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Posts posted by biznation00

  1. Originally posted by lolahotass

    I thought someone was bitching in the OG thread about promoters writing their own reviews:confused: hmm

    Anyway, great review Biz. Feel free to write more often.


    Thanks lola, but I had to write this review.. It came from the heart, no bullshit, no filler stuff! That's what Saturday night/Sunday morn' felt like for me... ;)

  2. I don't usually come on here & write reviews, but last night was sure worthy of one. Let me just start off by sayin' Roly's Terrace set was simply AMAZING!! :eek: I mean it! I haven't seen a better set on that Terrace this year & that includes my favorite Terrace set of 2003's WMC when Sander destroyed that Terrace! We'll get back to this in a bit.

    To start, if you were in the mainroom while Roland was throwin' down, then you pretty much got a 5 course meal (No bullshit). A lil' of everything beggining with some smooth funky proggy & dubby stuff. His intro was simply silky smooth & amazing leadin' into the Quetzal track which went off Marvelously. That first hour was incredible & if you heard it on the radio then you know exactly what I'm takin' bout. I'm not gonna post a zillion track Id's cuz that's not my style & I don't like givin' up tracks that easily- Figure it out on your own & get your ass to the club..

    Anyway, sometime b4 3am just b4 the broadcast ended, he threw in this hypnotic "Fred Numf vs. ??" track, layered with an acapella that said, "tu eres una puta, vendiendo tu chocha, etc..." He kept loopin' "puta", "puta", "puta", you get the picture. I'll never forget the look on Buster's face! I'm pretty sure Buster doesn't understand spanish that well, but he understood "Puta" & "Chocha" :laugh:. He kept tappin' Roland with a look that said, "Holy shit Roly, we're on the radio"! :eek: "take this off, ahh fukit"! "just keep it goin', it rocks"!! It's the kinda look where you know you shouldn't be doin' something cuz it's bad, but it just feels soo good so you do it anyway.

    Shortly after 4am, things we're gettin' too rowdy in the booth so LP came in & cleaned house in there :laugh:. That would have been around the time that Roland was droppin' some minimal techno type stuff, real hi-energy sh_t, b4 he slowly brought things back down with an incredible live edit of House of Pain's "Jump around", filled with sound effects & using all 4 music components from the cdj 1000's to the pioneer effects machine. Wicked loops, cuts & even some scratchin'. The crowd simply lost it & I looked over @ LP in amazement not believin' what we we're hearin' & how well it went over. All I could think of is, "you gotta have balls Roly" & you gotta know when to pull a stunt like that! :eek: AMAZING!!

    So the last hour & a half of his set was filled with wicked fun tunes, alot of his newest jems. Some housier, some techy-err stuff and even a few classics that even Saleen would of enjoyed "Young hearts run free" & "I am Ready". That last hour was flat out fun, full of dancin' & str8 up smiles. Didn't bang you out, didn't slow you down. Kept you hoppin' & pointin' your fingers at the dj like he was god & most of all kept you smilin'.

    6am comes around & we step out the the Terrace. Roly's mainroom set was awesome, but I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen on the Terrace..



    God that had to have been the best set I heard all year out there beatin' out Sander & Howells WMC sets of 2003. Everyone on that Terrace was energized & excited as if they had just woken up on Christmas day at the age of 10 to a tree full of presents. That big room felt like it 50 square ft. by 50. Everyone bouncin' around, pointin' fingers @ the booth, dancin', screamin' & hootin' all mornin' long. Roly's terrace set was soo well put together that every track & the entire mix was simply flawless & complimented each bassline, beat & groove. I had peepz comin' up to me askin' me for tons of ids. Not a single request from anyone in the crowd as it sometimes is, just str8 up fun & everyone was lost in the music. I swear to god, it felt like conference for 1 mornin' & I'm not exhajurrating.

    All in all it was amazin', I don't usually come on here & post reviews, especially Space reviews cuz some might think I'm bein' biased. But believe me, I felt every ounce of that night & mornin'. I was blown away!! :eek:

    If you didn't go, I hope I gave you an idea of what it felt like for me & what you missed...

    The Roland Marathon.. I think we can get used to this from time to time... ;)

  3. Originally posted by rolandm

    Thank You all for your b-day wishes.

    Definitely gonna have fun this saturday, been looking forward to this day for quite some time. Hope you guys are ready for a long night.

    Thank you to LP, Biz, OG for always supporting.

    More importantly thanks to everyone who has supported saturday nights at space in the last 3+ years, its all about you.

    Also, biz gettin the TEJA cut for this weekend. lol

    Nick, I never got the e-mail you speak of, call me or biz about that.

