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Everything posted by festivalcre8or

  1. Yup you got it right. Not only does Tiesto's ability and music selection supercede Teneglia, his attitude for the fans and people who are working with him on any given event is awesome. Tiesto is definitely the best DJ in the world.
  2. George Acosta's first night at LEVEL packed 3500 in the club. The second night, which was right after the Terrorist Disaster packed in 2500. On each of these nights there were well over 800 people being kicked out of LEVEL at closing and they were all screaming for more Acosta. Just telling you what I saw.
  3. The new Liquid (in the Shadow Lounge space) will be opening that weekend. I'm not sure who's playing but they're going to have an awesome sound system in there.
  4. Yeah I've got a friend named Ben Richards that really smokes with Hard House. He played a set at ZetaFest 2000 that really rocked. He got the crowd going with some bangin Hard House, then hit 'em with a few Breaks tracks, then back to Hard House. Talk about raising the energy level of the whole gig?? The crowd went nuts. Those are the kind of sets that I'd like to hear in a club
  5. Well I guess that's why that section called "Signature" is put on here correct?? Once again, the nightclub crowd isn't any better than the rave crowd
  6. See this is what I mean. Clubs are the only source of what's going on. Oh yeah also, Hard German Trance can't touch some of the Hard House that's coming out today
  7. I had this same conversation with rave kids about making labels. What is a "junglist"? Please tell me. You say talking to them about music is like talking to a brick wall. Well what kind of music are you talking to them about?? Alot of the kids that listen to DnB are very loyal to the sound because you can truly feel the music. I'm not talking emotionally either. I'm talking physically. But you probably wouldn't understand what I'm talking about because you go to those "preppy-VIP" clubs that have bogus sound systems. :laugh: Don't just look at the Miami rave scene to judge how big DnB is in the states. Atlanta, DC, Texas, California, The Carolinas are just a few who have thriving Drum and Bass parties. I've been to several great events in different places of the country and have noticed the differences between what they like and what Florida likes. One thing that the kids want in every scene is more deep BASS. If you can't feel the music, then why bother!!!
  8. What is there to disagree with?? DnB is in it's infant stages in the U.S. DnB has evolved several times in the past 7-8 years in the U.K. and it's still making changes. The problem with the U.S. market is that it's slow to catch on, as usual. By the time DnB reaches it's full potential here you will see alot of old skool DnB acts performing even though they were big several years ago in the underground scene.
  9. Some of your post is accurate but I can see that you never went to any of the good parties from 1994-1998 because you would have mentioned them. Just about every city went through some tough times back then because the whole "rave" thing was new. Sure there were alot of kids doing drugs but there's even more doing them in those glitzy clubs that you're going to now. You say there is no scene here which is totally false. If you think that going to Space to hear PVD is the best thing since sliced bread then you obviously no nothing about what's going on down here. Yeah the rave kids brought Break Dancing back and added some new twists to it, which is great. The creative dress and the same old vibe is still there but there's one thing missing. The new generation of ravers aren't being clued in by people like you who "supposedly" were in the scene back in the 90's. People like you should be educating the new kids instead of bashing them. What exactly are you doing to inform the new kids of what the scene is all about?? Nothing, because you're sitting here writing bullsh*t about them. The crowds in today's rave scene in south florida may be smaller but the intentions are still there. The vibe is still there and the music is definitely better than in the 90's. One thing is for sure. Drum and Bass is becoming enormous. In another year or 2, Drum and Bass will be alot bigger than that "la-dee-da" Trance shit that we hear constantly in the "preppy-VIP" clubs of today.
  10. Well there are several reasons why the rave scene has stalled down here and I think the most important reason is quality venues to throw parties are scarce. The city of Miami has been quite leniant with throwing these events as long as everything is done by the book. Now about the live artists. If the Blue Room at Space was the size of Crobar's main room and they had a stage then I bet they would have more live PA's. Chemical Brothers or even Hybrid at Space would be killer shows. What about Transa?? So many DJ's out here play they're tracks and some of them are anthems yet nobody books Transa. The track is what's making the crowd go nuts. Once the DJ mixes that track in, what significance does he have???
