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Everything posted by therunner

  1. I would drive him to the hospital and have them treat him. Alcohol is the only substance that the body can die from withdrawls. Smack withdrawl is nothing compared to alcoholic siezures. I've been sober since Oct 30th 03 and it only took me three days of detox and still alot of aftercare. This guy needs help but he won't get sober, or stay sober unless he wants to. Nothing you can do will get him, or keep him sober.
  2. Maybe you mean veteran? Was he in the service? Because if you don't know what your husband does, you're either lying or you're lying.
  3. If they both broke at once that would be predictable - saabs aren't.
  4. fo real. I need people in my life to unload all my anger and shit on. I don't know how people who only use the internet as thier means of relating to other people make it in life.
  5. everbody has friends on the internet.
  6. I watched this last night. Pretty good, full of senseless violence The ending was sad. I knew it was going to have a fucked up twist but I didn't know it was going to end like that.
  7. What's the worst part about fucking a five year old? Getting the blood out of the clown suit. What goes snap, crackle, pop? A 5 year old pelvis.
  8. 1976 Chevy Nova 1966 Pontiac Bonneville 1984 Chevy S-10 198? Ford Escort 1979 Chevy Monte Carlo 199? Nissan Sentra 1992 Toyota something or other with four doors 199? Honda Prelude or Accord I can't remember 1989 HD Sportster 199? Piece of shit Audi 1984 Subaru Station wagon 2001 Camry 2003 Toyota Matrix XRS/1995 Ford E250 2005 Chevy G3500 10ft box van I still have the matrix and the van is for work.
  9. Because of this post and my love for "good" brit films, I went and rented Layer Cake last night. Fucking wicked flick!! How did I miss this one? The story line is awesome, a mix between casino and scarface with a little bit of Groove. The soundtrack (all except for the Kylie Min-hoe track) rocketed the intenisty of the story well beyond what I expected from this overseas nailbiter. Truely a well made movie with great character development wrapped in a twisting plot that has an ending that never seems to end until the credits come up. Two thumbs up, 5 stars, 4 woodies, whatever it takes to say "you need to see this one." Thanks for the recomendation.
  10. For those of you on the English debate, we Americans don't speak English, we speak American. Go to England and you'll get by with what little you know, but it's like a Mexican going to Spain. Us colonialist here in America dropped proper English due to lack of education and also a bit of rebellion against the country that forced the us away. This country was founded on freedom, if people choose not to learn the language, that is thier choice. However, I am a lazy american that has no intention of making it easier for them. And trust me, when I call Dell customer service and get somebody in India making 2 rupies an hour to take my call, I'm pissed. I want to speak to someone who I can understand. Additionally, My gf's son has been watching some fucking cartoon where they speak spanglish trying to influence him to learn a new language. I am all for learning many languages, I myself attempted German. Europeans (most of them anyway) speak multiple languages, why can't us americans do the same.
  11. I think these guys are morons and can really do without them. Sick humor - some people like it, I think it's stupid.
  12. I'm in central Il, where the wind never stops blowing and the scenery looks like this ___________________.
  13. What are you afraid of? Ha, fucking wack-o's like that.
  14. Go masterbate - best thing to pass time since baseball.
  15. Good, living in quiet Midwest state surrounded by corn and bean fields. Making around 50-60K a year. Fucking lovely.
  16. The difference between this lady's job and say, you who work at Best Buy, is that when you make a conscience descision to neglect a customer because you don't think they have money, you lose a customer. She made conscience descision not to send an officer because she thought it was a prank. I am sure this woman has heard her share of prank calls as well as real ones and made her descision based on that. Even though her descision was the wrong one this time, how many other times had she saved the tax payers dollars by not sending out police, fire or rescue to pranks because she fielded them well. She may have made a mistake this time, reprimand her and send a basket of flowers to the funeral. How do we not know if the lady was already dead when the boy made the call. If so the boy should be sued for not calling in time. What does the morgue say? Has the Obit already come out with cause and time of death. I'm with Dg on this one, I think the boy killed her to get the gold and then called it to 911, that's why he was so calm he didn't want them to respond.
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