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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. hmmm...i overanalyze, am told all the time that i am just "too nice" and i can be a bit controlling and "o.c." when i get cranky
  2. suthrnbelle

    three some's......

    while we are on this subject...i am curious to see what people's opinions are on this...if you pick up a casual partner, can you keep it casual and not let it interfere with the relationship? or does it definitely make things different? has anyone successfully done this and then kept the original relationship strong? i was talking about this topic the other day with someone so i would love to hear what some of YOU think...
  3. suthrnbelle

    Attn: Gabo

    hmmm, he DID? i wonder if he had a good weekend? and i hope YOU had a good weekend in boston, my dear seems like everyone went away and did fun stuff this weekend...
  4. football dork!!!!!! lol... couldn't ya pick something normal like the little mermaid, lol?
  5. hey--we did that to jenga too! and now, have you seen that they have actually copied and made one to sell in stores? we coulda made millions i forgot, cardinal puff was a great game too...
  6. :laugh:...nice one, dana DG, that was actually pretty good
  7. \ i know...like a dork, when i rebuilt it, i forgot to put norton back on...i now have norton 2003 on it, but it is too late.
  8. i sympathize, been there done that: and sprint and i do NOT get along at all i hate them!
  9. kings, asshole, circle of death, roxanne, three man, up the river-down the river...
  10. magilicuti: i feel your pain...i just rebuilt my whole comp about a month or two ago...and now..... i have a BAD virus, and it is toast i have to have it completely reworked...not fun.
  11. suthrnbelle

    Pop Quiz...

    You scored 33.3% Fire You like things fast and passionate and see no reason to wait when what you want is within your reach. You also might not see any reason to tie yourself down to one person when there are so many attractive people in the world. Commitment is one of your strong points, but what you lack in loyalty you more than make up in dashing panache. Your best match is an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius lover. You scored 33.3% Earth You are incredibly sensual, you love beauty and luxury and you expect your lover to treat you like royalty, a compliment that you will gladly return. You need commitment and loyalty in a relationship; as long as your partner gives you no reason to be jealous, you’re as sweet and happy as can be. You’re not against short-and-sweet affairs, but you’re really looking for something more long-term and durable. You may find a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn lover to be the sexiest and most committed match. You scored 25% Air Someone has to match you on an intellectual level if they expect to stimulate your more carnal desires. You’re not opposed to long-term relationships and commitment, but sometimes you lose interest in a relationship more quickly than you’d like to admit. You’re likely to be most turned on by a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius lover. You scored 8.3% Water You’re a bit shy when it comes to public displays of affection, but you’re a truly passionate and intuitive lover who is as interested in giving pleasure as you are in receiving it. You’re not really interested in short, meaningless affairs; you’d much rather wait until you find your perfect partner – and you do believe there’s one person out there who’s just right for you. You’d probably love a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces lover.
  12. lol, my mom is pretty much the same way i never got the talk from my parents though...
  13. phish food, and the peanut butter cup one...
  14. my scanner wouldnt work with it i had to get rid of it...
  15. exactly, that is what i was wondering--i know who they used to be, but i wanted to know HOW they were as a provider...
  16. yes, please do...it denies us access to the site.
  17. 3 in ears, both ninnies want a small nose stud and belly.
  18. i was actually gonna ask if anyone knew anything about t-mobile...i wondered if they were any good at all. thanks!
  19. thanks for helping me articulate my true feelings and adding this bit, gabo, lol
  20. exactly when you get down here, you can be jealous with me and thanks Dknybabe i am glad to see that what i was thinking actually made sense, lol.
  21. omg, you are speaking my language!! i am the nap QUEEN! (i am about to take one now, lol) and i love waking up from a nap with some "nookie" and then a nice long shower....mmmm, what an afternoon!! (of course, i also like it when your morning "nookie" was so good it makes you NEED a nap to recover, lol)
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