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Everything posted by hoke

  1. Well, if the letter said Nations, then you can still go to Nation, no? (that really does suck though...)
  2. The rain blows in sideways and gets the bottoms of my pants soaking wet...
  3. What is this, some kind of hobby with you guys? j/k... glad you're okay, Justin...
  4. Naah... I'm still mad at him for pulling out last night.
  5. Any excuse to drool on themselves...
  6. Umm... Maudy... what we LIKE to wear out is necessarily tied to what DRESS CODE we'll tolerate. One can be deduced from the other. I definitely DO care who's on the decks, but since getting dressed up means I wouldn't be able to dance as much as I'd like, I'd probably pass on seeing one of my favorite DJs if dress code were enforced...
  7. Depends on what you're doing with the markers and mangos! Poor cow...
  8. hoke

    College Life!

    It's EXACTLY like it is in the movies!!! I cheated on my girlfriend in college... and I videotaped the whole thing! But see... I also made a really sweet tape to send to my g/f... but the tapes got switched! Sooo... some buddies and I piled into a car to race cross-country to try to intercept the tape... ... but halfway there, the car blew up, so we had to steal a school bus... When we finally got there, I ended up breaking up with my g/f anyway... ... and getting back together with the girl from the video. Funny how things work out just like the movies, isn't it???
  9. This just in: Life is a terminal disease. P.S. That doesn't mean you can't make it harder on yourself... do be careful...
  10. Like I said on NB, Ron's story did leave some room for misinterpretation -- sorry for any misunderstanding. Anyway, I do hope you eventually catch the guy so he can't pull that shit again... what a grade A loser...
  11. I obviously don't know all the facts, but the way Ron told the story, it sounded like he approached the guy first. I'm just saying that might not have been the best solution. But yeah, you're right, things are always different in the moment...
  12. You're probably right that the guy will stay away from Homegrown, but I doubt it will make him change his ways. You might have had better results if you called the cops without approaching him and scaring him off.
  13. Who's to say what crowd a musician should cater to? If DT said tomorrow that he wants to spin at Cheetah from now on, I'd definitely be disappointed... but it's his show, and he can take it wherever he wants.
  14. Good thing, too, otherwise I never would have gotten to hear you spin! (I mean, come on... pleasing ME should be EVERYBODY's reason to stay alive, right?!?)
  15. Kind of like every conversation I ever had in college...
  16. lol... I'm a little frightened by the jump from death to sex though... "Tell me about your mother..."
  17. Happy birthday!!! *steals Vic's presents*
  18. I've met people who said they died in their dreams. Obviously they lived to tell the tale... ;)
  19. That's quite possibly the most repulsive thing I've ever read.
  20. Exactly. I'll be the last to tell you what kind of venue YOU should go to... http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=114833
  21. HELL NO I want MUSIC, I want to DANCE, and I want to be comfortable. I don't go out to impress people. I don't go out to pick up women (or men either ) I don't go out because it's "cool." If I can't DANCE comfortably, I don't wanna be there... to me that means sneakers and shorts or loose pants... But you know what? That's okay -- there are places in NYC for all types of people... thankfully the "dressed up" crowd tends to passionately dislike the places I go, and vice versa... so as long as my favorite spots don't change their dress code, I'm happy!
  22. I disagree. This is supposed to be an industry powerhouse presenting some of the best performers in their genres. Free or not, the reviews that I'm seeing are simply laughable.
  23. This guy had something to say about it... http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=114767
  24. Sorry... I don't go to clubs to please your eyes... I go out to DANCE to good MUSIC. I'll wear whatever allows me to DANCE most comfortably... any club that doesn't let me do that quite simply will not see my business! P.S. Luna is an incredible venue!!!
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