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Everything posted by djoscarg

  1. djoscarg


    OF COURSE YOU ARE...YOU ARE A TRANZWHORE!!!!! TRANZWHORING IS ILLEGAL in every state except Nevada....you guys might want to consider moving... que pujo!
  2. djoscarg


    I understand your point (being that I am a DJ as well) but my point is...what about all the various artists who wrote and produced all those different songs that Tiesto has played on the sets you have been downloading? How have they benefited from you becoming a Tiesto fan? How do they benefit from you spending money to see Tiesto? These artists are left out.....and the bottomline is that without their music there is no Tiesto... The same way we did it before the downloading craze....You bust your ass...make good records...do good remixes...release good mix compilations...pay dues....travel around the world for peanuts to get your name out and prove yourself....many of the DJs that are popular today came to prominence that way... thanks....be sure to come by this week I will be debuting some of my latest downloads!!!
  3. djoscarg


    no sir... I never bought a U2 bootleg or a Lenny Kravitz bootleg... But I can tell you that I own every U2 album as well as Lenny's greatest hits.... not to mention...when I have played these bootlegs that you speak of on radio shows I report them to the station as the original artists song....therefore U2 and Lenny are receiving performance royalties from it not the bootleggers.... It is not illegal to take a song and remix it...It is illegal is to sell that remix (bootleg)... There are plenty of other artist's songs that I remix and re-edit for myself so that I can play them in my sets...as well as playing acapellas of one song over the music of a different track... where is this stealing you speak of?
  4. djoscarg


    Downloading music IS bad period.... There is no difference....when you download a live set...you are downloading several songs...which is even worst... You can buy a live set....you buy it when you pay the cover to get in to a club where your favorite DJs are playing.....in turn that club pays a monthly fee to writer's societys that gives them the right to play music in a public venue...and that society pays the Artists... As for radio shows....the stations are required by law to log every song that is played....and they must pay performance royalties ,tothese same societys, for every song they play... once you download it....you are screwing ALL the artists who have produced and written songs that are played in the set.. It is the same for DJs who sell unliscensed mix cds...it is basically cannibalism...and it is ruining underground dance music...You can talk about major labels and greed all you want...but small independent dance labels rely on selling 2 to 3000 records in order to survive....and they are having a hard time doing that...most labels have even stopped pressing promos because you can no longer trust people with advanced copies because within hours it will be all over the web... but....hey.....nothing beats free right? sad....
  5. djoscarg


    I spend an average of about $200 a week on records... I probably receive around 20 to 30 promos a week.... You can buy them for $20 next time they are at Space....
  6. djoscarg


    here is an idea..... why dont you guys go BUY some music!!! imagine that!?!?
  7. djoscarg

    Miami Djs

    you guys know I am Mr. Miami supporter/ pro-local guy.... but.... I was fortunate enough to have played at the legendary Hacienda on several occasions and it was nothing short of AMAZING!!! I can honestly say though...right now....Miami is hard to top... It is hard for people to appreciate how good we have it because we are too close....but when you compare it to other scenes we are lightyears ahead right now....
  8. Yo le tengo miedo a las candeleras estas!!!! are you sure we've met? I don't think so... were you wearing a belt? Friday for sure...
  9. It was pretty amazing....The scene in South America is growing at an incredible pace...it reminds me of what Europe was 10 years ago...
  10. Friek....although I am Tiesto's biggest fan:jerkoff: ....It is not about him or how much he makes a gig...it is about all the artist's whose songs he plays on the CD.....they aren't making shit..and that is the problem...
  11. :laugh: Flip you are an unethical, immoral, thieving, athiest bastard!!!! BUT GOD DAMMIT I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!!!! hope to finally meet you dude.... and thanks for always sticking up for me with these viscious candeleras!!!! btw: Don't bring Edgar with you on Friday...I can't stand that prick!!!
  12. Greed factor? should I be hurting? c'mon Flip..practice what you preach: "DON'T HATE....APPRECIATE!!!";) I agree with you here...but you have to understand...the music industry HAS changed....you can find most songs for sale on the internet for a dollar....but the fact remains that people will always prefer to pay NOTHING over any dollar amount...How do you fight that? My point was not that the music industry is always right...My point is that stealing music is always wrong!!!
  13. This is just ridiculous!!! So if next week people think your party is a rip-off you will understand when they just bum-rush the door and run behind the bars and poor themselves drinks to rip you off in return?? This mentality doesn't make sense.... and...please explain how you can retail a full-length CD for four dollars and make a profit??? When you say a CD costs cents to make...you are talking about the CD itself....that is like saying a Picasso should be worth the couple of bucks the canvas it's painted on costs... I think you guys are just trying to find ways to justify criminal activity...
  14. I agree 100% with Shroomy... The one thing that these debates on downloading always fail to mention is the fact that it is ILLEGAL!!! What difference does it make if Saleen can quote a few grade school economics books or Flip wouldnt buy most of the music he steals? The fact of the matter is that it's copyright infringement in it's grossest form and it is a Federal offense....It is piracy...nothing less.... Economics has nothing to do with it...it is simple...people will take FREE everytime!!!! Why pay (any price) when you can just steal the music??? It's funny how the fact that it is music (entertainment) makes people hold it at a lower standard.....Why isn't everyone outraged about the ridiculous prices of designer clothing? Should we all go out and shoplift some Dolce & Gabana threads just to teach them a lesson on greed? Each time one of my songs is downloaded (which is quite often) it has a direct effect on myself (the artist) as well as my family...not to mention the label, distributor, pressing plant, graphic artist, photographer, printer, mastering engineer, publicist, record store etc... I think today's society (especially the youth) has been totally desensitized to the fact that downloading is a crime...It has become the norm...and that is wrong...The fact that they are starting to slap people on the wrist for it is long overdue... I have a feeling if some of you were having stuff stolen from your respective businesses you would be singing a different tune...
  15. djoscarg

