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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. Well somehow i think women always say they dont go for looks and wealth and all that. Say its more about the person and personality. I just think the actions are a bit different. I think most people go for looks and such that come along with it.
  2. Kirk you might be right on the rottie thing too but i know its shepards who have the hip problems when they get older.
  3. Thats pretty sick !!! Anyway rotties are cool. some insight i knew 3 people how had rotties. 2 of them are very low key and laid back and so is their dog. i thik if someone robber thier house the dog wuld hide behind them. My ex had a rottie, her 2 brothers were high strung and always wrestling around. In 10 yrs with her she had the dog for 8 and i dont know anyone outside the house who could get within 2 feet of the dog without it snapping at someone. So definatly make sure the dog is a bit more friendly. Anyone got a german shepard puppy they wanna give away ???
  4. Ok how big is too big. as far as muscles. A friend of mine tells me i shouldnt keep working out to be where i want to be because being too big is unattractive. So i guess im taking a poll of how big is too big. Do women like huge guys or do they prefer just a great build
  5. How off the hookwas SF last night. Too bad i missed it forgot i had a b day aprty to go to and couldnt make it.
  6. I tried andro for a few months it was ok nothing great. The best thing for me personally to promote muscle growth was protein shakes and a good diet. they say it takes 1 1/2 grams of protien per lb of body weight to promote good muscle growth. Muscles are made up of protiens. Whey is very good. Most taste like shit so i use whey protien from GNC brand it actually tastes good. Dont use milk use water. milk makes u bloat. Above and beyond all its what you do with the weight you lift not how much you life. I had gotten to max out on a bench a little over 300 lbs 6 times. Yet when i gave up bench pressing it got so much bigger off of lighter weights using dumbells going up slowly and definatly going back down slowly. Good luck
  7. Well my dad use to train all of our dogs. i had dogs my whole life and love dogs so this is the best i can say. Hear say is this... dobies are kinda trouble. They say due to over inbreeding that dobies heads stop growing and their brain doesnt and causes nasty behavior due to pressure on the brain. ( dont know how true it is but i know inbreeding problems are something that happens) Rotties some towns ( i know elizabeth nj is one of them) require you to carry this jawbreaker bar if you walk the dog in public due to a hinge in the jaw that it can lock at i believe like 2000 lbs of pressure on to something or someone. terriers i dont know much about. As far as a great dog german shepards. Train very easily, not the best at anything but second best at almost everythng. Great fun pet yuet knows when to be protective. Just remember almost all dogs take on a personality of the surroundings. If you are quiet and low key the dog will probably be the same if you are hyper the dog will also be hyper.
  8. I dont hang at cheesy bech bars i go to hang on the beach just go in for a drink here and there i prefer to kick back and pump up the bass while getting a nice tan
  9. well im at work at five am. I think im turning into a workaholic. But at least i get free gum >eyeroll<
  10. a day at the beach 6.50 large chicken salad 8.00 large water 3.20 ( about 7 times) parking 20 bucks antoher chicken salad 8.00 few drinks 30 bucks thanking God you make a shitload of cash priceless lol
  11. hmmm 4 17 i been home for at least 2 hours. Must be nice, except for getting up at 5 am.
  12. seems its always a busy weekend. Start at headliners ( why can i see me and my friends the only ones drinking water) robably end up at factory ( always nice to go home lol ) Or ill get screwed and not get my mopney back and stay in
  13. sounds like deko was fun maybe ill have to go soon and see. my friend is spinning there for the summer before unique. Should have gone last night but had to get things ready for the weekend
  14. I agree with Drama that when you get older it sucks sometimes being single. Nothing is worse than dying to go to a club all week and finding out all your friends just want to go to dinner. Then half cant go because they cant get a babysitter or whatever. i Think you can find the right person anywhere, fate will put you together. Its just that at clubs there is so much drama and attitude. As far as the crackhead comments go........ Clubs and party favors will forever go together. Its finally nice after 16 yrs of clubbing to go out and not see people getting into fights. Nothing is worse than going out meeting some nice people and all of a sudden you and your friends are on the way home at 1 am because the club you were at just got closed due to someone blowing away a few bouncers and some clubbers because they were snorting too much soda
  15. HOw was deko i was suppose to go my friend was spinning and i was on the list but ended up all night running around for party favors for the weekend
  16. Single I think it possible to meet someone nice in a club its weather they drop the attitude or not. Bar hopping sucks all older people sipping scotch waiting for their dentures to fall out. How old is too old for clubs ??? ( cant wait to hear the replies to this one.)
  17. 3 more wishes ( seems everyone liked my idea.) Mad Cow disease to whom ever thinks factory should burn down Id say free pills but its almost there so i wont waste a wish on that. No tolls on the parkway ( id ask for the perfect woman but even God himself might think thats impossible)
  18. 3 wishes hmmmm My mortgage paid off Women not so bitchy and messed up 3 more wishes
  19. Well if i was on juice i sure as hell wouldnt wanna advertise it. Secondly I think ill stay natural thanks to awesome genetics and ill live to see social security.The faster it comes the faster it falls in anything in life. The way i see it is there are no easy ways out. Just keep pumping and let it come naturally. Besides if all she wants you for is your muscles is she worth it.
  20. I do get a kick out of all the guido talk. Well there are alot of italians who aren't guido's. See to me a guido involved freestyle music IROC-Z's or Mustangs and dating women who required you to remove the T Tops before you could get in. The one thing thats the same is Tempts. Crusiing Union Ctr, Bloomfield Ave., Ridge Rd and Wood Ave. Those were Original Guido days As far as muscles and juice..... I got a louisville slugger nuff said LOL
  21. Hmmm any old skool original guido kits for sale for $9.95 1 used IROC-Z Free Pass to Chicagos in Lodi ( even though its no good anymore) 2 IOU shirts 1 Pair of Z cavaricci's 1 TKA greatest hits CD 37 gold chains 1 italian flag tattoo 6 pair Reeboks assorted colors ( red grey black white blue and teal )
  22. hmmm perns maybe ill see if i can get u on the list
  23. First drink usually water but if its alcohol by the end of the night i forgot.
  24. did anyone read about the bill trying to be passed. It is on the message boards. I think everyone who likes clubbing should read it. It almost says any club that appears to have drugs in it can be shut down. They describe it as anywhere people drink water and use glow sticks ( well not too many people use those anyway). Even if you dont roll or bump read it. If someone around you is that place may be gone soon.
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