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Everything posted by djoscarg

  1. There is also: Stereo, Montreal....Boa, Toronto....Zouk, Singapore...Spirit, Ireland....Yellow , Tokyo....Texound, Taiwan.. BUT....... Ive been to all of these clubs and played in about half of them and in my humble opinion there is no comparison...Space reigns supreme!!!(Not to mention alot of those clubs are seasonal....Space is week in and week out all year long....) I think sometimes it is very hard for people who live here in Miami to appreciate what Space does and has done....Sometimes we suffer from "the grass is always greener" syndrome....When I see people wearing Space T-Shirts all over the world at every gig I play and receive countless emails a day through my site from people from all over the globe who have experienced or want to experience Space, I recognize the impact that Space has had in its wonderful 4 years....When every guest DJ we have tells me Space is hands down the best club and how lucky I am to call it home, I recognize the impact Space has had....When after 4 years I still get butterflies in my stomach and excited on the way to Space every Saturday night.....and I see all those familiar faces smiling up at me and dancing for hours at a time, I recognize the impact Space has had ON ME!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!!! I think we should be proud to call the best club in the world our own!!! I am really amped about this anniversary party and I plan to play all the BOMBS that have rocked Space for the last 4 years....I hope to see all of you who have supported us there !!! and THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT!!!!! O.G.
  2. Oh boy! Mr. "Underground" has come to the conclusion that I am cheesy, or play cheesy shit.... Well then... This is an open letter of advice for all "up and coming underground, bedroom" DJs......WAKE UP!!! GROW UP!!! EDUCATE YOURSELVES!!! RESPECT THOSE WHO CAME BEFORE YOU!!! AND INSTEAD OF HATING, LEARN FROM THOSE WHO ARE AHEAD OF YOU!!! There are 100 "DJs" every week at Space thinking "shit I could rock this room better than this guy...I should be here, Im the shit when I play my marathon bedroom set for my 2 cats".....These 100 "DJs" will never amount to shit... Then there are those 4 or 5 guys that are there every week listening and paying attention....Learning and taking ideas which will eventually help develop their own sound and style....They appreciate the music and the fact that a room is full for 10 hours with house music playing.....These guys are the FUTURE!!! I was one of those guys who would sit and listen to Junior at the original Sound Factory, Tony Humphries at Zanzibar, Louie Vega at Sound Factory Bar, Danny Tenaglia at Cheers, Timmy Regisford at Shelter.. even David Padilla at Warsaw....I took in what I saw and what I heard and learned something different from all of them (among others)... It is funny to me how people talk about Space sometimes....When I started playing at Space 4 years ago the only music people wanted to hear in this town was Trance....I stuck to my guns and LP backed me up and we were able to build a very succesful night based on Underground House Music....Now all of the sudden because that sound caught on its not underground anymore??? so should I switch to ambient now just so I can be "Undergound" again??? I have been playing House Music since 1989...I am not about to change now....It is my passion and I dont care what it is labeled! as for subdigital-sy... I admire your passion and dedication....I have never done drugs either (nor alcohol) and I continue to be into this for the Music...Music is what my life is about and has been for the last 20 years.... BUT.... listen SON! When you were getting into the"scene" in 1996...I had been traveling the globe spreading the music I loved for 6 years already....That is also the year my partner and I released the "underground" anthem "Fired Up" which went on to become a big hit (at which point I guess it wasnt underground anymore...lol..) So....being that Ive payed my dues...I feel I've earned the right to play a Britney Spears remix (which is an unreleased mix by Fritz and Sieg which rocks) as an encore song at closing time of a club where I played the entire night without it being "cheesy" Its called programming and entertaining...the two most important aspects of DJing>>>> as for my technical skills whatever I will let them speak for themselves by the way I love minimal techno!!! nothin' but love for y'all O.G.
  3. OK....after doing alot of thinking....... Im gonna keep the G!!!!!! my last name is tough to spell and pronounce.....and most of my friends call me G or O.G. and more importantly...ITS TOO LATE NOW..... anyhow I find this suggestion funny coming from "SALEEN" I say you start posting under your full name... ;D
  4. Well... If Sander is OK with playing along side Tiesto...and Roger S. is OK with playing along side Oakenfold and Ferry Corsten.....then I guess Im OK playing along side PVD and my good buddy Edgar V..... If House is your first love...its all about the terrace this WMC @Space!!!! (and for those of you who were there for the closing party last year you know just how crazy it can get!!!) see you there! ;D
  5. I ,for one, had a great time!!!! ;D ;D ;D
  6. Welcome aboard Joystick!!!! ;D
  7. sorry Nick :'( I surely dont want this to become another TRANCE-TODDLER whining haven like that other hell-hole became...that is the last negative comment you will hear from me...thats a promise! by the way this is my 5th post....its just the first one anyone noticed.....I guess people are drawn to the drama... ;D (thanks Renzo...see you Saturday!)
