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Everything posted by dusted

  1. "you guys need to get a clue seriously MUslims this muslims that blame an entire race for all your problems go right ahead whatever makes you feel better " Your method of argument seems to consist solely of ad-hominem attacks. How about arguing the issues for a change? Why don't you give a logical coherent argument to our posts, one that is backed by facts?
  2. You are correct. Its already happening, but the people are so mired in political correctness that they're afraid to say what they really think. My parents lived in France for 2 years, and sent my sister to school there. The kids in the school were always getting attacked by Arab kids. They sprayed one kid in the eyes with something to blind him and then beat him up. In Paris the Algerians roam through the shopping malls starting gang fights. They also abduct very young white girls and gang rape them. They are having a BIG problem with that. In Nice, they hang out on the promenade by the beach where the French women go topless, and ogle them and make disgusting remarks. In Paris, they have been attacking Jews left and right, when they come out of school. ALL of my parents French friends HATE these Algerians and want them the FUCK OUT. It will take a few more years of PC bullshit before people just get so fed up with it that they throw these people out. Notice how Turkey didn't get into the EU. Cause the Germans know that will only mean even more Turks in their country. (and believe me there are ALOT already, especially in Berlin) Funny how Muslims don't respect the rights of other countries. They don't like Jews in their land, but they have no qualms about invading every other countries land. Arab land for the Arabs. American land for the Arabs European land for the Arabs. Asian land for the Arabs...
  3. The chattering classes of Europe need to get a life. A Continent that has had 2 world wars in the last 80 years and a holocaust, has no business lecturing the US about anything. And before you get all huffy, lets discuss a little place in Europe called Bosnia. Isn't there a War Crimes trial going on in the Netherlands right now? The United States has faults, but it is without doubt, the best idea in the history of human beings. Name ONE other power that exercised so much benevolence. USA! USA! USA! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT all you haters. You are so right. Europe is just a rotting socialist continent that is rapidly turning into a festering terrorist filled shithole. They have so many Muslims invading them, due to the fact that its the goal of Islam to re-conquer all the lands that they had before, and more. Their plan is to move en masse to Europe and then breed their way into a majority, like they have already done in Marseilles.
  4. tribal's right the creation of a sperate palestinain state would do very little to calm violence in the reason. the palestinian government has shown time and time again that it has no control over its own people Well you're wrong on one thing. The PA does have control. Don't you see whats going on? Yasser Arafats talking out of both sides of his mouth. These Palestinians aren't doing this all by themselves. Of course they are being backed by the PA and other hostile Arab nations. (which is basically all of them) These Arab governments are duplicitous and sneaky. None of them can be trusted. Jesus Christ, where the fuck do you think these "poor destitute peasant Palestinians" are getting all these explosives? Yasser Arafat is a liar. He says one thing in English when the media and cameras are there, and says something totally different in Arabic to his people. The complete destruction of Israel is the ultimate goal. They do not want peace. If the Jews compromise with these people, it will be just like the 30's, when they compromised their way into ghettos and concentration camps. If they give the Arabs land for peace, it will be just like Chamberlain giving Hitler Czecheslovakia. They are NOT going to recognize Israels right to exist. They say they will now, but they are full of shit. Why didn't they just recognize Israels right to exist in 1948, and avoided all this? Answer: They don't want Jews (or Christians) in Arab territory. The only way they will tolerate Jews is if they can dominate them.
  5. Read your history books. Palestine is only a region. It was never a "nation". Before the British took control of it, the Turks (who are most certainly not Arabs) controlled it. Before that it was ruled by the Egyptians. It was ruled over by the Roman Empire(who called it Judea), the Persian Empire, the Arabs during 600 AD(who conquered it to spread their new religion, Islam). Furthermore, there have always been Jews there, from time immemorial. Therefore, it was just as much the Jews as it was the Arabs. The Arabs were for the most part, nomads. It wasn't until Jewish immigration to Palestine started to take off in the late 1800's, that Arabs from neighboring countries started coming there, due to the fact that the Jews brought jobs to the region. When the Jews started arriving, the Arabs (absentee landlords) sold them desert and swamp land, land they thought was useless. But the Jews drained the swamps, irrigated the deserts, and planted trees. They turned the supposedly useless land into fertile farms. Then the Arabs wanted the land back. They thought the sneaky Jews tricked them. Since the Arabs never built a nation out of Palestine, you can't really say that it "belonged" to them. And you can't say that it was stolen from them either.
