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Everything posted by upjumpdaboogie

  1. dude, I'm so over this day, already... (irregardless of last nights activities) Two guys are in a bar: Man #1: Do you want another beer? Man #2: No thanks, I'm trying to cut down to 'excessive'. Man #1: From what? Man #2: From ridiculous! hee hee hee
  2. This is completely different though, that was in a public thread we, ummm, sorta took over. No one's interested in what we have to say, they have muuuuuuuuuuuuuch better things to do. It sucks that it gets dark so early.. Oh, I just got that... "the one about the" "out in the open" you're a clever little vixen aren't ya for operating on 2 hours sleep... if that..
  3. that's my story and i'm sticking to it... nobody is reading this INTERsubMISSIONary
  4. knicks, yankees, and head.. who could ask for anything more...
  5. that's my cue... is it 5, yet? P.S. Are you going to the Dr., taking a nap and/or coming over after work?
  6. I'm a Sour Patch Kid
  7. the green pill is for AM, the pink pill is for PM...
  8. time for a stunt double...
  9. can you ever do enough blowing? who are you and what have you done with my woman... There's always room for improvement.... Enters our hero: there there... let me massage your back, you sound stressed... lights dim *splish* *splash*
  10. Ehh, try again. The pocho I can handle, it's the thigh high rubber boots that take getting used to. I think the winds of Tropical Storm rocketfuel have some more blowing to do before it gets upgraded. ...exit stage left... nailing down furniture.
  11. upjumpdaboogie


    what part of nameless is giving you trouble? is it the name? you know what your name is! is it the less? because you know nothing about that!
  12. you send me the bill for the dry cleaning, I'll send you the bill for a new table. I wonder if I could claim that a tornado swept through my apartment??? What?? It could happen!!!! For all intents and purposes, it sorta did. swirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl
  13. Your fat ass, god bless it, needs to lay off the Twinkies... snoochie poochies... OD'in on the DD *sniff* *sniff* SHHHHHHHHHHHH:tongue:
  14. upjumpdaboogie


    I've been the same way... NYSC is like... who? who are you? I need to get my ass back on a healthier routine... no more getting fucked up and corrupted by certain individuals to remain nameless.
  15. usually, i take, "Don't STOP!!!" "Don't STOP!!!!" as a sign... ya know, not to stop. The joint might not do it.. bring out the heavy artillary.
  16. I'm in serious need of a zzZZZzzz wake & bake... meet me zzzzzzZZZZzzzZzz back out by the dumpster... and bring zzzzzZZzzZZZzzzzz the good shit... no more... no more..... never a again, bad doggie.. sit UBU, sit...
  17. upjumpdaboogie


    foiled again.... and I would have suceeded to if it wasn't for you pesky kids and that pup named Rubby Rubby ROooooo....
  18. BIG PIMPIIN' spending cheeeeeeeeeeese
  19. define ass? define weekend? if by ass you mean sex, and my weekend you mean Saturday and/or Sunday, then by answer is... maybe.. honey, why don't I let you answer that..
  20. Lllllllllllllllllllllllllllet's get ready to rumblllllllllllllllllllllllllle!!!!! Just kidding, whatever... welcome a-bored
  21. upjumpdaboogie


    Caught between a BUMP and a hard place
  22. upjumpdaboogie


    Whenever I have to choose between the better of two BUMPS, I choose the one I havent tried yet...
  23. wow, another one i passed on.. too funny, well.. a reasonable photocopy thereof
  24. Awww... duets... ...as for the body question, it's all good. better on some than others, but nonetheless adored
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