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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. exactly...there is a chart thing that the doc will use to pick one for you...you answer questions, cause things like bad cramps and migraines will make you need certain pills--for me, i used lo-ovral, and then moved up to ortho...personally, i was fine with ortho--used for several years with no side effects, and it DID help my AWFUL cramps... now, i am on the depo shot--when i first started, i was really scared, cause i read all about how bad it is for some people, etc...for me, i just took my 3rd shot(so i have been on it a while now) and i have had NO side effects--i gained a little weight, but i think that is too many chocolate chip cookies and nothing the gym hasn't cured for me, it appears to be working and i LOVE it--i dont have to worry for 3 months at a time, and my shot is only $45, and i have no cramps or anything, so for me, it is ideal... you just need to sit down with your doc and figure out what is right for YOU, and then give it a while for your body to adjust--good luck
  2. um, they make protein shakes and creatine(or is it creotine?--whatever) for that, dumbass...go to the nearest healthfood store and stop being a fruitcake
  3. hey, can you pass on the extra applications to me, lol? or if he comes to his senses, perhaps I could take over this for ya, lol
  4. first of all, i LOVE wrestling...ask our mutual friend...but i have not gotten to watch lately...brat.
  5. omg, seriously, the fraggles used to be my faves--i LOVED them and watched every episode...wembly, lol and mokey, and red, lol...remember the gorgs? in the garden? and the dog was sprocket and the man was doc
  6. suthrnbelle


    unfortunately, i was at work
  7. i love those...rosemount is a nice one and for some reason, they are the only reds that don't give me migraines, making them in my book!
  8. nice poem, lol... Happy Thanksgiving to you, too and to everyone on the "Bump" board!!
  9. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=69118&highlight=picture or... http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=82133
  10. her new movie looks kinda cute though... http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/just_married/
  11. awwww, does pete need some attention?
  12. will you get me this for Christmas so I will have it for the party, please? my old one is broken... thanks
  13. awwwwwwww...Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!
  14. phatman is cumming to OUR pah-tee, hon... why don't you just be a good little boy and grovel and then you can cum to it too
  15. i did not know that...ok, i give, i am SURE with your "connections", and your plastic, lol, that you will have a wonderful time but you KNOW you will want to be at OUR pah-tee
  16. awwwww... and tastyt: good point, there!!!!
  17. lol...i was talking about HIS...maybe he could keep her AND get the girl in his class
  18. hmmmmm...NYCchic24 and I will discuss it, but perhaps if you are very, very good both you AND irenegade will be invited to out pah-tee
  19. uh-oh...you better start groveling to one of us...lol.
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