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Everything posted by bobross

  1. my lazy ass might have other plans fri... i might dead them tho, ill let u know
  2. they were reppin zulu real hard that night! i forgot, i was gona call u to tell u bout it.. Jacki jus surprised me with the tickets the night before. I'll tell u the rest later...
  3. I always liked those Volkswagon ones... my fav one was for the cabrio. where a bunch of friends are drivin to a party at night, and the moons out... anyone know what im talkin bout? i dunno, I jus like that folk song by nick drake, pink moon.
  4. uh huh.... but speakin of Crazy Eddies I was goin through old crap in my basement, and i found a pack of Crazy Eddies playing cards....... and it had a phone# on the bottom, and when u call it it says "Crazy eddie's, where the prices are InsaAaaaAAAne! ...biotch!"
  5. it took me 1 Homosecond to write this post.....
  6. but i thought DJ Skribblz was the best DJ ever.....
  7. on Mon, the 'Scratch' jammy at Irving Plaza... Sooo sick! (If you dont kno, its the tour promoting the documentary thats out, by the same name) I doubt anyone in here went to it, but someone posted sumthin about it before. anyway, - Jazzy Jay -GrandWizard (first dj to ever scratch) -Dilated peoples :::ripped it, had everyone jumpn' -DJ Z Trip But the man who stuck out from them all... DJ QBert. He kiilled it! Whoever knows bout this guy, knows the deal. Rocksteady crew also showed up. crazy legs was breakin right infront of me.... DJ Premiere was there, Talib kweli.... The show was jus very cool. I got backstage and chilled wit everyone. Thanx to my girly for takin me
  8. i'll show u mine, if you show me yourss... uniforms that is..
  9. if you tell.. i'll buy you an icecream.
  10. ever see that episode of ripley's with that guy who got breast implants on a bet? his rack was niiice..
  11. i wanna meet Bobross, i hear he's real good in the sack....
  12. I end up eating all the marshmallows, and throwin the rest away..
  13. yeaa it sounds like a good station. i heard grand puba, smif n wesson... it should be all old skool though, like 104 has classic rock, they should make it a classic rap station.
  14. i think im going... unless i have no one to go with me.
  15. i meannnt, happy st.patty's eve! heheh, everyones probably celebrating it tonight anyway. happy bday MikeMc. you're legal now.
  16. Anyone goin to the parade? I'm def not... too early for me. Might just get drunken later, maybe check out exit ::::yawwn
  17. The last host of Family Feud hung himself in his dressing room... I think his name was Ray Comb or sumthin. RIP Ray..
  18. i wanna meet T0nythelover... or anyone on CP, i havent met a single one of youuuuss
  19. not really... cereals like pizza, i could keep eatin it till i get sick
  20. Cap'n Crunch is so good.... but did you ever get capn crunch mouth?? After like your third bowl u either : -get nasty, grimey buildup on the roof of your mouth. OR -yes just like apple jacks, It scrapes the roof of your mouth so much, to a point where you feel like your eating crushed pieces of glass.
  21. I only went till 3rd grade but i'll never forget it... They used to make us face a corner of the room for like 10min when we got introuble.. There was also this priest who kept askin my mom for me to be an alter boy, but she didnt let me. She was worried cuz he acted a bit fruity... and last year durin the summer there was a 2 page article bout him in the New York Post with a big pic of him, "Father Pat still haunts us"... he was a big time child molester! that sick fuk....
  22. ooooh.. whatd u guys do after twilo, hmmm??
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