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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. lol, see there? you just got sexier lol...you should try out the guitar on your next girl--i always loved being played to before/as i was falling asleep...
  2. suthrnbelle

    ATTN: gabo

    lol, don't get worried until i start drinking from the "bubblah", or "paahking" my "caah", etc...
  3. lol, we'll work something out,
  4. what you say makes perfect sense...the problem is that i am not worried about MY faithfulness, lol, b/c when i truly care about someone i would never have a reason to cheat or be unfaithful--i am worried about others being faithful to me but you are right, if i ever find my true love or if he ever finds me, i would hope that would not be an issue and i am trying really, reeeeeeeaaaaally hard to not lose hope that i will get that fairy tale
  5. exactly, this conversation just goes on and on with "whatifs" and the sad truth is that most people out there are not necessarily honest or faithful...so how in the hell do you find the needle in the haystack meant for you?
  6. when someone can play an instrument? idk, i just think it is so hot when a guy can play piano or guitar...
  7. OUCH! and he did it twice too! man, oh man!
  8. lol, tell me what time to pick you up at the airport...
  9. ok, this one is a little serious, but i was talking with someone today about these two topics, and it got me wondering... do you believe that it is possible to be totally faithful, for the rest of your life, till death do us part, etc? do you believe in such a thing as true love? b/c to me, true love, means you are not interested in anyone else--you may look occasionally, but no desire to touch...
  10. bring it on...i am immune to your charms, lol **or perhaps, it was all just a scam to get you to visit!**
  11. did you bump this back up b/c you missed being the center of attention? poor gabo, hasn't had AIM all weekend to play with... lol just teasin' ya,
  12. i saw that...toooooo scary for me!
  13. a toast to us for trying it it's going to be a loooooooong 30some more days for me!
  14. awwwww the birthday kiss? lol
  15. hmmm, well since i am prolly not going to break them out in the middle of the factory, we will negotiate, lol
  16. lol, IMO, i think that if they are issuing threats on a msg board, it is b/c they don't have the guts to issue them in person...although i am sure that is not ALWAYS the case, it seems to be in the majority, since the threats are never really acted on...
  17. suthrnbelle

    ATTN: gabo

    the ice cube would be fine, but "no oral contact, rough play, or contact with others' bodily fluids on or near your piercings during healing" btw, did you figure out your AIM glitch yet? perhaps you should re-load it or something?
  18. apparently, you all rode together, lol?
  19. seriously! that was just whacked!
  20. yes, but not for long--he didn't use clamps, so it was pretty quick--don't get me wrong, the pains were SHARP, but fast, so...they were sore last night, but today, i am fine
  21. huh? what does "kitten crap" have to do with anything?
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