  6. . . . It's that whole concept of Atrocities on a huge scale . . . not a good thing to have on one's resume, no?. . . Correctomundo! And the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world know it. They know they can continue these attacks on Israeli citizens without fear of being destroyed.
  7. When all else fails, bring out the race card. So, what do you think is stopping the Israelis from bombing these Palestinians into smithereens?
  8. What difference does that make? Israel has to have enough weapons to fight every single Arab nations if it has to, and thats a lot of weapons. Israel is not the one that started any of this. It only gets the bad rap because it wins all the wars. The winner of any fight is always considered to evil one. Too fucking bad. Why is it so important for the Palestinians to get their own nation. There was never before in the history of the world a nation called Palestine. The Palestinians are ethnically no different than Arabs, so why doesn't Syria, Jordan and the rest of them absorb them, just like Israel absorbed all the Jews (1,000,000 of them) that were expelled from Arab countries and had their land taken in 1948? And just like Israel continues to allow any Jew from anywhere in the world to be an Israeli citizen. Bottom fucking line: no nation has to let its enemies enter its country. Palestinians are sworn enemies of Israel, thats been proven time and again. Like I said before, these "refugees" are being used by other Arab nations to turn world opinion against Israel, wear Israel down so eventually they will get tired of seeing their people blown up, and give up and allow the Jewish state to be destroyed.
  9. . He actually thinks he can beat the Palestinians. The war criminal actually said that yesterday. LOL Whatever do you mean? I thought the Palestinians were such defenceless little cherubs, that couldn't possibly have a chance against a big ferocious behemoth like Israel. Have you ever heard of a war of attrition? Wearing down the Israelis resolve bit by bit till one day they just give up? The the Palestinians move in, take over and slaughter all the Jews. You wait and see. Mark my words, it'll happen.
  10. How many nuclear bombs would it take to wipe out Israel? I think you're splitting hairs. One nuclear bomb is one too many for a country like Iraq to have.
  11. You people buy into every piece of Arab propaganda. It is not the United States job to feed the world. These countries are in the states they are in because of their corrupt leaders and their stupid ignorant way of life. This is also why they despise Israel, because of its success. But anyway here you go: 04/30/2001 International Affairs Spending for Middle East, S. Asia (Bush administration sends FY02 request to Congress) By Phillip Kurata Washington File Staff Writer Washington -- A significant portion of President Bush's requested budget for International Affairs in fiscal year 2002 (FY02) has been designated for the Middle East and South Asia. The State Department released documents in April that show the Bush administration has sent to Congress a request for $2,289 million for bilateral assistance programs in the Economic Support Fund (ESF). More than two thirds of that sum, $1,682 million, is intended for the Middle East, while $30 million has been earmarked for South Asia. Israel, the largest recipient of U.S. aid, would receive $720 million, a drop of 14 percent from the current fiscal year. Egypt, the second largest target of U.S. aid, would see its ESF outlays drop five percent from the current fiscal year to $655 million. At the same time, Jordan, the second Arab country after Egypt to make peace with Israel, would see its ESF aid increase slightly to $150 million. Funding for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza would be $75 million in FY02. The Bush administration has targeted ten countries in the Middle East to receive $6.6 million from the $65 million requested for International Military Education and Training programs. The request for Algeria is $200,000; Bahrain, $259,000; Egypt, $1.2 million; Jordan, $1.8 million; Lebanon, $600,000; Morocco; $1 million; Oman, $275,000; Saudi Arabia, $25,000; Tunisia, $1 million; and Yemen, $250,000. Five countries in South Asia have been designated to receive $1.8 million for military education and training. The administration recommends $525,000 for Bangladesh; $650,000 for India; $125,000 for Maldives; $225,000 for Nepal; and $275,000 for Sri Lanka. Middle Eastern countries account for more than 90 percent of the Foreign Military Financing budget item, which totals $3,674 million. Israel would receive $2,040 million; Egypt, $1,300 million; Jordan, $75 million; Morocco, $3.5 million; and Tunisia, $3.5 million. No countries in South Asia have been designated to receive funding from that category. Israeli Arab students and scholars have been designated to receive $375,000 from the Israeli Arab Scholarship Program. The program funds Arab citizens of Israel to study and conduct research in the United States. Pakistan has been tabbed to receive $3.5 million from the funds designated for International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement. The administration has requested $3 million for other anti-narcotics activities listed under the budget item, Counter-threat in Southwest Asia. For migration and refugee assistance, the Bush administration has requested $102.5 million to support the Near East