with me?
  21. Hey, it could be worse... you could have a flood of sewage in your back room threatening to overflow into your apartment... *still having nightmares* That really sucks, though... :\ Will you be able to fix it?
  22. hoke

    do you get mad when...

    I dated a girl for two years who used to get picked up on ALL the time (think of it this way... my mom saw a movie with Gina Gershon in it and said, "She looks like your girlfriend!"). Guys would start walking the opposite direction and follow her home from class, trying to get her phone number. I put that kind of on the same level as ass-grabbing... they're trying to get something they can't have. It's actually kind of amusing, as long as you trust your girlfriend.
  23. Well, this thread seems to have taken a different track now... but I think it's perfectly normal for feelings/priorities/etc. to be unbalanced at times in a relationship. You don't have to put your feelings on the back burner -- by all means, express them -- but you do have to accept the fact that they won't always be reciprocated 100%. In a serious relationship, it is simply not possible to be happy with everything all the time... and I think that expecting constant happiness is part of what brings a lot of relationships down.
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