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Everything posted by elitesnautica

  1. Oh. One more thing. What the hell do you mean by "your shins are splinted"??? Do you even know what shin splints are??? Or shall I educate you. btw, It is quite obvious that you have read an article in Cosmo or some other magazine. Just keep in mind, the sole purpose of them including articles in their magazines is to sell more magazines and not to improve the readers health or life. Nautica
  2. Which do you think is a bigger concern, especially for females??? A torn ACL or Osteoporosis. A torn ACL, which is extrememly unlikely from running, b/c its only purpose is to stabilize the knee from moving left and right. Osteoporosis is a major concern and one way to help prevent is through running, the pounding you speak of, actually stimulates osteoblast to lay down new bone. Don't get me wrong, I am not recommending anyone to be a marathon runner, but then again, most of them lead extremely healthy lives and some even compete after the age of 70. An age when most of the power walkers have already died off. Nautica
  3. Looked to me like a girl who had been picked up at a donkey show across the border. Nautica
  4. Why dont people party at their house??? Anyway, last week I was staying at an extremely nice embassy suites. Fire alams went off at 3 am and the hotel had to be cleared. Fire department, police, ect.. showed up. Come to find out they were having a party in the room smokin crack and somehow set the alarms off. I am sure they were fucked. But at the time I was hoping they would be because I had not slept in two days and the fucks cost me a nights sleep. Nautica
  5. Walking is for wimps but running with weights is for idiots. Running is fine but adding weights can cause problems. Save the weights for the weight room. Nautica
  6. Yes, they do. But most will at least open their eyes. Nautica
  7. Yes, they do. But most will at least open their eyes. Nautica
  8. "and to say that govermnet lied about drugs . is a bit strech for me .. (i know you did not say that but i heard people saying it) .. i mean why would the gov say it is illegal if it should be . someone needs to convince me .. " You are either extremely young or extremely naive. I hope you are happy in the world you have chosen to live, b/c it is not reality. Nautica
  9. "and to say that govermnet lied about drugs . is a bit strech for me .. (i know you did not say that but i heard people saying it) .. i mean why would the gov say it is illegal if it should be . someone needs to convince me .. " You are either extremely young or extremely naive. I hope you are happy in the world you have chosen to live, b/c it is not reality. Nautica
  10. On the surface this sounds like a stupid questions. But, I have seen a few studies that show that localized fat burning is possible. But (again) I seriously doubt any body would complete the amount of reps neccessary for this to happen in reality. Nautica
  11. "human grade"???? According to who??? Nautica
  12. Here is where you are completely wrong. Once the ester is cleaved from the testoserone, all test is the same with the exactly same side effects. The reason for more water retention is either you have two much test built up in your system or it stays in your system longer so the water retention will remain up. An easy remedy is anti-e's. Like the others have mentioned, you probably need to do some research, and remember 98% of the people on the internet are freaks and the other 2% lie about it. So, medical journals and books will be your best source of info, then you will know who to listen to on the net. Nautica
  13. I seriously doubt it is much different than any other diet pills. That is probable why there is a lack of responses. B/c they have all been tried and none work. What are the ingredients???? Nautica
  14. Does an avatar count as a pic? Nautica
  15. Yes, I figured that. Have you had to have some removed or is it just under producing. Also, why T4 and not T3 or a combination of the 2. I thought that most all doctors have switched to a combination by now??? Nautica
  16. My prayers are with you and his family. Nautica
  17. You doc has you only on T4 and not a mixture of T4/T3??? btw, if you don't mind me asking, why has he prescribed this for you? Nautica
  18. No. I was only being sarcastic when I mentioned DNP. It is not an alternative, especially for females. Major side effects are cataracts and death. Nautica
  19. No, I think we are saying "diet" and "training" are the keys, not speed. Nautica
  20. No diet pills work, except for the one I mentioned. (50% boost in metabolism). But not recommened. The best results from ephedra are 3% increase in metabolism and now pills do not even contain this so you are looking at probably less than a percent, which most likely your metabolism will adjust for over time anyway. And when you stop, the adjustment in metabolism will cause an increase in weight. Nautica
  21. It is used as an anti-estrogen, but not a very good one. Nautica
  22. Nice, I need to store that one in my data base. Nautica
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