operations of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). UNRWA provides education, medical assistance, vocational training, relief and social services and small-scale income generation projects to about 3.6 million Palestinian refugees. The administration has requested $60 million to help refugees settle in Israel. The administration has requested $35.5 million for refugee assistance in South Asia. Most of the money would be channeled to international organizations and non-governmental organizations providing humanitarian assistance to Afghan refugees, but some money would be used to help internally displaced people and repatriate people in Sri Lanka and refugees from Tibet and Bhutan. The administration has contributed an additional $1 million in emergency refugee and migration assistance funds this year to meet urgent and unexpected needs of refugees from the Afghan crisis. Total U.S. humanitarian aid to Afghans -- including emergency food, health, shelter, and education programs -- so far this year amounts to about $75 million. U.S. aid to Afghans this year is expected to exceed last year's total of over $113 million. The US remains the world's largest single donor of humanitarian aid to the Afghan people. The Bush administration has requested more than $844 million to fund U.N. peacekeeping operations around the world. Six percent of those funds would be spent in the Middle East, notably the U.N. Disengagement Observer Force between Israeli and Syrian troops in the Golan Heights, the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon, the U.N. Iraq/Kuwait Observer Mission and the U.N. Mission in the Western Sahara. The administration has requested $31 million for the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which supports countries in transition to more open democratic systems. A number of countries in the Middle East participate in NED programs, which deal with issues such as strengthening civil society, assisting democratic activists in authoritarian countries and encouraging free market reforms. The Bush administration is seeking $16 million for Lockerbie Trial Support, and $4 million for the U.N. Iraq War Crimes Commission. Fiscal year 2002 starts on October 1, 2001. The U.S. Congress has just begun the process of legislating the spending bills for the next fiscal year. The U.S. Senate already has approved a non-binding resolution that departs significantly from the Bush administration's spending and taxing proposals. The exact international affairs allocations will not be known until Congress enacts the budget later this year. The documents on the International Affairs (Function 150) and State Department budget requests are available on the State Department's web site: http://www.state.gov/ (The Washington File is a product of the Office of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)
  12. http://cns.miis.edu/research/wmdme/ This is the link to a report on weapons of mass destruction in the middle east as reported by Center for Nonproliferation Studies Monterey Institute of International Studies 425 Van Buren Street, Monterey, CA 93940, USA Telephone: +1 (831) 647-4154; Fax: +1 (831) 647-3519; e-mail: cns@miis.edu; web: http://cns.miis.edu I am truly amazed by the things you come out with.
  13. I don't think you know one thing about this subject. Yours is a knee jerk liberal response.
  14. ."...I mean god Israel has the fuckin Atom Bomb and the best armaments in world, supplied by US. What do the Palestinians have militarily by comparison? How can you say the balance of power between the 2 peoples is even equitable when the Israeli standard of living is 10 times higher in Israel than in Palestine? " How can you say that the balance of power is in Israels favor when Israel is a flea speck on the map surrounded by hostile Arab nations that have weapons of mass destruction? And Israel is being reigned in by the rest of the world, who think that Israel doesn't have the right to defend itself. Come on now, get out your magnifying glass and see if you can find little teensy weensy Israel.
  15. Well why didn't they want it in 1947? The First Arab-Israeli War: Troops from Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan invaded Israel on May 15, 1948. The Israelis halted them. Israel occupied West Jerusalem. The Arabs still refused to recognize the existence of Israel, and continued their threats to destroy it. The Second Arab-Israeli War: Egypt raided Israel from the Gaza Strip, the Egyptian-occupied part of Palestine. In 1956 they seized control of the Suez Canal, and were preventing Israeli ships from using it. Israel invaded Egypt, and occupied the Gaza Strip. The Six Day War: Egypt closed the Gulf of Abaqa to Israeli ships. On June 5 1967, Israeli planes attacked Egypt, Jordan and Syria (who had been attacking Israel continuously), and wiped out their air forces. They then occupied The Gaza Strip, The Sinai Peninsula, and Jordanian territory, including East Jerusalem. Now, if that isn't enough to get through to you that yes, these Arab nations are in a conspiracy to destroy Israel, then I don't know what will. They were attacked from the Gaza Strip, therefore it is certainly reasonable not to give that area up, which would hurt their security. In any case they won it fair and square, just like they won everything fair and square. Why are they insisting on the right to return to a country they despise? So they can destroy it from within, of course.
