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Everything posted by godfatherbam

  1. haha, i met my boys rdancer, trancerxn112, bigart, and xtcgspot from clubbin, plain and simple, if thats ur scene, thats where ull make the best friends, oh and i cant forget about my girl LINABINA...DA BIIIIIINNNNNNAAAAAA!!!!!! hehe
  2. hahahaha awesome i didnt think anyone was gonna get that one :laugh:
  3. eh, its just the way it is, but i def know the feelin, standin there and friggin carl lewis comes flyin through, knockin every1 outta the way....damn little kids
  4. Ok, i missed ROXY this week, but next week i will def be there....whos in, i hope to see my stage crew there with me as always, but who else???? oh i know it is a bit early yet, but like i said i missed this week so cut me some slack ok
  5. hey glowgirl, i resemble that remark ...lol, anyone else know the stooges?
  6. damn this looks like the newbies thread!!! where di u all come from anyways???
  7. excellent thanks quoth, u crazy ass cracka!!!
  8. any ideas would be appreciated too
  9. any1 have a way to help me rdancer and trancerxn get into factory this morning???? we wanna go but me and trancerxn have no ids.... any ideas????
  10. yo g...whats up kid, talk to me, wtf is the deal, same shit we were discussin last week??? what did i tell you about that shit man, u gotta just blow it off, only thing u can really do at this point, u just gotta play it by ear, see how it goes from there...oh btw, i couldnt talk all week cause my comp was shot, so if you need anyhting, gimme a shout on sat some time ok bro...cheer the fuck up already too...lol
  11. godfatherbam

    The ex thing

    i know this post has been up b4, but i just wanted to reiterate... when ur friend breaks up with a girl, and u want her, do any of u actually make the move, just wanted to see the responses one more time, cause i know that i said a friends ex is off limits, unless specified by ur friend...
  12. Ok, well apparently there is much concern over the party at Roxy this weekend. Well, the Godfather has proposed a plan that may just help all of us out. Now, there seems to be a lot of buzz that this weekend will be full of little KTU kiddies coming to hear derb, and we all know that we all hate that, so listen up. there are a few simple steps and i think it will make all of u happy...hehe here is what i propose we do. A)first off, every participating member of the sex board is asked to simplr bring in a paddle of their choice...suggested materials include...a)WOOD (cant beat the wood baby) b)STEEL (ouch that must hurt) c)PLEXIGLASS (gotta be cool to see things get smushed when they get whacked!) B)The next step is, all involved then proceed to hand over their Paddles to the following sex board members a)Fiery b)Clubkat c)All other sex boarders who are obsessed with the spanking of each others asses who will be present fri night. C)Finally, Said Members ( use above listed Paddles (A) and whack the shit outta all the little KTU kiddies. The way i see it, we cant go wrong here...lol...i mean A. we would all get to watch all those who love to spank most, do what they love most, B. How much friggin fun will it be to see all that happen, C. We would rid the club of all unwanted KTU kiddies forever (who would come back after spankins like that) and D. The roxy will then be ours again! LOL HAHAHAHA, well anyways i was just thinkin........
  13. WOW, i am lovin it today man...draper and devito in one day.... i love the usa!!!!!
  14. hey, anyone know here yet??? U should come to some of the meet ups at roxy, everyone is always really cool:)
  15. hey djlolita, where did u come from...u have any pics to post, cuz i think we all know the three post rule right guys ... hehe
  16. lol yeah def...sorry hun, but it looks kinda phat
  17. bwahhahahahahahaha:laugh: , that was some funny ass shit...lol, def made my day a bit better:laugh: still cant stop laughin
  18. yeah.....u see, the way i see it is, we are goin to clubs for the music and the crowd...i dunno where u have been, but when we go to roxy and exit and world and all those places u said, we dont see any attitude, that is why we continue to go. we go for the music and the crowds that we take best to, maybe those places arent ur crowd and u should find another club that u fit into better, i dunno just a suggestion, so anyways like i was sayin, the roxy happens to be where we feel the music and so on is better, i am sure that soon another club with another dj will become the place to be, but for now, thats where we like to be, so that is where we will go, and here is some food for thought....maybe it is not the other people, but you yourself who brings the attitude???
  19. i am very sorry to hear about your loss:( , just remember to keep your chin up...
  20. haha mikey, look at mine, no girls yet....yet...ahem alan, but i like the girls better
  21. yeah thats it...lol and just now, someone said joe pesci, but that i dont see at all...????
  22. haha u bastid gary, well, i guess ur little scheme would have worked on a normal day, but not today...too damn tired...lol
  23. some girl just today said i looked like freddy prinze jr...go figure, yeah right:confused: that and also whats his name from face off...the skinny guy, umm i dont remember
  24. haha gary, u gonna be walikin around like u got a stick up ur ass for like a week...lol me, i always sneak by, cause fiery and them dont recognize me yet...hehe:worry:
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