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Everything posted by hoke

  1. I used to be the same way. I was an indestructible little kid... climbing trees, running along the tops of jungle gyms and jumping off them into trees, jumping off roofs onto piles of grass, going off jumps on my BMX... Once I grew up, it seems I took a complete reversal!
  2. Well... you're joking... but my ex-girlfriend really DOES want to be smoked... along with a bag of kind!
  3. lol... I guess I just wanted to make it clear that it wasn't just that one time... I can't say that I've ever really had a good time at Exit. But Saturday afterhours... *shrug*... perhaps.
  4. I'd like to think so, but I've had too many bad experiences and heard of many more with Exit, and not just on Fridays...
  5. I'd love to see him, but it's Exit and I vowed to never step foot in there again...
  6. I agree, Maudy. I've often wondered what would have happened if I'd discovered a passion and channeled my talents into it at an early age... this kid is lucky to have that.
  7. I think the reason they're banned sometimes is that they're considered drug paraphernalia by the powers that be. Some clubs don't want to draw attention to themselves by allowing glowsticks.
  8. I don't know. I have no possible way of knowing, so I don't worry myself with it. I used to stress about the thought that I might someday lose consciousness entirely. Since then, I've realized that there's nothing I can do about it anyway, so I choose to focus on life rather than death.
  9. Here's one for Phunk: Perns, are you suggesting that when you die, your consciousness will cease to exist entirely and your body will turn out to have been nothing more than a heap of matter guided into movement by chemical processes (albeit complex ones)?
  10. Eh... it's not semantics... the interaction would only be something to marvel at if I expected anyone to bring a fresh perspective. Quite honestly, I haven't heard a fresh perspective regarding religion and the afterlife since freshman year of college... these days I just feel like I'm traveling the same old path and I don't get any excitement or insight from it... :\ But if you really want to, feel free to ask me questions, and I'll try my best to engage...
  11. I try to avoid really getting into conversations like this. You usually end up going back and forth between the following people: 1. Those who don't believe in anything and are scornful of those who do. 2. Those who don't believe in anything, but respect others' beliefs. 3. Those who hold a religious/spiritual belief and respect those who don't or whose beliefs differ. 4. Those who hold a religious belief and think everyone else is going to hell. Conversations can be mighty interesting between members of the SAME group, but between groups, it just gets nasty and nobody ever compromises (you can't expect them too, really, not on matters like this)... For the record, I'm in group 2.
  12. Yeah, I dunno yet... but it would definitely be a kitten, not a dog... It seems to me that dogs a) are more work and would be fairly miserable pent up in a city apartment...
  13. There are approximately 30 million American women aged 20-34. I wonder what percentage of those have ever done some form of nude modeling...
  14. hoke


    He's a student of the human mind, that's for sure! Though I tend to disagree with his particular school of thought... Tastey is definitely one person I'd like to meet, just to see what he's like in real life... :)
  15. If so, what is your living arrangement? For those of you who live in apartments, do you find it difficult?
  16. A few months ago at Shelter (I think it was a Tsunami party in the basement), I saw a 70-odd year old guy dancing around like crazy. The ladies loved him! It was very hard to criticize him because he was clearly having a great time... why hate?
  17. Neither was Episode I, but such is life.
  18. I don't think that's very reassuring, personally...
  19. I don't believe in heaven and hell either. I haven't accepted Jesus as my personal lord and savior, either, so I suppose that means I'm going to hell, depending of course on who you ask...
  20. Yeah, you're right, that one doesn't make sense at all. How about the way things are spelled in English? Like... "phantom"... who the hell decided "ph" was a good replacement for the letter F?!?!?
  21. Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, Guess I'll go eat worms. Long, thin, slimy ones; Short, fat, juicy ones, Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy wuzzy worms. Down goes the first one, down goes the second one, Oh how they wiggle and squirm. Up comes the first one, up comes the second one, Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
  22. Nobody can tell you if you're wasting your life; it's a decision you have to make for yourself. It sounds to me like you already think you are in some ways... maybe you feel there are more important/useful things you could be doing with your time? There's nothing wrong with going clubbing and/or getting twisted in the process, but if you feel it's getting in the way of the rest of your life (for example, draining your bank account), then you have to take the initiative to find a balance. Like djjonstephen said, moderation is an essential ability in life -- without it you'll constantly feel out of control and you won't be able to cherish your experiences...
  23. Hey now... don't knock it until you've tried it! ;)
  24. Bummer... Digweed was the highlight of that lineup. :\
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