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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. lol, i was talking about this with someone last night--kissing is sooooooo important, and i know that everyone kisses differently, and some people like different things, etc, but some people just SUCK--i mean, guinness book of world records SUCK!!! you just want to run, run very fast! ever had one of those? man, i have
  2. i think the test is a bit flawed...there were a few answers that i couldn't decide between 2 on, and so i took it twice.... and i got the swan, and then: the cheeky monkey Ooh you are a cheeky one. Full of beans - you're a joker who loves being the centre of attention. Always ready with a gag - sex is fun, something to have a laugh about. Only problem is - sometimes you don't know when to shut up and take care of your partner's needs. You also love a gossip about your antics in bed - nothing is kept from your mates. But at least you enjoy yourself - keep on swinging! but i don't like to be the center of attention in bed, or necessarily to gossip, so i guess between the considerate swan and the cheeky monkey, i hit a happy medium
  3. i can't wait to see his response to this ... lol...and spragga, good move there mexico isn't that far of a flight(isn't that where you are from, scaredgirl? if i got that wrong, i am sorry )
  4. you are a brat! for your info, i have made it 6 days, lol, so there now if i were to visit NYC, and attack one of your friends....
  5. lol, hmmmm...well, you just never know tattoos are addictive, you are right, so this was my next step to avoid another of those--i think i may eventually get my belly button pierced since i never did, cause i was too scared(go figure, cause then i did this? lol) but i am all set with any needles in my body for a while i'll keep you posted though
  6. i can't wait to see the response THIS gets, lol...
  7. perns, i feel your pain more than you know so sorry girl--i know where you are coming from, but we have to try not to lose hope!!! dammit, we will get the princes someday, we are just having to weed out a whole lot of frogs first, lol hey tastey: have you ever been in LOVE? i mean, really in love? *curious*
  8. *whew* glad it wasn't just me
  9. i want the WHOLE shebang...flirting, teasing, making out, foreplay, and then, when the pressure is over the top...BRING IT ON
  10. i want the WHOLE shebang...flirting, teasing, making out, foreplay, and then, when the pressure is over the top...BRING IT ON
  11. hold up, hon...i DON'T try to aspire to an ideal...i just meant that i don't necessarily consider myself THIN, but people often say that i am...i am not at all fat, and i am not trying to be super-skinny either...i like my food way too much for that i just meant that i don't always see in the mirror what other people tell me i look like, so i wonder if they are just being nice, or if i am too critical...
  12. suthrnbelle


    yep, you are definitely not the only one, girl... i think most people are insecure at some point in their lives...as long as your BF is open and honest with you and as long as the ex is not super-involved in his life still, then the feelings will fade with time, i would think...
  13. lol literally at that...
  14. idk, i never perceive myself as thin--even though people often say i look thin...and i wonder all the time if how i perceive myself is how i really look, or what...wish there was a way to find out.
  15. where and what size? like a big one in the center?
  16. lol, not if the bathtub is plenty big enough for 2...some great times come out of bubblebaths for 2
  17. thanks...aren't sno-caps just regular brown chocolate? and non-pareils are the colored ones?
  18. that i just LOVE old-school michael jackson songs, lol...i just heard one on the radio, and i just had to dance and sing along
  19. that's exactly why i worry honestly, i don't look when i am really into someone--i mean, i admire someone else's attributes or whatever, but when i am REALLY into a guy, i don't care about anyone else(now, if i am just dating or playing, then hell yeah, i want everything on the buffet that looks good to me, lol)...am i in the minority, then, tastey? is that what you're saying?
  20. btw, just for laughs, i thought this thread was going to be about what range of motion you had sexually...as in, how flexible, etc, you were and how that affected things... :laugh:
  21. that is a cute one, spygirl i know what you are talking about and it is a GREAT feeling--the hard part is adjusting when/if it comes to an end...yes, you are ok without that person and can stand on your own 2 feet, etc, but it still takes a little time when you lose something that makes you happy...you know? but whenever I have had that feeling, it is such a great thing
  22. suthrnbelle


    lol, just helping out your game and yes, i am, actually--and a black one at that although, after this thread, i am gonna have to head to VSC to check out those "booty shorts" you are all talking about...those sound yummy!
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