  8. Hey whistle punk.... You are an obnoxious tool!!! I think im entilted to my opinion thats all!!! : I'll give you this though.....you can blow with the best of them
  9. Thanks for all the kind words guys!! I am really glad you are enjoying the cds...my goal was to capture what a Saturday night at Space is like...I hope it worked!! (and thanks to my buddy who linked me to this thread;) ) see you at Space!! O.G.
  10. just as I suspected....more criticism and sarcasm.. you are very predictable so long Philippio....
  11. Philippio, For starters....I really don't understand why you have chosen to start bashing "Dark Beat" 2 years after the fact....why doesnt anybody want it? because the thing is 2 years old!!! If you dont have it by now...forget it... You have chosen to start shitting on me, my partner, my music, my Djing and the club that I have enjoyed a residency at for 4 years.....That is your choice and you have every right to do it....but let me give you my opinion.... Long before you realized that Trance wasn't your cup of tea and you discovered house via D.T. and his Global Underground CD I was making and playing HOUSE MUSIC....Long before you became the all-knowing poster-child for "real" House I was making and playing HOUSE MUSIC...Long before you had ever even heard of House I was making and playing HOUSE MUSIC Long after you post your petty and childish garbage I will continue to make and play HOUSE MUSIC.. I have posted on this board on and off for a couple of years now...I have made friends and met some interesting people in that time...I have had several disagreements and debates with people but always in a civil and respectful manner....You on the other hand are tactless and completely disrespectful and have brought this board to an all time low....as a matter of fact this will most likely be my last post....I always treat people with respect (no matter who they are) and I expect the same in return....I don't have the time nor the desire to have to deal with a frustrated, bitter ,(just discovered house a few years ago but I know everything about it) type of person who only hurts our scene... The funny thing is you claim to support the locals...but only the ones you see fit, or the ones that aren't as popular at the moment....You see I take a differet path...I truly support the locals...ALL OF THEM.....and they can tell you that better than anyone....Ralph and I have been doing our thing since 1991...waaaayyyy before this club scene exploded and waaayyyy before anyone even thought of playing HOUSE in a club all night....We have done nothing but try to put Miami on the HOUSE MUSIC map....Long before the WMC became the HUGE event it has become Ralph and I were doing MURK parties with Masters at Work, Danny Tenaglia and Todd Terry (all in one night) to expose the Miami scene to this music that we love so much... anyway... I have wasted way too much time on you already... Let me just say...as far as "Dark Beat" I know when my friends and heroes such as Danny Tenaglia, David Morales, Junior Vasquez, Steve Lawler, Deep Dish, Sander Kleinenberg, Satoshi Tomei, Doc Marten, Pete Tong, Sasha and countless others take me aside, or e-mail me, or call me just to say how much they loved that song...that is more than enough for me.... When I play that song just about anywhere on the planet and people sing along word for word...that is more than enough for me.... When my friends and peers locally tell me how much they liked our song and how much they supported it and played it...that is more than plenty for me... so you see...your approval is really not necessary nor wanted....actually it is totally meaningless... I hope you eventually realize how to help the scene instead of hurting it with your negativity...I think your heart may be in the right place....but you are talking out of your ass... peace out yall' O.G. P.S.:Marcos and Carla your site looks awesome...very informative...keep up the good work!!! P.S.S.:Cue it gave me goose bumps watching you play "Fired Up" on the terrace the other morning...thanks you rock! P.S.S.S: That "Miami's Best Dj Poll" was ridiculous and of course was placed there only for Philippio to have an opprtunity to disrespect a select group of DJs who have worked very hard and paid alot of dues to get somewhere....
