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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. sounds like you're giving yourself a plug !!!
  2. i thought the movie was really GOOD - you just don't know what you are talking about !!!
  3. nah .... we are just friends !!!
  4. oops - the picture didn't show up !!!
  5. NO WAY - mr. pickles is the cutest little thing alive !!! look at this picture - it's better
  6. age doesn't matter - it's all a state of mind !!!
  7. well it's good to see we agree on something have a good weekend !!
  8. his new job is to count how many fags bang him in the hiney and report it to the nj census bureau !!!! :hump:
  9. sam champion didn't give me the weather report, he gave it your mom and she told me !!! hey - did you just fart ?? ..... i thought i heard an asshole ..... i'm glad you're going to see SIGNS - you'll like it it's a GOOD FLICK !!!
  10. i have a PINK corvette and also a SAFARI JEEP !!!
  11. i turned my air off last night too - well actually since tuesday it has been off me and my roomates have had those things running for days, do you have any idea how expensive the electric bill gets ?? put a window fan in - it gets freezing at night and you don't get stuffy like you do with ac YAY - it's FRIDAY !!!
  12. i work in the MATTEL FACTORY - they make these little blonde dolls there that are just like ME !!! i overlook the final work - stamp MATTEL on the asses of them and then push them out the door !!! ;)
  13. wait - isn't that a GAY CLUB ?? be nice to the new guy, he just wants to make some friends !!!
  14. for the first time in CP HISTORY - i have NO FU's !!! after 5pm today i am OFF for the next 10 days and on VACATION i can not wait to soak up the sun and have fun !!! oh and i love my new little shih-tzu !!!
  15. it's my FAVORITE time of the year !!! :) :) :)
  16. i was 17 and my friends snuck me into the old MELODY in new brunswick ... i tried to be a champ and keep up with them. about a bottle later of goldschlager i found myself spinning and sitting on the floor in a corner puking on myself .... to make matters worse when we left i couldn't hold it, i had to pee so bad i dropped my pants right outside the bar - now try explaining to your parents why they have to pick up there 17 year old drunk daughter at the police station at 3am on a school night, not FUN !! :puke:
  17. if you wanna put a hit out on him - i know peeps !!! :blown:
  18. perns - you HOOKER, where do you find the time ??? me i'd say it varies .... sometimes 10, sometimes 0 it depends on our schedules and how tired we are when we finally get to spend time together !!!
  19. you souldn't keep re-filling the same bottle bacteria grows and so does mold, even if you can't see it it is very dangerous and you should try to drink out of a different bottle and never let the water sit in the container !!
  20. the ending was okay i guess - i would much rather have had the ground open up and swallow the house whole but you know those things never happen .... it's always a HAPPY ending !!!
  21. i have the plan .... let's get BIG GUNS - walk inside be like HEY GIVE ME ALL YOUR $$$ and then run outside where somebody is waiting with the get away car:tank: and then go to IBIZA to
  22. hi perns baby - PICKLES IS AWESOME !! i took him to the LEASH FREE dog park this weekend and he was running around like a CRAZY GUY - he had so much FUN !! then went to PET SMART and i got him a bunch more toys and snacks ... he is so GOOD and i am so HAPPY that i got him. when are you going to come visit him ??
  23. are you sure cause it seems more like you thought you were on LOVE CONNECTION not clubplanet ?? or is this really CHUCK WOOLERY playing a joke on BARBIE ??
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