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Everything posted by barbiegirl

  1. since nobody else has started it yet .... here goes !!! F you to this god damn weather that is ruining my weekends at the beach .... FU to cramps, uuuughhhhh .... FU to working FRIDAYS and a big FU to garbage trucks that wake you up in the morning an hour and a half before you really need to be up !!!! hope everyone has a FABULOUS weekend !!!!! love, BARBIEGIRL
  2. donkeyboy - i've been to mexico before and yes they have good clubs but they are NOT at all the BEST around !! if you like them so much and you think that jersey sucks so bad why don't you take your jackass self to the MEXICO board !!!
  3. the two of us may go down saturday but just to sandy hook to lay out - we like to eat lunch at a place right over there. sunday is fathers day and i think we are both going fishing with our families NEXT WEEKEND though !!! how about you ?
  4. YOU GO GIRL !!! yeah - alright - yeah - alright , shake your BON-BON baby !!
  5. hey perns - that sounds like a cute idea too !!!
  6. if you're really upset about the fact that we both had the SAME IDEA - then i would say you're the CHEESE, not me !! seriously - get over it, it's a message board !! what's the big deal anyway ??
  7. my best friend had her bachlorette party at the shore 2 years ago. we went to the tiki bar, and then to jenkinsons. it was a mixed group of girls (most of them not clubbers) but we still had a great time. the tiki bar had an awesome band and jenks had a pretty good band too !!! i made her a t-shirt that said suck for a buck !!! i sewed about 50 life savers on it - she made about $85 bucks it was so much FUN !!!
  8. i was in a bridal party this past october and we were announced to that song by DERB !! not only that but the groom did about a 15 minute show with glow sticks during the reception ... it was an AWESOME wedding !! and the looks on the faces of the older relatives - CLASSIC !!!
  9. that SUCKS !! could you imagine ?? just don't cheat and you don't have any problems !! it's really simple if you ask me and in all reality, if you even suspect that shit, why even stay with the guy - he is probably a LOSER to begin with anyway !!
  10. have any of you ever heard WAR OF THE ROSES on KTU ?? that has got to be the funniest shit ever !! they call your boyfriend or girlfriend and tell them that they won a free delivery of roses and that all they need from them is an address and name of who they want to send them to - the people do it to find out if there significant other is cheating on them and to see where they send the flowers !!! this morning some chick flipped cause her guy said some other chick ... they were fighting on the radio and it turned out to be his grandma !!! it was soooooo FUNNY !!! :laugh:
  11. i heard on stern once that a couple filmed themselves live on the net bangin' and they made $70K in 3 months !! that might be an idea !!
  12. i was hoping for a relaxing saturday at the beach with my honey but it looks like it might be raining ..... mother f'er !!! :mad:
  13. HOLY JESUS MARY MOTHER OF GOD !!!! ... i hope somebody has an ARC built ....
  14. it's 3pm on Wednesday afternoon and i'm sitting at my desk reading financial reports ..... GET ME OUT OF HERE PLEASE !!! i would rather be anywhere right now than here - i would even pick dmv in trenton over this place !! i need a vacation !!! so - where would you rather be right his moment ??
  15. don't sign me up - i happen to think that their threads/posts are the ONLY excitement going on, on the board these days !!!
  16. sorry about what happened to you - i had my purse stolen once and it SUCKED, you feel so violated !!! i can't believe nobody saw anything that's too weird !!!
  17. i bet it's a publicity stunt !!! though i hope it's not they look good together !!
  18. tyson will win but only because lewis is probably going to lose a limb !!!
  19. i might go to the surf club sunday - but i'm not sure yet tommorow i am going to the portugese festival in newark, GREAT food and AWESOME sangria !!! how about you ?
  20. i guess if you look at it that way - you're probably right !
  21. knock him out - NO !! bite a limb off - YES !!
  22. like when jim carey had asparagus in his mouth and was like, do i have anything in my teeth ?? :laugh:
  23. my weekly FU goes out to people who are insensitive, to the people who think nothing about themselves and their selfish ways. it goes out to liars and to pig-headed people. also to people who are just to pride stricken to ever admit that they are wrong and even when they do finally admit, FU for still not choosing to do anything about it !!! p.s. i LOVE mangos, that is so funny cause that always happens to me too
  24. i hate work today - i just want to be home and in bed flipping through the tube eating bon-bons !!! i'm taking an extended lunch screw this work shit today - i just want OUT !!!
  25. so basically what you are saying is that if somebody walked up to you and punched you dead in the face for no reason what so ever that you wouldn't punch them back ?? BULL FEATHERS - if you say no because you would. it's almost like a reflex, it's self defense so YES, two wrongs don't make a right but you know what sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do !!
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