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Everything posted by dusted

  1. Here we go again: I feel Ifeel I feel. How about thinking about that Israeli woman whose entire family was wiped out by a Palestinian suicide bomber. How do you think she feels?
  2. Palestinians are a THREAT to Israeli security!
  3. This is war. Why do you refer to casualties as ethnic cleansing? Are the palestinian suicide bombers also engaging in ethnic cleansing? The definition of Zionist is to be for the creation of a jewish state. therefore, to be anti zionist is to be against it. Now, in 1947, the UN wanted to divide Palestine into 2 separate states, one Jewish and one Palestinian, with Jerusalem being under international jurisdiction. Why didn't the Palestinians accept the plan?
  4. To be an anti-zionist is, for all practical purposes, to be opposed to the existence of the state of Israel, is it not? To be opposed to the state of Israel, for all practical purposes, is mostly to deny that the Jewish people needed a seperate state to ensure their freedom from persecution in the world. It may well be that they didn't need a seperate state, but a look at their history doesn"t lend much credence to that notion. ---------------------- Which brings us back to what I've been saying all along.
  5. Why do you think that Israel would care one way or another about a Palestinian State, unless that state was a threat to them?
  6. Why do they keep demanding the right of return? And why do you presume to know that this really means "financial compensation"?
  7. Why did you refer to it as "their precious little Israeli state"?
  8. And what about the right of return that they keep demanding?
  9. I think someone that tries to degrade their country by referring to it as "their precious little Israel" can certainly be described as a Jew hater, yes. Maybe if the PA would behave they might get "their precious little Palestinian state" Israel wouldn't be occupying their "precious little west bank" and "their precious little Gaza strip" if they hadn't kept repeatedly attacking Israel. Or are you such a Jew hater that you think Israel likes being under seige?
  10. Of course they wouldn't stop there. You're forgetting about the demands for the right of return, which would be suicide for Israel, to let in 4 million sworn enemies of Israel. Secondly, the West Bank has been used by neighboring Arab countries repeatedly to attack Israel, which is how they came to control it. Now are you saying that if Israel withdraws to 67 borders and agrees to let these 4 million Palestinians back in, there will be no more problems? Where are these 4 million descendents of the original refugees going to live? You can't possibly be that naive.
  11. Lets keep in mind that the number of refugees in 48 was 914,000, and now its almost 4 millions due to population growth. So Israel is to be required to allow 4 million Arabs, all of whom are sworn enemies of Israel, into their country. That makes a lot of sense. You give yourself away. Its obvious that you do not think Israel has a right to exist, as a Jewish state. You don't believe the Jews have a right to their own state, thats the bottom line.
  12. Your comments reek of anti- Semitism. But indulge me, what is your vision of this "precious little Israeli state"?
  13. When I say crush them, I am not referring to genocide. I am talking about Israel using their military might to bring them to their knees, so that they give up their idea of destroying Israel. Your problem is that you refuse to see that that is what the ultimate goal is, to destroy Israel. What do you think would happen to Israel if they let all these Palestinian refugees back in and reverted to the pre 67 borders. Be honest now. Do you REALLY think everything would be all nice again?
  14. So what is your solution? Israel just gives up on the idea of a Jewish state and once again subjugates itself to Islam?
  15. As anyone can see from my post above about who constitutes a Palestinian refugee, it doesn't take much to be considered a refugee. A person only had to have lived there for those 2 years to be considered one. One only had to be a recent immigrant. Add to that that they also count all the offspring of those original "refugees" So, are all the offspring of the original Holocaust survivors, who live in America, also Jewish refugees?
  16. Here we go again with the assumptions and personal insults. You must have personal reasons to be so pro Palestinian right? Are you an Arab?
  17. You're not actually trying to say its not holy land are you?
  18. No I don't. I think they should stop this tit for tat bullshit, and just crush them. Then maybe they will give up on the idea of destroying Israel, then we can all work out a deal, whereby the other Arab nations absorb these Palestinian "refugees".
  19. well is that a surprise? Nobody cares how long the white people in Zimbabwe lived on their land either. You can bet your ass that the western nations will absorb these white Zimbabweans. people.
  20. This is interesting: According to the UNRWA website (where Midiman gets his info) a Palestinian refugee is someone you lived in Palestine between 1946 and 1948. 2 lousy years. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS A PALESTINE REFUGEE? "Under UNRWA's operational definition, Palestine refugees are persons whose normal place of residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, who lost both their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict. UNRWA's services are available to all those who meet this definition, who are registered with the Agency and who need assistance. UNRWA's definition of a refugee also covers the descendants of persons who became refugees in 1948. The number of registered Palestine refugees has subsequently grown from 914,000 in 1950 to more than 3.8 million in 2001, and continues to rise due to natural population growth.
  21. Do you condone what the Palestinians are doing?
  22. That does not prove anything. Most of the things that Midiman posted were blatant propaganda. As for the Israeli reservists refusing to serve, didn't it say that a good percentage of them are pacifists? There is always going to be a faction of people who disagree with the war. Secondly, war is hell. No one said it wasn't. None of the things posted serve to indict Israel as an aggressor. None of the things posted are particularly worse than things the Arabs have done either.
  23. You are wrong. they certainly can absorb them. they won't.
  24. Can anyone tell me why the other Arab nations haven't taken in these refugees?
  25. midiman, no one is ignoring your claims about israeli misdeeds in the territories, look at the thread regarding an israeli paratrooper i posted earlier. the fact that you fail to understand and take into your thinking is that israelis arent preventing ambulances from moving, not because israelis are evil or want palst to die, but because they learn from the past. many times before, palst used ambulances to carry militants, arms and explosives across checkpoints. can you blame the israelis for searching every vehicle? __________________ Listen, the guy is hopelessly naive. He refuses to believe that these people will stoop to any level to achieve their ends. That includes sending children to do their dirty work, using ambulances to haul arms, etc. Any group that would encourage people to become suicide bombers, by promising them immediate entrance to heaven, would stoop to anything.
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