  11. They are kids bro, what do you expect. But they are still a very big part of the scene down here. The reason why they're tough on 21 and over is because of the way they get treated by the 21 and over crowd. I wouldn't say the quality of entertainment is bad either. In fact, in some cases it's a hell of alot better than some clubs down here. DJ's in the rave scene are alot more daring than the DJ's who play in nightclubs down here. Perfect example is when I heard sets played by George Acosta and Tiesto during Texas ZenFest, those sets had alot more energy than the sets they play in the clubs. Reason being is that the sets at Texas ZenFest ranged from Melodic Trance - hard Trance - Tech House - Breaks. So much more versitile than the club sets. As I stated before, the Miami nightclub scene would be nothing without the rave scene because alot of the 21 and overs out here right now used to be hardcore ravers back in the day. Oh yeah, F.E.T. does alot more than lighting and sound. That little party named ULTRA3 was one example.
  12. You guys kill me. You think that going to Space, Crobar, Opium and all of these other nightclubs is the only part of the electronic music scene down here? Plllllease!!! First off, these clubs only play one style of music except for Space. At least Space has more variety than the rest of the clubs down here. But what really kills me is so many 21 and overs have they're nose so stuck in the air that they don't know anything more than PVD, Teneglia, and the rest of the high priced DJ's that have no variety. I bet most of the people on this messageboard don't know anything about the beginnings of the electronic music scene in south florida. Do you?? There's nothing wrong with the kids in the rave scene here. If you don't like that vibe, then don't go to their parties. Plain and simple. But don't make it like you're so much better than them, because you're not. So far all I see is a bunch of whining preps who don't get their asses kissed when they go to Space. BOO-HOO-HOO, you had to stand in line and the guy at the front door didn't let you in for free. Welcome to the nightclub world.
  13. festivalcre8or


    So will Crobar be putting in a runway with brass poles? Oh man I've heard of everything now. Houston at Crobar. Everybody make sure take plenty of singles. :laugh: :laugh:
  14. Who made you the authority on quality entertainment? Just because you can't get into music from other genre's doesn't mean that someone else can't. Trance DJ's aren't the only sound of electronic dance music. Everyone knows that the rave scene is South Florida has spawned what the club scene is down here now, otherwise we'd still be listening to all that sappy ass South Beach and NYC deep house. SFL.8up.com is for the hardcore ravers. So what makes you and this messageboard so much better than them????
  15. Oh yeah? you think the VIP is more profitable? Go ask all of the clubs on South Beach that are crying the blues because the "jet set" crowd isn't flying into town because of the terrorist shit. I will tell you right now that there are 4000 hardcore club kids in this town that are local, who don't even bother with the VIP, yet they attend clubs every week. Keep in mind that the only reason a VIP is even busy is because they want those 4000 people to look at them in the VIP. No locals, no VIP!!!!
  16. I think you should rephrase your quote, Club Systems in Miami are not configured for live PA. And guess who's fault that is??? When a clubowner opens a new club he/she has every opportunity to design their club to handle live PA's and DJ's. It's not rocket science but most of them make it out to be. Less VIP space and more stage space maybe???
