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Everything posted by embodiedhate

  1. I think everyone needs to start having unprotected sex with the scummiest club hewas they can find. There's a reason they call it population control, you know.
  2. I love all the girlies, tall or short, big or small.
  3. I wholeheartedly concur. Clubland doesn't produce the best PEOPLE period. Male or female.
  4. Listen to this fatass, he knows what hes talking about.
  5. The ones that bite you in the darkness, are from your own soul.
  6. The reason his fatness should be ample reason to deny him life is because he doesn't have the simple self-respect to keep himself in shape. I am by no means an adonis, but I do make an effort to keep my weight stable and at least be healthy. It allows me the luxury of actually enjoying life, unlike a guy like him who's very presence puts people on edge. And don't for a minute tell me you haven't looked in horror at someone like him and wondered in your mind how someone that large and that slow and that morbid could possibly want to continue with life. THAT is why I hate him along with the fact that he's a shit talker who claims to "know" alot of shit about alot of shit and in reality, knows nothing. He's a fraud, a phony and fat to boot. He spews SHIT from his mouth and allows his being to waste in the face of everything life gives him. Now you look at that kid and ask yourself "Wouldn't it be better if he was dead?" The answer is yes and I'd think he'd agree with me. Do ya? Fatass! (Oh that's right, he's not gonna answer, cause he's so painfully "diplomatic" as evidenced by his posts... remember, the fat guy can NEVER get angry.)
  7. Oh you'll get yours. Remember this fatass: There's always tomorrow, ALWAYS TOMORROW. And I will be there. I will be there when you're sad, I'll be there when you hurt!! I will be the last fucking thing you see in this life before you pass on forever, and I will be LAUGHING AT YOUR PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A LIFE. Every time your fatass pusses out cause you won't talk to the girl, I WILL BE THERE. Every time you cram that extra slice of cake in your worthless whale hole of a mouth I WILL FUCKING BE THERE. YOU THINK YOU WON BECAUSE YOU GOT ME ANGRY? I AM HATE AND I OWN YOU YOU WORTHLESS FAT FUCK!!!
  8. Right Ok then, if it is, then tell me what I'd be jealous about?
  9. Oh It is my outlet, and yes I do indeed know it's stupid. I'm just doing it cause I hate that guy. I don't really know why, I just do. His existence is disgusting to me and should be eliminated before he infects anyone else with his presence. It would give me no more joy in life then to see him broken on the floor, crying like a child. THAT IS MY GOAL.
  10. why, you have something better to occupy your time with doughboy?
  11. You know, I really can't understand why you're not siding with me in the mutual hate for phuturephunk. Yeah, I bashed you, but I think we can find a common enemy in him, no?
  12. You're exactly right, now lets all join in and bash the shit out of Phuturephunk.
  13. SEE!! You hate them too, now join in the bashing of Phuturephunk.
  14. A great loss to humanity, let me tell you...
  15. You could cook a pot roast in that thing!
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