    Hey Miami!

  16. MY EVIL PLAN WORKED!!! and the chismosas are on me like white on rice!!! Flip even warned you guys...but you dove in anyway.. you guys are too easy... all that pent-up anger is too easy to tap into...lol So far this thread has rumors of: nightclub destruction lawsuits gold digging baby-sitting back-stabbing predictable sets as well as: wagers on when I will fall out with LP and predictions on when he will stab me in the back... just another day on ClubPlanet!!!! you gotta love it!
  17. OOOHHH LADIES.... You two are becoming almost as predictable as Saleen... I think you guys have a thing for LP...You never pass up an opportunity on this board to comment on him... question.... what would you guys have done in this situation? Leave the club fully intact for the next person to just come in and operate...and compete? Keep in mind...when the warehouse formerly known as Space was first leased it was exactly that....a warehouse... It had no bathrooms...no bars..no plumbing, electrical...the roof was totally fucked... Even if LP destroyed all of that....he still turned it in in better condition than he got it in... c'mon ladies...the hating doesn't suit you..
  18. Juxt, It is obvious from your 4 posts so far that you are a Trance fan....It is typical that Trance fans don't take a liking to me at first...BUT EVENTUALLY I GET THEM!!!! so beware....before you know it you might be caught by the evil dark side known as HOUSE..... as for dropping the hammer at 140 bpm.... I have never in my entire DJ career even come close to 140 bpm..not sure what you mean there...That is my buddy Acosta'a territiory there...I can't even think at that speed! as for last Saturday.... The mainroom at Space is usually open till 10am....Due to the Dj contest the programming of the night was thrown off a bit....Hydra (who I thought was very good) picked up the pace in his set to a bpm and Trancey style that we never visit at that time of night on a Saturday.... ..if I would have kept it at that pace the club would have been empty by 6am....I had to reset the pace and establish a new groove for the night....it's called programing (a DJ must!) When you have been playing 10 hour sets every Saturday for 3 years at one of the world's best clubs, you will understand what I mean BTW....I think this DJ competition is a GREAT idea!!! I commend Nick and the CJ crew for doing something that helps bring (much needed) exposure to up and coming talent here in Miami...
  19. djoscarg

    Help Wanted!

    sorry...don't get this:confused: This may be so....and I have no argument there....but what does this have to do with your post???
  20. djoscarg

    Help Wanted!

    WOW Shroomy you're the best... You should take your act on the road you're hilarious!
  21. :laugh: Nick...I hate to say it....but...this shit is funny! I will admit I wrote the "HEY HOMO!" part though... btw...GOOD WORK! You are almost on page 6 with this Tsettos thread....everything is moving along nicely according to your evil plan.... HEE HEE HO HO HAA HAA HAAA!!!!!
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