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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. ok, i was just dying laughing at phunk's translation--that was great...and at tastey sending those out--please post what responses YOU get, lol...
  2. Bwhahahahahahah!!! that was a nice one
  3. i have no idea how bout this one: "my 16th birthday...i asked for a car, i got a computer"
  4. dg, i can't WAIT to hear what she says back to that lovely email...cause i have a feeling she will be slighty
  5. hmmmm, that is one of my favorite games for the sole reason that it seems like it is one of the only games where fans DO get along, win or lose...we were partying with GA fans all night after the game and at river city, and everyone seemed to be fine... and actually, this is funny, it would appear that gator fans don't fight well, cause in the ER after the game it was almost all gator fans at one of the large hospitals... i thought we all got along just fine as long as the beer was flowin'--i was actually hittin on a few GA cuties myself
  6. yep, especially starting with "i had this dream" and ending with "ttyl"....*ouch*
  7. is this the newest adaptation of the nipple game? lol
  8. hmmm, haven't seen the video but i have to agree with you that she is so hot--and "oozes sexuality" as you say...
  9. once they get that comfy, there is no hope--you have to find and retrain a new one
  10. what has she done lately? i haven't really seen anything with her...
  11. jealousy? but not regarding you, lol...you never know, perhaps i would like to go to mexico and see her!
  12. that looks like strange days--she totally had the look going in that movie, lol.
  13. excellent give scaredgirl a kiss for all of us, and enjoy the coronas!
  14. nice pics--i like her too, and she has always got that rebellious, slutty thing going in her recent movies...
  15. my money's on phatman...he can speak spanish.
  16. you saw it in the theatre?? lol, that is funny i used to have the video if that makes you feel better
  17. sorry, babe that bites...
  18. lol, dammit...ok, how about: "as you wish" OR, and this better get it: "hello...my name is inigo montoya. you kill my father, prepare to die" **hoping he gets it now**
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