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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. *stand back, everyone, cause lightning is about to strike Spragga for that lie* *mwah*
  2. lol, me too, girl, me too! it sounds good though, right? it HAS to be right! ...cause otherwise, we may be screwed , and that's just NOT possible!!
  3. suthrnbelle


    thanks got it
  4. i hear ya....but MAN, have i kissed a LOT of frogs, lol
  5. absolutely you can tell them you are happy with them--it is when you tell them more than you are ready to back up that problems arise...people get caught up in things and "go with the flow" sometimes and say things and do things they don't necessarily mean, and then they realize they were not/are not ready for that...problem is, the other person in the relationship is now affected by those things for better or worse... i did not at all mean that you can't express your feelings in the "grey area"---you should always tell people how you feel just don't go overboard and say things unless you truly mean them...does that make sense?
  6. so when is the big log on scheduled for?
  7. that is exactly right, and unfortunately, for a lot of people(me included), therein lies the problem...
  8. suthrnbelle


    are these the "boyshorts" they have that are mostly lace? **looking in the catalog now** lol
  9. hmmm, i have watched just about every video out there lately, and a lot are disappointing...
  10. i am way too picky in relationships, lol--i always find some little thing wrong and then that is just IT, i can no longer date that person...it kinda sucks, but i think in the long run, it will help me find just the right person
  11. it is seriously wrong...i think leading someone on constitutes telling them that you want to be with them and discussing "future plans" and spending all your time with them, etc, and generally having a relationship with them, usually verbally telling them things like how happy you are and blah blah...when really you are either just enjoying the ride with no intentions of fulfilling the "promises" you are making, or you are not sure of the things you are saying but say them anyway, etc... grrrrrrr to this topic it is a little close to home right now!
  12. i agree that you should go with the flow, but there comes a point where you have to get out of the "grey area", lol...and go forward or stop.
  13. punch drunk love...it does look pretty good...i just watched mr. deeds the other day--it was cute.
  14. jarod, *insert my sound effect here* jarod? lol...nice. who else was there?
  15. i think it is--i have a very good friend, who is my age and just married her high school sweetheart last year. she had never been in a serious relationship with anyone but him, and they are absolutely perfect for each other. while i am sorry for her in a way that she will not have all the experiences i may have had, i am also very jealous b/c she got to grow into herself WITH him, and they are that much stronger for it.
  16. dkny and sweetie....thanks i hope you are both right, and i just wish it were easier to find true love and avoid all the cheating, heartaches, and FROGS you have to kiss along the way to get the prince, lol
  17. thanks, and nope--of course, that is the amnesia kicking in, lol
  18. lol, nope...how bout an easier one from the same movie: "shampoo is bettah, i go on first and clean the hair" "conditioner is bettah! i leave the hair silky and smoooooth"
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