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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. don't worry...a few of us are still around to keep it "co-ed" i do hope romy20 is doing well though, whatever she is up to. wow, totallytrance! hope you are well too come back, lol!
  2. so, I am curious about something...and since I am not a porn-expert(yet, lol ), I am putting this out to the board... there are plenty of really hot women in the porn industry it seems like, but whenever I see pics on here or whatever, there are RARELY good looking guys. why is this??? does anyone else notice this or is it just me? **yes, I know there are lots of skanky women also, but it seems like the guys are almost ALWAYS below average in the looks department...
  3. oooooh! yes, she WAS--i remember her now. thanks
  4. yeah, i guess the first one was a little scary, lol...i love the second one though.
  5. exactly, lol...if there were pics involved, i think all bets would be off
  6. i agree...go for it just make sure you have a camera, maybe even a video/digital one, so he can remember your gift...
  7. lol, nice...i just mean she is so exotic looking--i never noticed her really before...
  8. ...something about her is just sooooo HOT!
  9. i think you are right about the 2 questions, but, hard as it would be, i think i definitely COULD do either one if i believed there was enough of a reason to...sex is not air after all it would be a looooooong 40 days, but i personally have waited in some relationships for a month or more before ever having sex, so...
  10. suthrnbelle

    suzy is a nerd

    you are soooooooooooooo good with the comebacks lately!
  11. suthrnbelle

    suzy is a nerd

    *ouch* you were nice for, what? a full 2 SECONDS there?! will you please get laid so you won't be so cranky and by the way, the first 2 were different movies too, dumbass
  12. suthrnbelle

    suzy is a nerd

    "cinderella story..." or... "my car just hit a water buffalo"
  13. especially when you dip chocolate chip cookies in it
  14. almost 30 days, and then.... and gabo: pffft, mind your business
  15. suthrnbelle

    suzy is a nerd

    OMG, you know i am so LOL right now cause i LOVE that line!! um, "so what you're saying is she MOVED out?" cause "i'm with the mattress police and i'm gonna have to pull rank with you"
  16. suthrnbelle

    suzy is a nerd

    niiiiiiiice comeback!
  17. i was neither...my class only had like 90 kids in it, and we definitely had cliques but a few of us were kinda just cool with everyone...
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