  16. Originally posted by t0nythelover us grows enough food to feed the entire world. bet yall didnt know that. yet we still have people starving on the streets. That's funny! All I ever see is fat people running around! (or waddling around) Half of these welfare recipients are morbidly obese! :laugh:
  17. Its funny, all of a sudden, the Arabs want a separate Palestinian state. Isn't that what the plan was back in 1947, and the Arabs rejected it? Is anyone here aware that when Israel first declared itself an independent state, that the neighboring Arab countries told the Palestinians to leave their homes to facilitate the slaughter of the Jews in Israel and destroy the Jewish state? And that when Israel took the new territory, the Arabs that lived there fled? To call these people "refugees" is a bit of a stretch. The Arabs that didn't leave are now Israeli citizens. These dopey Palestinians are dupes being used by the other Arab nations as propaganda fodder to eventually destroy Israel. Why do you think none of these nations will take in these Palestinians? Its to these other nations advantage for the Palastinians to be in refugee camps. As for right of return, I fail to see where there is any. These people left their homes so that the Arabs could more easily kill Jews without spilling any Arab blood in the process, and now they expect the Israelis to roll out the red carpet for them? When countries get attacked by other countries, and subsequently win territory, why are they under any obligation to give it back? Its quite obvious that the Arabs were opposed to Israel because they wanted all of Palestine (and the rest of the middle east for that matter) to be Arab land. They wanted Jerusalem so that they could keep Jews out of the holy sites, which Jordan did when they controlled East Jerusalem. It is also interesting to note, that they keep demanding that Israel revert back to their pre 1967 borders, that that is the only issue. If that is true, why then was the PLO (now euphemistically called the PA) formed in 1964, 3 years before the six day war? Its pretty obvious that they are opposed to a Jewish State. They don't want to share land at all with anyone. Now does anyone REALLY think that Israel going back to the pre 1967 borders is gonna make everything all nice and Brady Bunch-like? Do you REALLY think they are gonna be satisfied with that? What about the right of return? Does anyone really think that they are gonna tolerate living in a Jewish State, that they won't try to topple the government and make it Islamic? I mean COME ON! What about the 1,000,000 Jews that were expelled from their homes in Arab countries as part of the "population exchange, to make room for Palestinians? How come no one talks about that? What about the fact that most of these so called "Palestinians" were actually immigrants from neighboring countries that came there because of the economic oportunity that the Jews brought to the area? For instance, Yasser Arafats family came from Egypt. Yet they all try to act like they were there for centuries or something. Give me a break.
  18. If you're so concerned about starving homeless people, how about letting one of them move into your huge apartment, and you can feed him and take care of him? How about spending some of your hard earned money, instead of just whining that the government should do something? Obviously, you have very little respect for people. You think everyone is a victim, as if no one has free will. Tobacco companies don't kill people. No one puts a gun to anyones head and makes them smoke. People who die from lung cancer have no one to blame but themselves. The same applies to drunks and drug addicts. Its the same stupid attitude that got Twilo closed. Stupid kids who can't handle their drugs or who do GHB die, and Twilo gets the blame. Its fucking bollocks. . We were all born with brains. We all have free will. People have to learn that there are consequences to their actions, instead of constantly cloaking themselves in victimhood. Your entire attitude toward life is just thinly veiled Marxism, except that you just preach but never follow through.