    Klit, got some nice things planned for 2004.... thanks 4 d support

    Merry christmas to all of CP

    See you saturday for the last big party of 2003 @ space.



    Stop lyin' to these people.. I'm not getting my Teja cut!

    Can't wait for Saturday!

    Jager anyone? ;)

  4. Originally posted by bluboy

    If I had to give it a grade on its performance vs potential, I'd give it an F. Miami has some really great dj's who get very little or no recognition for their talent which helps to preserve an underground scene but at the same time, larger clubs are bringing in big names that really contribute very little to the Miami scene in the way of new music. They just serve as entertainment for one party on one good night. And there isn't very much wrong with that (many people cherish those nights and they make good memories) but if Miami wants its own club culture, it has to respect some lesser known home-grown talent as well as what's been termed as "the nu-breed" class of dj's. I'm not just talking about house music.

    :D:hat: thank you.

    That's funny you mentioned that.. it's those same djs that you were prob all over 3 years ago. You know, the one's you thought you discovered when everyone else was on the PVD/Okie tip. The Lawler's, Kleinenberg's, Burridge's, Howells, etc. of today. Those same guys are HUGE now & it seems like it's not "cool" to like them anymore becuz they broke thru. Are you telling me these Nubreeds of 2001 don't "contribute" to the scene anymore like they used to?? I'm not takin' a shot @ you Phillip, I just find your statement interesting.

    feel free to elaborate.. enlighten me... :blank:

  5. If you're a space regular, you'll love the CD! It's filled with Oscar's signature dancefloor Saturday nite tracks. It's like baggin' Space up into 2 round, silver discs. Horns, sirens & you makin' noise in the crowd all included...

    The CD rocks! :aright:

  6. Just wanted to wish my good pal Roland a...

    Happy Birthday


    We'll be celebrating the ol' man's Birthday @ Space this Sat.Dec.27th

    & you are all invited of course!

    Ol' man Roly's Birthday Marathon Extended Set times:

    2am - 6am Mainroom

    6am - 9am Terrace

    BIG Thanks to those who've pitched in to helpin' make

    Roly's Birthday this Saturday a special one: :aright:

    Ontivero fashion show


    Harlequin Records

    M2k Productions & the Fashion Models

    Specs Music

    Mike Hammersly @ The Miami Herald

    all our close friends & the Space fam of course! ;)

    :) Happy Holidays to you all...

  7. Originally posted by funketeer

    You use the term "Internet Gladiator" in a diminishing way...yet, you give props to Saleen...who's a lion on the boards but a chicken in real person...I don't get it...all this rethoric baffles me sometimes...I think everyone should relax and expect a little bit of chaos here and there. I don't know, it's the anarchist in me that loves chaos, I guess...I don't glorify industry folks, promoters, club owners, djs, etc...man, all the characters aforementioned are there to serve a purpose and ultimately deliver a service...while, of course...filling up their pockets to capacity...nothing wrong with that.

    You see? It's the ass-kissing and the glorifying that confuses industry folks and inflates their egoes to ridiculous heights...I know I'm not alone when I say that I love each and every soul that generates fun events for all of us music lovers to attend...I respect you all and i wish you nothing but the best...but...have it very clear, not all clubbers are created equal and not all board-members are created equally either...to use Philippio and Saleen as examples of what a clubber and a board-member is an anomally...it just so happens that this two dumbasses have enough time on their hands to bullshit the way they do and that is plain for everyone to see...I can imagine pig-boy on the phone all day snooping into private business that does not concern him...basicaly, a businessman nightmare...killinhg the element of surprise...revealing confidential infirmation that could harm the success of a venture...I don't know...it's just childish attention eager behaviour...respect from the Funk...but, asskissing and glorifying...never...not even in a million years.

    happy holiday Biz



    I'm a bit confused, not sure how to interpret your post. Anyway, for one, Saleen & I don't agree on the sky being blue, aside from the fact that we seldomly talk. We exchange very few words when we stumble upon each other and that's about it. But my experience with Nick has been that if he doesn't agree with you on the board or directs something on the board your way, then chances are that you might expect the same in person (like I said, it's been my experience with him). Your experience, along with many other people on this board may vary in the case of Saleen. He's far from being a cp model ciziten in my book. However you dislike or disagree with him more than I do.

    As for the internet Gladiator remark, yes I use it in a diminishing way because that's the way I view people like phillipio. That's my definition of it. He has no experience with or knows very little about people like Louis Puig, Oscar G, etc. yet he does nothing but lash out at them or their efforts. Worst of all is that he wouldn't imagine sayin' half these things to Louis or Oscar directly. He uses CP as a stage to glorify his character in a way which I can't comprehend.

