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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. i take centrum too, and an extra vitamin C and E for workouts, i joined curves--that 30min workout for women? they prolly have them in NY--they are AWESOME. only 30mins and it is cardio and resistance circuit training. as for eating right, i need tips on that too
  2. you know what, though? i have another question...we have established that true love does exist, and that sometimes you have to go through a lot of frogs to get to your prince/princess... so, how do you avoid being...JADED? every time i weed through another frog, i feel sorry for the next guy, cause i am a little more hurt, and i give a little less...know what i am saying? does anyone else have this problem ever?
  3. what is it that you are wanting so badly? and yes, i have felt that way...it sucks,but when/if you ever get the thing, it is the best feeling
  4. suthrnbelle

    Come What may

    the words to that song are just incredible--THAT is the true love i want to find i love that song--i watch that scene and the elephant medley scene in the movie over and over
  5. definitely does something for me, and i am hoping that my new jewelry will only enhance
  6. nice... congrats, DG...wish i was having one of those, lol
  7. did you really???? wow. big difference, lol. did it hurt?
  8. i remember that, i was gonna get to play, lol...dammit! i will come up north for the singles meetup now THAT could be trouble!
  9. be afraid...be VERY afraid! that thing is HUGE!
  10. first of all, i am not your sister, i am only your STEP-sister...don't you remember? your mom married my cousin inbred-jed who was also my dad? jeez...could you get it straight!! don't pick on the south, lol and as for this: ...but i thought i was *sniff* special *sniff*...damn you, you postwhore!!
  11. "WHAT?! i let him be the smelly kid in class?"
  12. bwhahahaahahahahah! now THAT's turning on the charms!
  13. "hip. hip-hop. hip-hop-anonymous... this is bullsh*t! you give him the easy ones!"
  14. i thought they also had ones that were pastel-colored with white decorations...those were my faves--
  15. "CAUSE I WIN!!!" *also from big daddy, lol*
  16. c'mon over, mine's nice and clean and bubbly bring some of those paintbrushes too, lol
  17. suthrnbelle

    Attn: Rizzo

    easy, honey, i just thought it was funny...i don't know you OR chadc...chill out
  18. yep trillian saves convos in a log for each person, HA! you around later for a call?
  19. you are SUCH a liar, lol...should i cut and paste our convo from AIM? you are just as picky as the rest of us, mister-over-2-years-cause-i-don't-want-to-settle!!!
  20. suthrnbelle


    i hear ya, that is why i only wear thongs too...but they are so cute in the catalogs, i need a pair plus, you are right, based on the review of the guys on this thread, i need some for those special occasions, lol
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