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Everything posted by dusted

  1. A few disillusioned jerks? You gotta be kidding me. You are an ostrich, with your head in the sand.
  2. There is very little crime because these barbarians cut your hands off if you so much as steal something. Furthermore, if it is so modern and sophisticated like you said, then what are they all whining about? Why are they all crying poverty?
  3. Ok, I'll make it real easy for you. From where do these Muslims derive the right to come to the United States?
  4. Check the link. As you will see, Islam does not allow Muslims to assimilate into any other cultures.
  5. And you didn't answer the question. Just because immigrants come here doesn't mean they have a God given right to come here.
  6. Let me ask you this: do I have a God given right to live and work in France?
  7. Oh, and by the way, what did you say when these people were insulting you and your country? I would bet money that you were cowed into agreeing with them, when you should tell them to fuck off, cause anyone who shows such outright disrespect for you is not your friend.
  8. You know what. I think Europeans are extremely ill mannered to say something like that to an American. Would you say something like that to them? If you were just meeting an English person, would you say to them "Why doesn't your fucking country get the fuck out of Northern Ireland"? Or if you were meeting a German, would you bring up the Holocaust? I don't think so. These people are nothing but a bunch of ungrateful pricks. We saved their sorry asses more times than they care to remember. Thats really what their problem is. They are just jealous of the fact that we have more money and more power than they do. We don't need them at all. They really should keep their fucking mouths shut.
  9. Well heres a question to your question: Why do they think they have a God given right to come here in the first place?
  10. No, sorry. You won't be dead. You'll be alive, and praying to Allah all day long. Cause thats whats gonna happen if our government doesn't do something. Everywhere Muslims get a majority, they try to impose Islamic law. And there are billions of Muslims who are actively infiltrating America, Europe (you know the city of Marseilles in France now has a Muslim majority) Canada, Asia and even South America. Now do you really think they want to live under a secular govt.?
  11. FYI: There is no such thing as a non-tyrannical Muslim government. There is no such thing as democracy in the Muslim world.
  12. There are Americans there, aren't there?
  13. Yeah and why don't we all bend over and suck Arab cock?
  14. http://www.azzam.sh/ Damn fucking A right it ain't gonna happen. Israel is the only Jewish State and the only democracy in the entire Arab world, and it's surrounded by Arabs who want to see it destroyed. Colonel Khadafi was saying that the only way the Arabs would recognize a Jewish State is if it were in Alaska. It is nothing more than good old fashioned Jew hating. These people are barbarians. I can't believe that Israel hasn't blown these fucks off the map by now. Why not read some Arab propaganda, like the link above, and maybe then you'll begin to see the big picture.
  15. Such wonderful peoplehttp://www.africancrisis.org/default2.asp check out the photo gallery
  16. No, they are not accurate, and either way, if he believes them to be accurate, then he should practice what he preaches and not wear Nikes. He is living the same lifestyle that he was railing about. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. The things that he and a few others said really pissed me off. This country is so fucking full of spoiled little brats that don't realize how good they have it, and that the reason we have it so good is because we have our act together, unlike these other shitholes that don't and never will because they are so fucking ignorant. Here he is whining about children working in factories, doesn't he realize that thats the way they do things in the third world? That children don't have rights in the third world? Or should America force our laws and customs down their throats? This country is the one that invented the God damned labor movement and child labor laws. This country was at the helm of every damn movement in the world- civil rights, anti slavery, womans rights, etc. The rest of the world is so far behind, they are never ever going to catch up. The Arab world is so bogged down in religion, and authoritarianism. That, in the final analysis, is their biggest problem, not the US.
  17. So then what the fuck are they all complaining about? Why don't they take some of that oil money and use it to improve the lot of all the Muslim people? Oh, and their oil wouldn't mean shit if it wasn't for America. After all, we buy most of it. Basically, their money is American money, so they should shut the fuck up.
  18. Whatsa matter, doesn't Exit have a roof?
  19. I haven't said any lies about you. I have only given my opinion, based upon statements you made. Everything I've said falls within the bounds of free speech. But I'll let you off the hook, since its upsetting you so much.
  20. All right. Its your choice, but I hope you think about this when you're lying in bed tonight. Think about how this great country allows you to live in a beautiful comfortable apartment, that billions of people would gladly trade places with you. And admit to yourself that if anyone tried to take it all away, to turn this country into a third world cesspool, you would kill them.
  21. Your girlfriend, I certainly hope.
  22. Such violence! What about freedom of speech? Why can't I give my opinion?
  23. I think it would behoove TonytheLover to renounce all the terrible things he said about America.
  24. Not guilt. The feeling of having put ones foot in ones mouth. See, when you post something like that on a message board, people remember it, and tend to bring it up at inconvienent moments, such as when friends are boasting about the amazing pad you have on the upper east side with the gorgeous view. A pad so amazing that your friend almost dropped a load in his pants. If you were really sincere about what you said about America, then you shouldn't aspire to live so luxuriously, when your fellow man in the middle east is living in such squalor.
  25. I thought you said you had a concience.
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