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Everything posted by boywonder77

  1. I don't think I'm gay at all, but I do like being called cupcake. Ironic, huh.
  2. It would be like a coffee house only everyone would sip Redbull and G. Groovy man.
  3. Umm, Yeah, I'm gonna have to go and take your word on that one sweetheart. I may be a little old fashioned here but having a dildo rammed in your ass is "a little gay". Hey if you like that than go ahead and rock on, but it's still "alittle gay'.
  4. tan ass in white is heaven.
  5. I have shaved a few girls in my time. It's disgusting. And by the way girls you have to get under the cooch too, by the ass. There's no bigger turn off than putting a girls legs behind her ears and seeing some asshairs. You might need some help with this. One person to hold your cheeks, apart one to do the shaving.
  6. Umm. Not a whole lot more.
  7. Your like Rocco fucking Sheakespeare. Jersey Guidos Unite!.
  8. Oh, than apparantly i'm a jackass. My bad.
  9. I just started this post to piss off the girls cause there was so much man bashing going on here. I love all you beautiful women. Lets go back to talking about fun stuff like masturbation and strap-on's. Much love to all of you.
  10. I am a homeless man and am officially volunteering. All I have is my computer and the box it came in.
  11. I wasn't trying to be mean. I apologize if I was. But after a hundred posts about how bad guys suck, I felt testosteronly compelled to strike back. I love women. And I like to get a rise out of you girls. I'll play nice. Hugs and Kisses.
  12. I apologize I was wrong, your the biggest jackass on this thread. If I looked at life like that I would shoot myself in the face. Something to consider.
  13. That's a girls decision unless your seriously committed. I have a lot of friends who have knocked their girlfriends up. Two have taken responsibility and stood up to the plate and have gained all my respect. One took the pussy way out and made her go to court just to get child support, he is no longer my friend.
  14. The only thing worse than a girl bitching is you bitching. Bitch.
  15. See, even that was bitchy.
  16. There's that famous German compassion for life. What the fuck do they feed these people. If I could possibly think of any reason anyone would want to go to germany I'd take the trip just to smack this fucking retart. On the bright side he makes me look super fucking sweet.
  17. Piss and moan, bitch and squeal. Why can't girls ever fucking relax and be happy. Why does everything have to be a four hour argument which will inevetibaly end up with her crying and you apologizing for something you didn't do just to get her to shut the fuck up. Why is what were doing right now, never good enough. Why do girls talk smack about every other remotely attractive girl that she comes into contact with. Hmmmm. Thought's? Suggestions?
  18. I bet you could drive a bus up her ass. Now that's a lady
  19. Seems like somethings missing. Hmmm, I wonder what that is?
  20. you know they say the kettel adds 140 pounds to you. Thank god for stupid people, or the rest of us would be so bored.
  21. You don't think it's a little gay for a bunch of guys to talk about jerking off? No judgement, here I was just putting in my two cents. "a little gay".
  22. boywonder77

    bitchin out...

    I fucking hate bitches. I love nice girls. I fucking hate bitches. Life is too much fun to be a bitch. If your nice to people they might in turn be nice to you, and you wouldn't have so much to bitch about. It's a neverending bitch cycle. Stop the insanity. You girls can start the revolution. Viva la revolution.
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