  19. My friend, Mecca is most certainly not a tourist destination. By the way, why are non Muslims not allowed in Mecca? Why can't Jews build synagogues there? Isn't that discrimination? They think they can build their fucking mosques wherever the fuck they want, so why can't churches or synagogues be built there? On the issue of oil, this country buys the bulk of the oil from the Saudis. Why should we not get a deal? Are they going poor because of it? The reason gas is so expensive in Europe is because their socialist governments tax it to death, just like they do everything else. (like their 17% VAT) And nothing can justify sending little kids who don't understand anything to do these Palestinians dirty work. They're just indoctrinating these kids to grow up to be "martyrs" How much brainwashing does it take to blow yourself up? March 03, 2002 Losing my boys in the name of fanaticism Nicky Taylor tells Judith O’Reilly how her three young sons were abducted from Britain by their Muslim father Zamir seemed entirely normal when I met him. I was 18, he was 22, and we met in the pub in Birmingham on a Saturday night. He liked to laugh; he smoked; he drank. Now I think back to those first meetings and ask myself whether there was any indication of the empty-eyed fanatic he would become. My children disappeared on August 23, 1998. Adam would be 12 now, Daniel 11, and Alex 7. On that day, Zam was supposed to drop them off at my mother’s house, but he never turned up. Instead, he flew them from Manchester to Islamabad, along with his new wife, who was nine months’ pregnant at the time. They disappeared into Pakistan without a trace. I wish I could dream about my boys because that at least would be a way of seeing them, but I can’t. I worry all the time that Zamir went to fight in Afghanistan and my children are being brought up to kill westerners. Zamir used to say that if you die fighting for Islam, then you die with a smile on your face. When we met, he worked in sales and I was a student nurse. He was also in the Territorial Army and had a second job in a nightclub and his own house in Birmingham. Within two years I was pregnant with our first child. Zam adored Adam as soon as he was born, but during all our time together I never met or spoke to his parents. When I was pregnant with Daniel, his father saw us in town, turned on his heel and walked away. Apparently we were never spoken of when Zam went home to see them. Things began to go wrong in December 1994. By then, Zam was studying on a computer course. He told me he had met some men and was going to the mosque with them. He stayed out at prayer meetings and told me that he wanted me to wear traditional dress. He stopped the children going to McDonald’s because the burgers were not halal and he banned chicken and smokey bacon crisps. There were to be no more birthday celebrations and he took the children’s baby photographs and their school photographs off the walls. Even our wedding picture had to come down. He also told me we were not really married because the ceremony had been in a register office and only one other Muslim had been present. Christmas was “off” and he expected me to breastfeed Alex till he was seven. He had also become obsessed with Bosnia. When I thought he was reading the boys bedtime stories, I found he was telling them that Bosnia would happen here and they would have to kill people like mummy, nanny and grandad. Daniel, who was four at the time, started building roadblocks outside the house to stop the tanks coming up the road to kill me. Then I found a video on the top of the wardrobe and the boys admitted that before he put them to bed daddy showed them pictures of atrocities. My innocent young children were watching videos of a pregnant woman with her stomach slit open and her baby dead beside her. I couldn’t go on after that and the marriage broke down. Although we had nothing to say to each other any more, I still told myself he was a good father to the boys, and he saw them at weekends. He had his own computer business by then and was bringing in £60,000 a year. He took them away to see friends and I knew they had stayed at “Abu’s house”. The name meant nothing to me. I now know “Abu” was Abu Hamza, the extremist Muslim cleric whose Finsbury Park mosque in north London has also been linked to a number of the British Al-Qaeda suspects. In the months after he left officers came to see me and told me that Zam had known the Yemen Five — British Muslims convicted of a bomb plot against British and American economic targets in Yemen. It also turned out they had interviewed him before he disappeared. All I ever received from Zam was a letter six weeks after he left. He told me he had spent three years planning the abduction and that he did not want his children to be “kaffirs” (unbelievers). I was devastated when I read: “I have made some very good contacts with some people here. They are aware of my situation and are very willing to help us.” He claimed that the children “will have to eventually get used to the fact that they may never see you again”. It went on: “It would have been better for you to have accepted Islam in the past, therefore we would have had a successful future — but it has been ordained that you took the other path.” The uncertainty is the worst thing. I live with overwhelming uncertainty every moment of every day. I don’t know where they are or who is looking after them, whether they are well and if they are happy. They could be starving or they could be chained to a wall in some extremist school. I spend every day on the internet looking for them. I knew nothing about Pakistan or Islam when this nightmare began. Now I just try to understand and find people who could help me. The Pakistani authorities are very helpful and I have nothing but praise for them, but I don’t feel the Foreign Office has done enough, even though the children are British citizens. I remarried and I have two other boys now — Conah, 4, and Louis, 2. Conah and Louis do not know the whole story — just that they have brothers who went on an aeroplane and mummy is trying to find them. When Conah recently turned four, it made me think of Alex. He would have been four in the October of the year he was abducted. All he wanted for his birthday was a Teletubby cake. He never got it. What exactly does American foreign policy have to do with religion? Why do these people say they are fighting for "Islam"
  20. Can someone please explain why it is necessary to have children engaging in this? Is it so that when the children get killed, the whole world will be angry that the Israelis murdered some "innocent" children?
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