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Everything posted by jy

  1. eyes captivate me.. you can read so much from someones eyes. a guy must be into sports or athletic in someway which shows me he's active, he's got to be smart and intelligent and know more than just going out, popping pills and going clubbing. a guy who takes good care of himself, is honest and realistic about what he wants from life and knows how to treat a guy right is my idea of a captivating man.
  2. jy

    i just can't be nice

    it all came to an end tonight..
  3. jy

    LAUGH OR cry!

    lol :laugh:
  4. i hope you had a good time
  5. jy

    Picky, Picky

    you're soooooooooooooo right
  6. jy

    Attn: Misk

    no no your not too late. I called her back today and I told her that I would do her hair but that i was warning her ahead of time that the results could not be as she expected. So we both decided that we're going to go for the red highlights instead of the blond (it'll be impossible to lift her color, the black is practically cooked into her hair). So yeah i'm going to try and lift her color with 40vol level 10 blonde and hope for the best because she told me that underneath the black is bleach.. and she just told me that she used to bleach the whole head once every two weeks... i'm surprised this girl still has hair.. so wish me luck lol oh yeah and the matrix redlights are really cool. I did them to myself to see the results and I was pretty impressed. I used to manic panick my hair (pillerboxred) once every three days and this product is pretty low maintenance. i've done it twice in the last 6 weeks.. thanks for the info babe
  7. jy

    eh im dying...

    go to a doctor!!!!!!
  8. jy

    Hickeys make me

    they just want everyone to know they got some...
  9. i agree completely.. relationships involve both good and bad.
  10. jy


    reality continues to ruin our lives.
  11. I agree completely. There is this girl at school who's probably 5'0 tall and about 200lbs.. now i used to be a little heavier back in the day but still nowhere close to 200 and i didn't have the courage to walk around with those tight half shirts. this girl walks around with all her rolls hanging out, now i'm not talking a shirt thats just too tight and you can see the mounds through the material i'm talking a half shirt where everything just hangs right out.. she's got a belly ring too and when she walks around she does it on purpose to hike that shirt just a little higher so she can play with it.. it's fucking gross../
  12. yeah thats if the person you're telling cares enough to listen and do something about it..
  13. im going through the exact same thing right now.. it just sucks.. there isn't anything you can do about it.. you can't let the person go because you love them and sometimes you ask yourself why you stay because they make you sooo damn mad.
  14. jy

    <~~~ moron

    LOL :laugh:
  15. i hope you feel better soon babe
  16. jy


    very good way of putting it i hope so too!
  17. its hard when you hate to love someone.
  18. noooooooooooooooooooooooo we got practically no snow this year and now its going to start.. wtf?
  19. jy

    Attn: Misk

    got a hair question for you babe I have a customer tomorrow who's go jet black hair, she's been dying it black for about a year and she came to me on Saturday wanting blond or red streaks. all the other stylists refused to touch her hair because she told us that she has bleach underneath the black along with a perm which she straightens daily. now here's my question for you.. is there anything i can use other than bleach to lighten her hair. because i know that her hair can't handle the bleach and would most probably break. it's pretty short to start off with (about to the shoulders) and is pretty damaged to begin with. I was thinking of putting a level 10 super blond at 40 vol peroxide to bring her color up to maybe a level 4 or so and then put the red toner after.. just wondering if you had any suggestions..
  20. what are LSATS????
  21. jy

    Marisa Ryan...

    yeah thats not the chick i found.. the one i found was blond.
  22. jy


    i agree.. just one thing tho.. their "relationshio" isn't your problem to worry about. If they're not even a couple and he's sacrificing like this for her then just fuck it and walk away... it's really not worth these headaches for you.
  23. jy


    not really i have terrible insomnia that gets a little worse around spring time. I sleep for two hours at a time i've been up since 2:00 a.m i think..
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