  17. Deepsky is still around. They're doing alot of shows in ATL and Texas this month. They've played on my stages several times and hopefully they'll play in Miami very soon. On a stage designed by me of coarse. :D
  18. I never said I was anti-DJ nor did I make the claim to be anti DJ. What I'm saying is there's way to much credit going to some DJ's in the electronic music world What do you mean live PA's are costly?? Guess how much PVD, Oakie, Sasha and Digweed and Cox are?? Big, Big bucks my friend. Another thing, most of the gear that alot of the live PA's use can be sourced in town. So that excuse holds no water. There's no market for live PA's? Yeah guess why? First off, the clubowners down here don't have the balls to book these acts because they're to worried about their VIP lounges. What about the hardcore clubbers who spend a couple hundred bucks every week just to hear slammin music?? Secondly, promotions. If you're gonna invest in a live PA, you gotta promote it. An ad in New Times and a couple hundred flyers just don't cut it. You say DJ's have become superstars, yeah some of them are very popular but there's still someone making the music that they spin and these people aren't getting any recognition. There are so many live PA's that aren't even Chemical Brothers status that are very good: damn good, and some of them are local. Maybe if some of you who praise these guys that play vynil do a little research on who's making the music, you'd understand where I'm coming from.
  19. You my friend are the perfect examply of a person who truly loves Electronic Music. Everything you posted is right on the money. So many people get caught up in the DJ thing and totally lose sight that there is an individual or group that made the tracks that the DJ's are playing. You mentioned the Crystal Method show. A very good friend of mine programmed and co-designed the lighting rig for that tour. He said he had 2 weeks to program it and had a blast. Most of the bigtime DJ's are very good but nothing beats a killer Live PA that has smoking production behind it.
  20. Oh let me guess. You like going to see an overpaid, arrogant DJ who's spins those live acts music. Right?? Who cares about the persons who made the music, especially if they have a good show, correct? There's way to much praise going to some of these DJ's in the world and not enough going to the artists who make the tracks. I think it's time they start to get some recognition.
  21. That's just my point. Crobar, Level and Space are geared way to much toward just DJ's instead of giving themselves and chance to bring in something fresh like a live PA. There's like 99.9% emphasis on VIP Lounging and .1% on live PA's. Now that's sad. What the don't realize is more and more DJ's are becoming artists and that means more live entertainment. We are slowly starting to see a shift in electronic music talent. The younger generation of artists and DJ's are putting together shows, yet I don't see any changes happenning with the construction of nightclubs in South Florida. It's very obvious that the "rave scene" has filtered in the nightclub scene, yet the energy in some nightclubs in South Florida doesn't come close to the energy at an old fashion "rave". This should be an across the board thing. Maybe it's time for something new all together. You guys think you can handle a club that would give you the whole 9???
  22. When are we gonna start seeing more LIVE PA's? Hybrid, Deepsky, Transa, Chemical Brothers, Underworld, etc.....??? DJ's are great and all but what about the people who make the music that they are spinning? Special installations with killer shows other than what the nightclubs normally have could actually spice things up a bit. Or is everyone satisfied with what's going on??
  23. Yeah you're right I'm very resentful about remarks and reviews of such. There are alot of people who busted their ass and pulled alot of favors to make ULTRA3 a reality. What pissed me of is that CoolJunkies wasn't even there. Now had he been at the event and had first hand knowledge of the issues that he stated, then my post would have been totally different. So far all I've seen is a bunch of "he said, she said" nonsense. I'd suggest contacting the promoters or management of such events to see if these stories are correct before posting them on any website.
  24. As I stated in my earlier post, for someone to print second hand information is ridiculous. Especially when the person didn't attend the event. Quite honestly, I don't see any other large events that have been sustained in South Florida. So it has nothing to do with overreacting. I'm just speaking the truth.
  25. I read CoolJunkies review of ULTRA3 and it seems quite ridiculous for someone who didn't even attend the event. His claim about "beach insiders" telling him what went on is ridiculous. After reviewing his website, you can see which clubs asses he has his lips pressed so heavily against. His remarks about ULTRA3, which is the best Electronic Music event to ever hit South Florida, are totally unjust. There are alot of people who work very hard to make ULTRA events a reality and quite frankly I don't see any other groups in South Florida that try to out on an event that rivals the likes of ULTRA. CoolJunkie's remarks are one of many that keep the Electronic Music scene in South Florida very stagnant. To all of the ULTRA fans that have enjoyed 3 years of slammin beats and the World's best entertainment and production, we look forward to seeing you in March 2002.
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