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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. perhaps the next shagfest will have a new twist,
  2. she is definitely BANGIN', but those tits look like they would HURT, lol
  3. suthrnbelle


    sheesh! you are something else just get my men ready
  4. suthrnbelle


    um.....ok! DEAL! so, now... ...you owe me, cause you already HAVE one of mine... SUCKER!!!
  5. i just remembered, he was in robin hood: prince of thieves, too!
  6. ugh...i work in a restaurant with all male managers, who are ALL married/kids/etc, and are ALL "dirty old men"...it does get old.
  7. suthrnbelle


    tee-hee, i am not interested in YOU...just your friends
  8. suthrnbelle


    hmmm, nah, i stole that one from pete, so if he stole it from lavendermenace, HE can pay the fine...just send him the bill
  9. exactly, lol...think the chances of all that are pretty slim, especially the chances of you being allowed to watch, pete, lol
  10. suthrnbelle


    omg! so did i i was worried!
  11. omg, these are so funny!! the girl ones i can so relate to--i have had the wrap skirt stuck up before too, etc but the lifeguard/tarzan/factory ones are killing me, lol...where are the cameras at these times?
  12. suthrnbelle

    suzy is a nerd

    hate to break it to ya, but you have passed nerd, geek, dork, and you are all the way up to NIMROD. and suzy is NOT a nerd...she IS stupid-facts-girl, lol, but she is no nerd...don't make me come up to NJ and kick your scrawny *ss, pete
  13. suthrnbelle


    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA...now THAT's funny! you know better than that, crankypants.
  14. i have those all the time...usually, i either get in touch with a friend i know will cheer me up(but the key here is that i LET THEM KNOW I AM HAVING ONE OF THOSE DAYS RIGHT OFF THE BAT so i don't get in a fight with them by being cranky) or i just hope that tomorrow is another day think i am having one of those mornings, and i am trying my damndest not to let it ruin my whole day hope things are better for you today
  15. suthrnbelle


    no, it just means he has a guilty conscience. nice analogy! uh-oh you are a dead man!
  16. she is definitely HOT, although her boobs are a little scary in that last pic...
  17. "i'm wise to that rise in your levis"????
  18. take it on the chin??? i don't think so...
  19. then the dramatic ending where the group of skateboarders and the guy in the pizza hut truck take on the bad guys, lol
  20. OMG! three amigos is on too! what a night, lol
  21. is on!! remember that movie?? christian slater with spiky blonde hair and a skateboard
  22. suthrnbelle


    the way to win is not to cheat seriously, idk, i guess there might be some crazy instance where i would/could forgive a cheater, but i can not really see why someone that truly loved me and was worth my love in return would do something like that to jeopardize things...you know?
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