  12. Philippio, For starters....I really don't understand why you have chosen to start bashing "Dark Beat" 2 years after the fact....why doesnt anybody want it? because the thing is 2 years old!!! If you dont have it by now...forget it... You have chosen to start shitting on me, my partner, my music, my Djing and the club that I have enjoyed a residency at for 4 years.....That is your choice and you have every right to do it....but let me give you my opinion.... Long before you realized that Trance wasn't your cup of tea and you discovered house via D.T. and his Global Underground CD I was making and playing HOUSE MUSIC....Long before you became the all-knowing poster-child for "real" House I was making and playing HOUSE MUSIC...Long before you had ever even heard of House I was making and playing HOUSE MUSIC Long after you post your petty and childish garbage I will continue to make and play HOUSE MUSIC.. I have posted on this board on and off for a couple of years now...I have made friends and met some interesting people in that time...I have had several disagreements and debates with people but always in a civil and respectful manner....You on the other hand are tactless and completely disrespectful and have brought this board to an all time low....as a matter of fact this will most likely be my last post....I always treat people with respect (no matter who they are) and I expect the same in return....I don't have the time nor the desire to have to deal with a frustrated, bitter ,(just discovered house a few years ago but I know everything about it) type of person who only hurts our scene... The funny thing is you claim to support the locals...but only the ones you see fit, or the ones that aren't as popular at the moment....You see I take a differet path...I truly support the locals...ALL OF THEM.....and they can tell you that better than anyone....Ralph and I have been doing our thing since 1991...waaaayyyy before this club scene exploded and waaayyyy before anyone even thought of playing HOUSE in a club all night....We have done nothing but try to put Miami on the HOUSE MUSIC map....Long before the WMC became the HUGE event it has become Ralph and I were doing MURK parties with Masters at Work, Danny Tenaglia and Todd Terry (all in one night) to expose the Miami scene to this music that we love so much... anyway... I have wasted way too much time on you already... Let me just say...as far as "Dark Beat" I know when my friends and heroes such as Danny Tenaglia, David Morales, Junior Vasquez, Steve Lawler, Deep Dish, Sander Kleinenberg, Satoshi Tomei, Doc Marten, Pete Tong, Sasha and countless others take me aside, or e-mail me, or call me just to say how much they loved that song...that is more than enough for me.... When I play that song just about anywhere on the planet and people sing along word for word...that is more than enough for me.... When my friends and peers locally tell me how much they liked our song and how much they supported it and played it...that is more than plenty for me... so you see...your approval is really not necessary nor wanted....actually it is totally meaningless... I hope you eventually realize how to help the scene instead of hurting it with your negativity...I think your heart may be in the right place....but you are talking out of your ass... peace out yall' O.G. P.S.:Marcos and Carla your site looks awesome...very informative...keep up the good work!!! P.S.S.:Cue it gave me goose bumps watching you play "Fired Up" on the terrace the other morning...thanks you rock! P.S.S.S: That "Miami's Best Dj Poll" was ridiculous and of course was placed there only for Philippio to have an opprtunity to disrespect a select group of DJs who have worked very hard and paid alot of dues to get somewhere....
  13. djoscarg


    Mods...why hasnt this thread been removed??? Obviously Saleen is an ignorant biggot with a Cuban chip on his shoulder...
  14. I THINK I JUST PEED MY PANTS!!!! I nominate this for best post of 2003....lol BTW: YOU ARE NOW BANNED FROM SPACE!
  15. My new CD hit the steets today!!!! It was recorded live at Space...and we even Mic'ed the room to capture the enviroment... engineered by Stryke pics by Pod
  16. So.....depings decided to register on Club Planet specifically to start a Steve Lawler rumor.......interesting:rolleyes: Welcome depings!
  17. aaaawwwwww...there is the Philippio I know and hate!!! :laugh: Oh no Mommy....say it isn't so!!! I did'nt make Philippio's approved list of "local" Miami house DJs.....whatever will I do?!?!
  18. Thanks guys!!! We have been very fortunate...and lucky (this is our 7th #1 this year) we are blessed:D B-Side you are right...Murk came way before Funky Green Dogs (12 years ago to be exact!)....and the Dogs will be back next year... anyway...thanks for your continued support and kind words!!!
  19. :clap: :clap: :clap: Philippio ...I have to admit...you are usually not my cup of tea.....but this was a great post!
  20. Saleen strikes again!!! :laugh:
  21. :laugh: BTW: I think Phillipio is LP....he is a genius!!!! every other thread is Space.... see you Saturday sucia!!!
  22. My birthday is actually tomorrow...but I will be celebrating this Saturday at my FAVORITE club.... It's called SPACE.. it is located at: 34 N.E. 11 ST. YOU ARE ALL INVITED!!!!
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