    In reference to your statement reagarding what the ideal board member is.. I don't expect there to be a model board member or a model clubber. We're all different people & we all act in different ways. I enjoy chaos & drama and I occasionally enjoy being in a heated argument or discussion (minus the disrespect). I'm not searching for a drama free board, or a chaos free world. All I expect is for some people to save the hate/envy replies for another discussion on another board. Speak your mind, don't be constructive for all I care, just don't make it a hate/envy issue on here. When the hate/envy posts out do the informative & fun posts as it has been lately, then it makes me think twice about flipping thru the pages on all these topics... :rolleyes:

  8. Originally posted by saleen351

    for the record i've never insulted anyone who didn't deserve it!

    the difference between Saleen & Phillipio is that Saleen will tell you what he tells you on the board, in person. And he does provide useful info at times.

    Phillipio only speaks on the board! He's the definition of an "Internet Gladiator" :rolleyes:

  9. Originally posted by ogmiami

    Biz is completely right. As industry people, we welcome the opportunity to communicate directly with people who are supposed to represent the core of the clubbing market. It's supposed to be a way for us to get feedback on what we do in a constructive way. Many times we read it and make adjustments based on the comments we get. Sometimes we don't. The point is it could be such a good thing.

    Instead, what usually happens is that some jerk-off interrupts the discussion with a personal attack or some other complete bullshit that makes us think it was all a waste of time.

    A thread was started with questions about the club we're opening and I was answering when all of a sudden in pops someone (Ozzy) with personal attacks on me and the club. Someone who has never met me or anyone else associated with our venture decided to be an asshole and ruined the discussion and left me feeling like I wasted my time.

    It's easy to say that it's all in fun but it's hard to accept that when the shit is thrown in your direction. Oscar G is one of the most respected DJ/producers in the business. I'm not talking about respect from local clubbers...I'm talking about respect that is industry wide and global for more years than most of you have been into dance music. He came to CP with wit and class and always made time to answer your questions honestly. Now, perhaps the most legitimate industry person on CP does not want to partake in the discussion. Your loss not his.

    I think Dade added the icing on the cake. Very well put!

    As for the speaking up & getting banned by the club thing, I don't know of anyone who hasn't constructively spoken his mind & gotten banned. Or just flat out spoken his mind for that matter. Sh_t, I mean alot of people here shit on Space but in reality who here is banned?

    If you guys are reffering to the Saleen Space incident, it was Markus & Louis who decided to ban the guy because of his actions on one particular night, not because of what he's said on this board. At the time, it became personal & what I mean by personal is that someone at the club has a direct issue (in this case meaning a "reality" off the internet confrontation) & therefore takes action. However, Saleen was never told & didn't find out till he showed up one night after Louis & Markus spotted him at the club one previous night. Now it's all peachy, Saleen is allowed in at anytime & he still speaks his mind.

    Another person who was also thought to be banned was Nexxusgroove at one point by one of the Space manager's who is no longer with us. I really don't know what the purpose of that action was. However, the way I understood it was that the action stemmed from the manager who had a personal issue or grudge against him in the past for whatever reason, not the club. That manager no longer works for Space & Nexus has no prob. Nexxus, even got hired by Louis to work the lights on the Terrace for sometime, even after the whole so-called banned incident (wuddup Nexxus, where ever you are ;) ).

    Who else do any of you know that was banned for speaking up here on CP?? Making personal attacks is one thing, speaking up is another. Space or I for that matter don't care if you don't use constructive criticism. Louis won't ban you & I certainly wont cuz I believe I can solve my own problems on my OWN! However, if you push Louis' or Markus' buttons in the real world, they might react accordingly. Luckily, after the storm I'm very forgiving, but I never forget...

    So tell me, who from CP is actually banned from space? not even phillipio. Throw the banned thing out the window. :rolleyes:

  10. Originally posted by chaflas

    :aright: Well said, Biz.

    Yo, is Oscar really gone?

    I can't speak for OG, but I can say that I don't look forward to readin' this board anymore as much as I used to & I don't post as often for obvious reasons. I still come on here cuz for the past 2 years+ I've grown soo used to CP, but it's now cluttered with far more hate & bullsh_t most of the time, more than it ever was. :(

  11. Some people can't seem to express how they truly feel about something or someone in the "real" world. So instead, they register a screen name, talk up a bunch of smack & sit behind their shield of a Monitor.

    Imagine if this message board was a big reality room where everyone in cp held different discussions about clubs, music & life. How many of these internet gladiators would really stand up & say what they say on here?

    In the end, "it's a message board, it's all in good fun".. That's the biggest crock of sh_t I've ever heard. When you insult someone on a public board, you're insulting them period! :rolleyes:

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